Source code for irfpy.util.skymap

r""" Module for the sky mapping.

A sky map is sometimes needed to display the instrument FOV in an instrument-center frame.
This is identical to the azimuth-altitude system.

To avoid the confusion in the term "altitude", frequently used to describe the distance from the surface,
we instead use the "elevation" here.

- Elevation angle |alpha| or El: The angle from the "horizon".
    - Polar angle |theta| or T: 90 degrees - elevation angle.
- Azimuthal angle |beta| or Az: North is 0, East is 90, South is +-180, and West is -90.
  Usually, the Az shall be defined in the range ``(-180, 180]``.
- Primary axis $\hat{p}$ or P: The primary axis defines the zenith, i.e., elevation = 90. (Frequently $z$ axis)
- Secondary axis $\hat{s}$ or S: The secondary axis defines the north, frequenty $x$ axis.
  More precisely speaking, the meridan defined by the primary and secondary axes contains the north.
- Third axis $\hat{t}$ or T: The third axis.  This defines the west (frequently $y$ axis).
  This axis is calculated from the primary and secondary axes.
- Distance, d or D, is also important for space physics, as a distance to the object of interest.

The interface always accept the angles in the unit of "degrees".

.. note::

    Traditionally, several variants of the azimuth angle have been defined, so it sometimes confusing.
    Here irfpy follow the defintition described in

    See also
import numpy as _np

from irfpy.util import intersection as _ix
from irfpy.util import sphere as _sphere

[docs]class SkymapFrame: def __init__(self, primary_axis, secondary_axis): """ Define the skymap frame. A skymap frame is defined, following the defintion above. :param primary_axis: The primary axis, (3,) shape numpy array. :param secondary_axis: The secondary axis, (3,) shape numpy array. :raises ValueError: Raised when the given axes do not provide appropriate cartesian. >>> skymap_frame = SkymapFrame([0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]) >>> print(skymap_frame) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Skymap object: P= 0.0000 S= 1.0000 T= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 This skymap is relatively simple example, namely, z is the zenith and x is "north". In this case, the vector (0, 0, 100) will be converted to d=100, el=90 and az=(N.A.). >>> d, el, az = skymap_frame.vec2dea(0, 0, 100) >>> print(d) 100.0 >>> print(el) 90.0 The vector (1, 0, 0), looking north will be d=1, el=0, az=0. >>> print(skymap_frame.vec2dea(1, 0, 0)) (1.0, 0.0, -0.0) The vector (0, 1, 0), looking west will be d=1, el=0, az=-90. Here note the sign of az. >>> print(skymap_frame.vec2dea(0, 1, 0)) (1.0, 0.0, -90.0) :meth:`vec2dea` can eat a list as arguments. >>> print(skymap_frame.vec2dea([1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (array([1., 1.]), array([0., 0.]), array([ -0., -90.])) """ self._Pax = _np.array(primary_axis) self._Sax = _np.array(secondary_axis) if self._Pax.shape != (3,): raise ValueError('Given primary axis shape must be (3,). Given={}'.format(str(self._Pax.shape))) if self._Sax.shape != (3,): raise ValueError('Given secondary axis shape must be!= (3,). Given={}'.format(str(self._Sax.shape))) self._Tax = _np.cross(self._Pax, self._Sax) lT = _np.linalg.norm(self._Tax) if lT == 0: raise ValueError('Given primary and secondary axes looks parallel ' 'or one of them have zero-length') self._Sax = _np.cross(self._Tax, self._Pax) self._Pax = self._Pax / _np.linalg.norm(self._Pax) self._Sax = self._Sax / _np.linalg.norm(self._Sax) self._Tax = self._Tax / _np.linalg.norm(self._Tax) def __str__(self): p = self._Pax s = self._Sax t = self._Tax val = (f"Skymap object: P={p[0]:7.4f} S={s[0]:7.4f} T={t[0]:7.4f}\n" + f" {p[1]:7.4f} {s[1]:7.4f} {t[1]:7.4f}\n" + f" {p[2]:7.4f} {s[2]:7.4f} {t[2]:7.4f}") return val
[docs] def vec2dea(self, x, y, z): r""" Vector list ([x_i], [y_i], [z_i]) is converted to distance-elevation-azimuth. A vector $\vec{v}$ is converted to (d, e, a). """ vec = _np.array([x, y, z]) # (3, ...) shape xx = _np.tensordot(self._Sax, vec, axes=(-1, 0)) # (...) shape, or float yy = _np.tensordot(self._Tax, vec, axes=(-1, 0)) # (...) shape, or float zz = _np.tensordot(self._Pax, vec, axes=(-1, 0)) # (...) shape, or float d = _np.sqrt(xx ** 2 + yy ** 2 + zz ** 2) theta = _np.degrees(_np.arccos(_np.clip(zz / d, -1, 1))) # clip is needed as zz/d seldomly gives >1 or <-1 value due to numerical error elevation = _np.clip(90 - theta, -90, 90) phi = _np.degrees(_np.arctan2(yy, xx)) # Phi, the normal azimuthal angle but is "opposite-singed" definition azimuth = -phi return (d, elevation, azimuth)
@property def primary_axis(self): """ The primary axis, the 90 degrees of elevation. The primary axis, or equivalently the z axis. (Zenithward) """ return self._Pax.copy() @property def secondary_axis(self): """ The secondary axis, the 0 elevation and 0 azimuth. The secondary axis, or equivalently the x axis. (Northward) """ return self._Sax.copy() @property def third_axis(self): """ The third axis, the 0 elevation and 90 azimuth The third axis, or eqiuvalently the y axis. (Eastward) """ return self._Tax.copy()
[docs] def limb_of_sphere(self, position: _np.ndarray, radius: float, resolution: int=16) -> tuple[_np.ndarray, _np.ndarray]: """ Return a limb of sphere coordinates mapped on the sky. :param position: Position of the sphere. (3,) shaped numpy array. :param radius: Radius of the sphere. :returns: A tuple, (elevation_array, azimuth_array) in degrees. >>> sk = SkymapFrame([0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]) >>> e, a = sk.limb_of_sphere([0, 0, 3], 1) >>> print(f'{e.max():.2f} {e.min():.2f}') # Must be 70.52877937 for both. 70.53 70.53 >>> print(f'{a[1]:.2f}') -24.00 >>> print(a) # doctest: +SKIP [0 -24 -48 -72 -96 -120 -144 -168 168 144 120 96 72 48 24 0] >>> e, a = sk.limb_of_sphere([0, 3, 0], 1, resolution=360) >>> print(f'{e.max():.2f} {e.min():.2f}') 19.47 -19.47 >>> print(a) # doctest: +SKIP [ -90. -90.35451559 -90.70889547 -91.06300404 -91.41670596 -91.76986629 -92.1223506 -92.47402508 -92.82475668 ... -86.82558674 -87.17524332 -87.52597492 -87.8776494 -88.23013371 -88.58329404 -88.93699596 -89.29110453 -89.64548441 -90. ] >>> print(f'{a.min():.2f} {a.max():.2f}') -109.47 -70.53 """ # First calculate the theta, phi. _t, _p = _ix.sphere_limb_plane_projection(position, radius, resolution=resolution) _x = _np.sin(_t) * _np.cos(_p) _y = _np.sin(_t) * _np.sin(_p) _z = _np.cos(_t) d_limb, e_limb, a_limb = self.vec2dea(_x, _y, _z) return (e_limb, a_limb)
[docs] def parallel_on_sphere(self, sphere_position, sphere_radius, sphere_primary_axis, angle, resolution=16, mask_invisible=True): """ Obtain elevation and azimuth angle list of parallel line on the sphere Suppose we have a sphere (e.g., Venus), and want to draw equator. This method do that. :param sphere_position: The central position of the sphere :param sphere_radius: The radius of sphere (in the dimension of length, e.g., km) :param sphere_primary_axis: The primary axis direction measured from the central position of the sphere. :param angle: The angle measured from the sphere_primary_axis. :keyword resolution: Resolution. :keyword mask_invisible: Mask the elevation, azimuth angle if that location cannot be visible from the observer. Default, True (i.e., masked) """ sphere = _sphere.Sphere(sphere_radius) # Sphere is first defined, centered at the origin. parallel_distance = sphere_radius * _np.cos(_np.radians(angle)) cuts = sphere.cut(sphere_primary_axis, parallel_distance, resolution=resolution) cuts = _np.array(cuts) # (N, 3) shape. Vectors mesaured from the sphere center. cuts_from_observer = cuts + sphere_position[_np.newaxis, :] # (N, 3) shape d, e, a = self.vec2dea(cuts_from_observer[:, 0], cuts_from_observer[:, 1], cuts_from_observer[:, 2]) # Visibility check? if mask_invisible: mask = [not _ix.isvisible([0, 0, 0], vec, sphere_position, sphere_radius * 0.9999) for vec in cuts_from_observer] # True for invisible e =, mask=mask) a =, mask=mask) # print(mask) return (e, a)