A sample to sliced Maxwell
''' A sample to sliced Maxwell
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as r
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def theory(n, vth, vb_abs, theta):
coeff0 = (2 * np.pi * vth * vth) ** (1.5)
return lambda v: n / coeff0 * np.exp(-(v * v - 2 * v * vb_abs * np.cos(theta) + vb_abs ** 2) / (2 * vth * vth))
def oblique(vbulk, vslice, vth, n, nv=20, rv=0.1, vlim=[-10, 10]):
# Bulk velocity
vb = np.array(vbulk)
vb_abs = np.sqrt((vb * vb).sum())
# Direction of the slice vector
v = np.array(vslice)
lenv = np.sqrt((v * v).sum())
v = v / lenv # Normalized now.
print('v = ', v, lenv)
# Angle
vdotvb = (v * vb).sum()
vdotvb = vdotvb / vb_abs
theta = np.arccos(vdotvb)
print('angle = ', theta * 180. / np.pi)
# Allowance of determination
rv2 = rv * rv
vol = (rv ** 3) * np.pi * 4. / 3.
# First, determine the distribution
vi = r.standard_normal([n, 3])
vi = vi * vth # Spread by the thermal velocity
vi = vi + vb
# Then, slice is simulated. V axis prepared.
vax = np.linspace(vlim[0], vlim[1], nv)
# Blank array to save the results.
f_v = np.zeros_like(vax)
for idx, absv in enumerate(vax):
vecv = v * absv # A velocity vector corresponding to the absv.
vdiff = vi - vecv # Distance to each particles., n,3 shape
absvdiff = (vdiff * vdiff).sum(1) # Square distance, n shape
# Check whether the particle is close enough to the observation point.
n_insphere = len(np.where(absvdiff < rv2)[0])
dens_insphere = n_insphere / vol
f_v[idx] = dens_insphere
print(idx, absv, f_v[idx])
# Theory calculation.
vax2 = np.linspace(vlim[0], vlim[1], nv*100) # Prepare v axis
th = theory(n, vth, vb_abs, theta) # Prepare corresponding function
return (vax, f_v), (vax2, th(vax2))
def main():
vb = (1, 3, 2)
vs = (3, 1, 4)
vth = 1.9
n = 2000000
tpart, theor = oblique(vb, vs, vth, n)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(tpart[0], tpart[1], 'bo')
ax.plot(theor[0], theor[1], 'b-', label='42.8 deg')
# Second case
vs = (1, 3, 2) # 0 degree slice
tpart, theor = oblique(vb, vs, vth, n)
ax.plot(tpart[0], tpart[1], 'ro')
ax.plot(theor[0], theor[1], 'r-', label='0.0 deg')
# Thrd case
vs = (4, -2, 1) # 90 degree slice
tpart, theor = oblique(vb, vs, vth, n)
ax.plot(tpart[0], tpart[1], 'go')
ax.plot(theor[0], theor[1], 'g-', label='90.0 deg')
ax.set_ylabel('Particles per volume')
if __name__ == '__main__':
retval = main()