
Provide ‘matplotlib patches’.

irfpy.mima.ql.patches.BlockedFov(kind, phase=0, **kwds)[source]

Return a patch that represents the blocked angle

Blocked FOV is returned as a patch. Usual work flow is

b0 = BlockedFov('angle', phase=0, facecolor='black')
b1 = BlockedFov('angle', phase=1, facecolor='black')


plt.xlim(-22.5, 337.5)   # This is for azim0 to 15.
plt.ylim(-90, 90)        # Full elevation angle

Here one may want to add two or more shapes, since the azimuthal angle is periodic, and not necessarily coincide the boundary angle. (e.g. where the plot start? 0 deg? -22.5 deg (=CH-0)? or -180 deg?)

  • kind – Kind of returned values. - “index” or “number” is for the instrument index (looking angle) - “angle” is for the angle in IMA’s frame (elevation-azimuthal pair)

  • phase – A number that specify the phase. - If phase=0 as default, the returned index is in the range of [-8.5 to 1.5] (or corresponding angles). - If phase=1, the returned index is in the range of [7.5 to 17.5] or corresponding angles).

  • **kwds

    Any keyword that are fed into matplotlib.pathces.Polygon