Tutorial of sphere tessellationΒΆ

A sphere is tessellated by multiple trinagle: This is tessellation.

Instance the class irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere.TessellatedSphere You can specify the number of the dimension, ndim, as an argument.

If ndim is 0, the sphere is tessellated by icosahedron, and with one incrementation of ndim each triangle is splitted into 4.

>>> from irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere import TessellatedSphere
>>> sphere = TessellatedSphere(ndim=4)

Each triangle can be get by

>>> tris = sphere.getTriangles()

tris is a tuple of irfpy.util.triangle.Triangle.

A sample script file can be downloaded from scripts/tessellate_plot.py.

With this script, you can get image like


See also irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere.