Source code for irfpy.util.surface

""" Defines surface interaction frame

The definition:

Sufrace interaction frame is the Cartesian, defined by the two vector.

- The primary vector, which is usually the normal of surface, is referred by z_s.
- The secondary vector, which is usually the velocity vector of the projectile, defines (+x_s, z_s).
from collections import namedtuple as _namedtuple
import numpy as _np

from irfpy.util import nptools as _nt

[docs]def conversion_matrix_surf2glob(primary_vector, secondary_vector): """ Get the conversion matrix from the surface frame to global frame :primary_vector: The primary vector, usually the surface normal vector, expressed in the global coordinates. :secondary_vector: The secondary vector, usually the incoming projectile velocity vector, expressed in the global coordinates. An example follows. Assume the location of the north pole. The projectile as solar wind. >>> norpol = [0, 0, 2400] >>> swvel = [-400, 0, 0] >>> matrix = conversion_matrix_surf2glob(norpol, swvel) In this case, the conversion matrix is [[-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]. >>> print(matrix) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[-1. 0. 0.] [ 0. -1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1.]] Let the location at the -45 deg in the noon meridian, with the projectile as solar wind. >>> pos = [1, 0, -1] >>> matrix = conversion_matrix_surf2glob(pos, swvel) The surface normal vector ([0, 0, 1] in the surface coordinates) will be parallel to the position: >>> print([0, 0, 1])) [ 0.70710678 0. -0.70710678] The x axis in the surface coordiantes shall be z_glob=(0,0,0), while x_glob=(-.707, 0, -.707), and y_glob=0. >>> print([1, 0, 0])) [-0.70710678 0. -0.70710678] """ zs = _np.array(primary_vector) zs = zs / _np.linalg.norm(zs) ys = _np.cross(zs, secondary_vector) ys = ys / _np.linalg.norm(ys) xs = _np.cross(ys, zs) xs = xs / _np.linalg.norm(xs) return _np.array([xs, ys, zs]).T
[docs]def conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(longitude, latitude): """ Return the conversion matrix normal-sun reference. The normal-sun-reference frame is, regardless of the name, is widely used frame defined as follows. - z axis as the local zenith - x axis as opposite from the "Sun" (more precisely, [-1, 0, 0] in the global frame) - y axis completes. :param latitude: Latitude in degrees. :param longitude: Logitude in degrees. Let the observer at the north pole. >>> cMat = conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(0, 90) >>> print(cMat) [[-1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 6.123234e-17] [ 0.000000e+00 -1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00] [ 6.123234e-17 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00]] Let's put the observer at S45 Lon=0. >>> cMat = conversion_matrix_s2g_normal_sun_reference(0, -45) >>> print([0, 0, 1])) [ 0.70710678 0. -0.70710678] >>> print([1, 0, 0])) [-0.70710678 0. -0.70710678] Don't put the observer at the exact subsolar ! """ lat = _np.radians(latitude) lon = _np.radians(longitude) prim = _np.array([_np.cos(lon) * _np.cos(lat), _np.sin(lon) * _np.cos(lat), _np.sin(lat)]) seco = _np.array([-1, 0, 0]) return conversion_matrix_surf2glob(prim, seco)
lonlattuple = _namedtuple('lonlattuple', ['lon', 'lat']) meshtuple = _namedtuple('meshtuple', ['c', 'b', 'd', 'dOmega']) """ Named tuple for mesh. """
[docs]def meshes(nLon=360, nLat=180, radian=False, flatten=False, centerLon=0): """ Return 2d arrays, representing the center, bound, and delta for the longitude/latitude mesh in degrees. :keyword nLon: Number of longitude bin. Longitude covers from -180 to 180 deg. :keyword nLat: Number of latitude bin. Latitude covers from -90 to +90 deg. :keyword radian: Return the value in radian if *True*. :keyword flatten: Flatten the results into 1D. :keyword centerLon: The center longitude. Usually it is 0. :returns: A namedtuple for mesh grid (c, d, b, dOmega). - c is the center of the grid, lonlattuple object. - b is the boundary of the grid, lonlattuple object. - d is the delta, lonlattuple object. - dOmega is the steradian. You can get the mesh as follows. >>> cLon = meshes().c.lon # Obtain the center longtidue mesh. >>> print(cLon.shape) (360, 180) >>> bLat = meshes() # Obtains the boundary latitude mesh. >>> print(bLat.shape) (361, 181) You can also obtain the data at once. >>> (cLon, cLat), (bLon, bLat), (dLon, dLat), dOmega = meshes() >>> print(cLon.shape) (360, 180) >>> print(cLat.shape) (360, 180) >>> print(bLon.shape) (361, 181) >>> print(bLat.shape) (361, 181) >>> print(f'{dOmega.sum():.2f}') # Should be 4pi 12.57 Using the radian instead of degrees, and the array is flattened to 1D array. >>> (cLon, cLat), (bLon, bLat), (dLon, dLat), dOmega = meshes(radian=True, flatten=True) >>> print(cLon.shape) (64800,) >>> print(bLon.shape) (65341,) If you want to make the grid with longitude range (0, 360), give centerLon parameter. >>> mesh = meshes(centerLon=180) >>> mesh[0][0].min() 0.5 >>> mesh[0][0].max() 359.5 >>> import numpy as np >>> mesh = meshes(centerLon=np.pi, radian=True) >>> mesh[0][0].min() 0.008726646259971648 >>> mesh[0][0].max() 6.274458660919615 """ if radian: centerLon = _np.rad2deg(centerLon) # CenterLon shall be first converted to deg. cLon, bLon, dLon = _nt.lingrids(-180, 180, nLon) cLat, bLat, dLat = _nt.lingrids(-90, 90, nLat) cLon = cLon + centerLon bLon = bLon + centerLon cLon, cLat = _np.meshgrid(cLon, cLat, indexing='ij') bLon, bLat = _np.meshgrid(bLon, bLat, indexing='ij') dLon, dLat = _np.meshgrid(dLon, dLat, indexing='ij') dOmega = (_np.sin(_np.radians(bLat[1:, 1:])) - _np.sin(_np.radians(bLat[-1:, :-1]))) * _np.radians(dLon) # bLat forst argument does not matter. if radian: cLon = _np.radians(cLon) cLat = _np.radians(cLat) bLon = _np.radians(bLon) bLat = _np.radians(bLat) dLon = _np.radians(dLon) dLat = _np.radians(dLat) if flatten: cLon = cLon.flatten() cLat = cLat.flatten() bLon = bLon.flatten() bLat = bLat.flatten() dLon = dLon.flatten() dLat = dLat.flatten() dOmega = dOmega.flatten() c = lonlattuple(cLon, cLat) b = lonlattuple(bLon, bLat) d = lonlattuple(dLon, dLat) mesh = meshtuple(c, b, d, dOmega) return mesh