Module corresponding the command itl file. |
A module to read the aspera event file |
Parse itl formatted string. |
VEX/NPI background proxy module |
Define the NPD packet / data structure. |
Netcdf files of NPD |
Handling proton ghost. |
MEX/IMA science data, providing the count rate data access |
Response function. |
IMA extra data file access |
Official implementation of raw data access. |
Calculate mass ring number from energy and mass. |
IRF version (official version) of moment file reader. |
MEX/IMA background proxy module |
Geometric factors for MEX/IMA. |
Energy table for MEX/IMA |
IMA mode. |
Solar wind related module. |
Post acceleration |
Science data tree (raw count Mat files) for MEX/IMA. |
Unified table definitions |
FOV module for IMA |
IMA science data utility. |
IMA extra processing module. |
Provide 'matplotlib patches'. |
Collection of functions creating IMA quicklook panels |
IMA science data, providing the count rate data access |
Common functionality and data structures for IMA extra datasets. |
MEX/VEX IMA background data as proxy of SEP |
IMA/ICA mode for MEX, VEX, and Rosetta. |
Utilities for science (raw count) matrix of IMA. |
IMA science packet emulation |
A collection of axis methods. |
MAG data module. |
MAG data (1s data from PSA) module. |
MEX/ELS data accessor |
MEX/ELS with the data center support. |
Enery table of MEX/ELS |
Calibration information obtained from PDS |
A module of MEX/ELS flux. |
Backend of NPI data set. |
MEX/VEX NPI background data as proxy of SEP |
WIND module |
DD module. |
Defines common exceptions. |
Check the installed version is consistent to the library, and warn if not. |
Data access for VEX/NPD |
The module provide access data through the official ELS data set for VEX. |
VEX/ELS with the "data center" support. |
ELS energy module. |
ELS mode related module. |
Access to differential number flux data of VEX/ELS. |
Field of view of ELS. |
Implementation of K-factor. |
Module for g-factor. |
ELS related time module. |
The energy table for VEX/ELS. |
The module to calculate energy resolution. |
Calculation of flux, see Section 10 in VEX/ELS bible. |
MEX pvat information. |
Domain of the spacecraft |
Frame conversion for MEX. |
MEX spice related module |
Module for orbit number |
Mars Express PVAT related plotting. |
VEX pvat information. |
Domain of the spacecraft |
More sophisticated pvat retriever. |
VEX spice related module |
Frame conversion module for VEX using SPICE. |
Module for orbit number |
Most of the functions assumes the |
MEX/NPI background proxy module |
Backend of MEX/NPI dataset. |
VEX/IMA science data, providing the count rate data file access |
Response function for VEX/IMA. |
IMA extra data file access. |
Another (new) implementation of raw data access. |
Calculate mass ring number from energy and mass in Vex IMA Bible. |
IRF-produced calibrated IMA files. |
G-factor of Vex/IMA |
VEX/IMA background proxy module |
Energy table for VEX/IMA. |
IMA mode. |
Science data tree (raw count Mat files) |
VEX tables |
Field of view of VEX/IMA |
IMA science data utility. |
A module to read the aspera-3 event file |
Calculate the IMA status from event file |