Stefan-Boltzmann relation
For black body, the integral of radiation spectrum will follow the stefan boltzmann relation. This should be confirmed.
''' Stefan-Boltzmann relation
For black body, the integral of radiation spectrum will follow
the stefan boltzmann relation.
This should be confirmed.
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import irfpy.util.constant as k
import irfpy.util.planck as pl
def main():
'''Main script'''
temperature = 5800.
bb = pl.BlackBodyMksa(temperature) # A black body.
wavelens = np.linspace(200, 4000, 3801) * 1e-9 # in m
dwl = wavelens[1] - wavelens[0] # in m
spectral_radiance = bb.Blambda(wavelens) # in W/m2 m sr
plt.plot(wavelens / 1e-9, spectral_radiance * 1e-9)
plt.title('Black Body T=%g' % temperature)
plt.xlabel('Wavelength, nm')
plt.ylabel('Spectral radiance, W/m2 nm sr')
### Numerical integral in energy direction
integral_radiance = (spectral_radiance * dwl).sum()
### In solid angle direction
integral_radiance = np.pi * integral_radiance
print('Integral Raidance (numerical) = %e W/m2' % integral_radiance)
### From Stefan-Boltzmann
integral_radiance2 = k.stefan_boltzmann_constant * temperature ** 4
print('Integral Raidance (formula) = %e W/m2' % integral_radiance2)
if __name__ == "__main__":