
Defines surface interaction frame

The definition:

Sufrace interaction frame is the Cartesian, defined by the two vector.

  • The primary vector, which is usually the normal of surface, is referred by z_s.

  • The secondary vector, which is usually the velocity vector of the projectile, defines (+x_s, z_s).

irfpy.util.surface.conversion_matrix_surf2glob(primary_vector, secondary_vector)[source]

Get the conversion matrix from the surface frame to global frame


The primary vector, usually the surface normal vector, expressed in the global coordinates.


The secondary vector, usually the incoming projectile velocity vector, expressed in the global coordinates.

An example follows.

Assume the location of the north pole. The projectile as solar wind.

>>> norpol = [0, 0, 2400]
>>> swvel = [-400, 0, 0]
>>> matrix = conversion_matrix_surf2glob(norpol, swvel)

In this case, the conversion matrix is [[-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]].

>>> print(matrix)   
[[-1.  0.  0.]
 [ 0. -1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  1.]]

Let the location at the -45 deg in the noon meridian, with the projectile as solar wind.

>>> pos = [1, 0, -1]
>>> matrix = conversion_matrix_surf2glob(pos, swvel)

The surface normal vector ([0, 0, 1] in the surface coordinates) will be parallel to the position:

>>> print([0, 0, 1]))
[ 0.70710678  0.         -0.70710678]

The x axis in the surface coordiantes shall be z_glob=(0,0,0), while x_glob=(-.707, 0, -.707), and y_glob=0.

>>> print([1, 0, 0]))
[-0.70710678  0.         -0.70710678]
irfpy.util.surface.conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(longitude, latitude)[source]

Return the conversion matrix normal-sun reference.

The normal-sun-reference frame is, regardless of the name, is widely used frame defined as follows.

  • z axis as the local zenith

  • x axis as opposite from the “Sun” (more precisely, [-1, 0, 0] in the global frame)

  • y axis completes.

  • latitude – Latitude in degrees.

  • longitude – Logitude in degrees.

Let the observer at the north pole.

>>> cMat = conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(0, 90)
>>> print(cMat)
[[-1.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  6.123234e-17]
 [ 0.000000e+00 -1.000000e+00  0.000000e+00]
 [ 6.123234e-17  0.000000e+00  1.000000e+00]]

Let’s put the observer at S45 Lon=0.

>>> cMat = conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(0, -45)
>>> print([0, 0, 1]))
[ 0.70710678  0.         -0.70710678]
>>> print([1, 0, 0]))
[-0.70710678  0.         -0.70710678]

Don’t put the observer at the exact subsolar !

class irfpy.util.surface.lonlattuple(lon, lat)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of lonlattuple(lon, lat)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class irfpy.util.surface.meshtuple(c, b, d, dOmega)

Bases: tuple

Named tuple for mesh.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3

irfpy.util.surface.meshes(nLon=360, nLat=180, radian=False, flatten=False, centerLon=0)[source]

Return 2d arrays, representing the center, bound, and delta for the longitude/latitude mesh in degrees.

  • nLon – Number of longitude bin. Longitude covers from -180 to 180 deg.

  • nLat – Number of latitude bin. Latitude covers from -90 to +90 deg.

  • radian – Return the value in radian if True.

  • flatten – Flatten the results into 1D.

  • centerLon – The center longitude. Usually it is 0.


A namedtuple for mesh grid (c, d, b, dOmega). - c is the center of the grid, lonlattuple object. - b is the boundary of the grid, lonlattuple object. - d is the delta, lonlattuple object. - dOmega is the steradian.

You can get the mesh as follows.

>>> cLon = meshes().c.lon   # Obtain the center longtidue mesh.
>>> print(cLon.shape)
(360, 180)
>>> bLat = meshes()   # Obtains the boundary latitude mesh.
>>> print(bLat.shape)
(361, 181)

You can also obtain the data at once.

>>> (cLon, cLat), (bLon, bLat), (dLon, dLat), dOmega = meshes()
>>> print(cLon.shape)
(360, 180)
>>> print(cLat.shape)
(360, 180)
>>> print(bLon.shape)
(361, 181)
>>> print(bLat.shape)
(361, 181)
>>> print(f'{dOmega.sum():.2f}')   # Should be 4pi

Using the radian instead of degrees, and the array is flattened to 1D array.

>>> (cLon, cLat), (bLon, bLat), (dLon, dLat), dOmega = meshes(radian=True, flatten=True)
>>> print(cLon.shape)
>>> print(bLon.shape)

If you want to make the grid with longitude range (0, 360), give centerLon parameter.

>>> mesh = meshes(centerLon=180)
>>> mesh[0][0].min()
>>> mesh[0][0].max()
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mesh = meshes(centerLon=np.pi, radian=True)
>>> mesh[0][0].min()
>>> mesh[0][0].max()