Source code for irfpy.util.vectortools

''' Vector (numpy array) related functions

Vector tools for numpy array.
Most of the funcitons (are intended to) support the
2-D (or >2-D) array, namely, (N, 3) (or (N0, N1, ..., 3)) array.

Related modules:

- :mod:`irfpy.util.cone`

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

.. autosummary::

import numpy as np

[docs]def distance_to_cylinder_center(vector, center_axis, cylinder_center=(0, 0, 0)): r""" Calculate the distance to the center axis of the cylinder. Calculate the distance between a given vector, **v**, and the center of the given cylinder. The cylinder is defined by a vector, cylinder_center **p**, together with the axis vector, center_axis **n**. :param vector: Vector(s) for which the distance(s) are calculated. (3,) or (..., 3) array. :keyword cylinder_center: Specifies the center of the cylinder. A single point on the axis. (3,) array :param cylinder_axis: Specifies the axis vector of the cylinder. A single vector. (3,) array. Examples follow. >>> p = (2, 1, 0) >>> n = (0, 0.5, 0) >>> v = (0, 0, 0) >>> distance_to_cylinder_center(v, n, cylinder_center=p) 2.0 >>> v = (2, 0, 0) >>> distance_to_cylinder_center(v, n, cylinder_center=p) 0.0 >>> v = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)] >>> distance_to_cylinder_center(v, n, cylinder_center=p) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([2. , 2. , 1. , 2.23606798]) The implementaion is as follows. First, the cylinder_center is translated to the origin (0, 0, 0). The transformation does not change the center axis, **n**, but the given vector **v** is converted to :math:`\vec{v}' = \vec{v} - \vec{p}`. The distance *d* is now calculated by :math:`d = |v'| \sin\alpha` where :math:`\alpha` is the angle between the **v'** and **n** vectors. Thus, :math:`\cos\alpha = \vec{v'}\cdot{n} / |v'||n|`, and therefore, the distance is .. math:: d = |v'| \sin\alpha = |v'| \sqrt{1 - \cos^2\alpha} \\ = \sqrt{|v'|^2 - \frac{\vec{n}\cdot\vec{v'}}{|n|^2}} """ p = np.array(cylinder_center) n = np.array(center_axis) v = np.array(vector) nn = n # (3,) vv = v - p # (3,) or (..., 3) nnvv = # (1,) or (...) rr2 = vv[..., 0] ** 2 + vv[..., 1] ** 2 + vv[..., 2] ** 2 nn2 = (nn ** 2).sum() x2 = rr2 - (nnvv ** 2) / nn2 x = np.sqrt(x2) return x
[docs]def cone_angle(vector, cone_axis, cone_center=(0, 0, 0)): """ Return cone angle in radians. :param vector: Vector for input. (3, ) or (..., 3) array :param cone_axis: Vector of the axis, along the line. :param cone_center: The top of the cone. :return: The cone angle in radians. Scalar or (...) shaped. >>> p = (1, 3, 0) >>> a = (0, 2, 0) >>> v = (1, 0, 0) >>> print(np.rad2deg(cone_angle(v, a, cone_center=p))) 180.0 >>> v = (1, 4, 0) >>> print(np.rad2deg(cone_angle(v, a, cone_center=p))) 0.0 >>> v = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 2, 0), (1, 4, 0), (2, 3, 0)] >>> print(np.rad2deg(cone_angle(v, a, cone_center=p))) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [180. 180. 180. 0. 90.] >>> v = [2, 3, 0] """ v = np.array(vector) n = np.array(cone_axis) p = np.array(cone_center) vv = v - p n = n / np.sqrt((n ** 2).sum()) return np.arccos(np.clip(, -1, 1))