Source code for irfpy.util.sphere

""" Sphere, a geometry
import numpy as _np

[docs]class Sphere: def __init__(self, radius): self._r = radius
[docs] def cut(self, normal: _np.ndarray, distance: float, resolution: int=361) -> list[_np.ndarray]: """ Get a list of vectors produced by a cut by a plane Get a set of vectors produced by a cut by a plane, defined by the normal vector and distance from the center. This method is useful to get vectors that forms - the equator (distance zero with respective to the pole as normal) - a latitutde (distance corresponding to the latitude, ie. r sin(lat), with respctive to the pole) - the terminator (distance 0, w.r.t the subsolar point) - a solar zenith angle (distance corresponding to the sza, i.e., r cos(sza), w.r.t the subsolar point) - a longitude (distance 0 w.r.t. a point on the equator 90 degrees off from the latitude) :param normal: The normal vector of the cut plane. (Not necessarily normalized, length does not care). :param distance: The distance from the center. Negative allowed. :keyword resolution: The resolution. >>> import numpy as np >>> sphere = Sphere(1) # A unit sphere >>> parallel = sphere.cut([0, 1, 0], 0.5) # Cut by a xz-plane at y=0.5. >>> print(len(parallel)) # A list of (3,) ndarray 361 >>> parallel = np.array(parallel) >>> y = parallel[:, 1] # y shall be constant >>> print(f'{y.min():.2f} {y.max():.2f}') 0.50 0.50 >>> x = parallel[:, 2] # x and z should range sq(0.75) >>> print(f'{x.min():.3f} {x.max():.3f}') -0.866 0.866 >>> z = parallel[:, 2] # x and z >>> print(f'{z.min():.3f} {z.max():.3f}') -0.866 0.866 """ r = self._r d = distance nvec = _np.array(normal) nvec = nvec / _np.linalg.norm(nvec) theta = _np.arccos(_np.clip(nvec[2], -1, 1)) phi = _np.arctan2(nvec[1], nvec[0]) ct = _np.cos(theta) st = _np.sin(theta) cp = _np.cos(phi) sp = _np.sin(phi) if d > r: return [] # No intersection elif d == r: return [nvec * d] # A single point # Vector set to define t = _np.linspace(0, 2 * _np.pi, resolution) xdd = _np.sqrt(r * r - d * d) * _np.cos(t) ydd = _np.sqrt(r * r - d * d) * _np.sin(t) zdd = _np.broadcast_to(d, xdd.shape) # Rotating theta around y. xd = ct * xdd + st * zdd yd = ydd zd = -st * xdd + ct * zdd # Rotating phi around z. x = cp * xd - sp * yd y = sp * xd + cp * yd z = zd xyz = _np.array([x, y, z]) # (3, resol) shape xyz = xyz.T xyz = xyz.tolist() return xyz
[docs] def equator(self, northpole, resolution=361): """ :param northpole: The north pole direction. (Length doesn't care) >>> import numpy as np >>> sphere = Sphere(1000) >>> vec = sphere.equator([0, 1, 0]) # If y-axis is the north pole, the the equator is in x-z plane (y=0) >>> vec = np.array(vec) >>> vec.shape (361, 3) >>> print(f'{vec[:, 1].min():.2f} {vec[:, 1].max():.2f}') -0.00 0.00 >>> print(f'{vec[:, 0].min():.2f} {vec[:, 0].max():.2f}') -1000.00 1000.00 """ return self.cut(northpole, 0, resolution=resolution)
[docs] def latitude(self, northpole, latitude_deg, resolution=361): """ Return the set of vectors, represnting the latitude. :param latitude_deg: Latitude in degrees. :param northpole: North pole coordinates. (Length doesn't care) >>> import numpy as np >>> sphere = Sphere(1000) >>> vec = np.array(sphere.latitude([0, 1, 0], 30)) # If y-axis is the north pole, the latitude 30 is y=500 km >>> print(f'{vec[:, 1].min():.2f} {vec[:, 1].max():.2f}') 500.00 500.00 """ d = self._r * _np.sin(_np.radians(latitude_deg)) return self.cut(northpole, d, resolution=resolution)
[docs] def terminator(self, sun_direction, resolution=361): """ :param sun_direction: Sun direction (from the center), or in other word, subsolar point coordinate. (Length doesn't care) >>> import numpy as np >>> sphere = Sphere(1000) >>> vec = np.array(sphere.terminator([-0.1, 0, 0])) # If -x axis is the sundirection, the terminator is x=0. >>> print(f'{vec[:, 0].min():.2f} {vec[:, 0].max():.2f}') -0.00 0.00 """ return self.cut(sun_direction, 0, resolution=resolution)
[docs] def sza(self, sun_direction, sza_deg, resolution=361): """ :param sza_deg: the solar zenith angle. :param sun_direction: The sun direction. (Length doesn't care) >>> import numpy as np >>> sphere = Sphere(1000) >>> vec = np.array(sphere.sza([0, 0, -2], 60)) # If -z axis is the sun direction, the sza 60 is z=-500 km >>> print(f'{vec[:, 2].min():.2f} {vec[:, 2].max():.2f}') -500.00 -500.00 """ d = self._r * _np.cos(_np.radians(sza_deg)) return self.cut(sun_direction, d, resolution=resolution)