=============================== Tutorial of sphere tessellation =============================== A sphere is tessellated by multiple trinagle: This is tessellation. Instance the class :class:`irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere.TessellatedSphere` You can specify the number of the dimension, *ndim*, as an argument. If *ndim* is 0, the sphere is tessellated by icosahedron, and with one incrementation of *ndim* each triangle is splitted into 4. >>> from irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere import TessellatedSphere >>> sphere = TessellatedSphere(ndim=4) Each triangle can be get by >>> tris = sphere.getTriangles() *tris* is a ``tuple`` of :class:`irfpy.util.triangle.Triangle`. A sample script file can be downloaded from :download:`scripts/tessellate_plot.py <../../../src/scripts/tessellate_plot.py>`. With this script, you can get image like .. image:: ../images/tessellation_ndim4.png See also :mod:`irfpy.util.tessellatedsphere`.