A sample to check the slicing maxwelling
''' A sample to check the slicing maxwelling
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.random as r
def main():
n = 1000000
vth = 5
# Make test particles.
vall = r.standard_normal([n, 3])
vall = vall * vth
# Slice. Only take |vy| <= 0.5 and |vz| <= 0.5, then dvydvz = 1
threslice = 0.5
vslice = []
for i in range(n):
if np.abs(vall[i, 1]) <= threslice and np.abs(vall[i, 2]) <= threslice:
vslice.append(vall[i, :])
vslice = np.array(vslice)
# vslice[:, 0] should follow the sliced 1-D maxwellian.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(vslice[:, 0], range=[-20, 20], bins=40)
# Theoretical expectation
xs = np.linspace(-20, 20, 400)
theory1 = lambda v: n * (2 * np.pi * vth * vth) ** (-3./2.) * np.exp(-v * v / 2 / vth / vth)
ys = [theory1(ix) for ix in xs]
ax.plot(xs, ys)
ax.set_title('3D maxwell sliced to 1D')
ax.set_xlabel('v [m/s]')
ax.set_ylabel('f(v) [s^3/m^6]')
return vall, vslice
if __name__ == '__main__':
retval = main()