Source code for irfpy.util.physics

r''' Collection of physical formulae

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

A simple command line calculator for physical formulae.

.. seealso::

    - :mod:`irfpy.util.unitq`: the unit handling
    - :mod:`irfpy.util.constant`: the constant with and without unit

**Supported formula**

* temperature_2_pressure (vth, vthp, vthe)
* pressure_2_temperature
* dflux_2_vdf (j2f)
* vdf_2_dflux (f2j)
* kinetic_energy
* energy_2_velocity
* temperature_2_thermal_velocity
* gyrofrequency (wg, wgp, wge)
* gyrotime
* gyroradius (rg, rgp, rge)
* plasmafrequency (wp, wpp, wpe)
* plasmafrequency_ordinary (fp, fpp, fpe)
* inertial_length
* skin_depth
* alfven_speed
* ion_acoustic_speed
* debye_length
* escape_speed
* mean_free_path
* mean_free_path_kin
* mean_free_path_vis
* orbital_semimajor_axis
* orbital_period

Each functions has (in most of the cases) the associated functions with ``_u`` behiind.
This is for the unitful-version of each method using :mod:`irfpy.util.unitq`` module.


For example, you can get the kinetic energy of a mass of 5 kg particle with 3 m/s object as 22.5 J.

>>> import irfpy.util.physics as f
>>> print(f.kinetic_energy(5, 3))

Most of them has two variants.

- MKSA (or other pre-defined) unit system
- User-defined unit system at runtime using  :mod:`irfpy.util.unitq` system.

Usually, the second system has usually a suffix of ``_u``.

For example, if you want to know the energy (in Joule) for a mass of 4 kg moving with 15 m/s.

>>> print(f.kinetic_energy(4, 15))   # Kinetic energy for 4kg mass point with 15m/s speed. 450J.

But the same works as follows.

>>> from irfpy.util import unitq as u
>>> print(f.kinetic_energy(u.nit('4 kg'), u.nit('15 m/s')).rescale(u.J))
450.0 J

Even, you can use another unit system.

>>> print(f.kinetic_energy(u.nit('4000 g'), u.nit('0.015 km/s')).rescale(u.J))
450.0 J

The :mod:``irfpy.util.unitq`` module contains the definitions of various units and the constant.

>>> from irfpy.util.unitq import k
>>> print(f.kinetic_energy(k.proton_mass, u.speed_of_light))
0.5 m_p*c**2

Also note that the :mod:``irfpy.util.constant`` module also contains the definitions of various constants.

import numpy as _np
import functools as _functools

from sympy.physics.mechanics.functions import inertia

from irfpy.util import constant as k
from irfpy.util import unitq as u

[docs]def temperature_2_pressure(kelvin, per_cm3): r""" Temperature to pressure The temperature in Kelvin under the density ``per_cm3`` are converted to the pressure in nPa. .. math:: p \mathrm{[nPa]}\times 10^{-9} = (n\mathrm{[cm}^{-3}\mathrm{]}\times 10^6)kT where ``k`` is the Boltzman constant. >>> loschmidt = 2.6868e19 # 2.69e19 /cm3 -- Loschmidt's constant >>> temp_ideal = 273.15 # 0 degreeC >>> pressure_at_surface = temperature_2_pressure(273.15, 2.6868e19) # This should be the ground pressure, 1 bar ~= 1e5 Pa ~= 1e14 nPa >>> print('{:.3e}'.format(pressure_at_surface)) 1.013e+14 Also, unitful version. >>> loschmidt = 2.6868e19 / ( ** 3) >>> temp_ideal = 273.15 * u.K >>> pressure_at_surface = temperature_2_pressure_u(temp_ideal, loschmidt) >>> print('{:.3e}'.format(float(pressure_at_surface.r(u.nPa)))) 1.013e+14 """ n = per_cm3 * 1e6 # /cm3 to /m3 kb = k.kB # Boltzman constant t = kelvin p = n * kb * t # Pressure in Pa p /= 1e-9 # Pressure in nPa return p
temperature_2_pressure_u = u.make_unitful_function(temperature_2_pressure, [u.K,**-3], u.nPa) """ Unitful version of :meth:`temperature_2_pressure` """
[docs]def pressure_2_temperature(nPa, per_cm3): r""" Pressure to temperature. See also :meth:`temperature_2_pressure`. >>> p = 1e5 * 1e9 # 1 bar as nPa >>> loschmidt = 2.6868e19 # in /cm3 >>> temperature = pressure_2_temperature(p, loschmidt) >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(temperature)) # Should be around 0degC 269.576 Unitful version also exists >>> p = 1 * # 1 bar >>> loschmidt = 2.6868e19 / **3 >>> temperature = pressure_2_temperature_u(p, loschmidt) >>> temperature = float(temperature.rescale(u.K)) >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(temperature)) 269.576 """ p = nPa * 1e-9 # Pressure in Pa kb = k.kB n = per_cm3 * 1e6 # /cm3 to /m3 t = p / n / kb return t
pressure_2_temperature_u = u.make_unitful_function(pressure_2_temperature, [u.nPa,**-3], u.K) """ Unitful version of :meth:`temperature_2_pressure` """
[docs]def dflux_2_vdf(j, mass, energy): r''' Differnetial flux to velocity distribution function This is MKSA version. For plasma-unit version (but still unitless), you may refer to :meth:`dflux_2_vdf_pl`. For unitq version, you may refere to "math:`dflux_2_vdf_u`. The relation is .. math:: f = \frac{m^2}{2E} j Let us consider the differential flux of j=1e-5 /cm2 eV sr s. The particle is proton (for simplicity mass is assumed to be 1 amu), and the energy is 500 eV. >>> j = 1e+5 # /cm2 eV sr s >>> m = 1 # amu >>> e = 500 # eV >>> print('%.2e' % dflux_2_vdf_pl(j, m, e)) 1.07e-10 Now, we get the velocity distribution function of ``1.1e-10 s^3/m^6``. Obviously, we also call via MKSA unit version. >>> jmksa = j * 1e4 / k.qe >>> print('%.2e' % jmksa) # in /m2 J sr s 6.24e+27 >>> mmksa = m * k.amu # kg >>> emksa = e * k.qe # J >>> print('%.2e' % dflux_2_vdf(jmksa, mmksa, emksa)) 1.07e-10 For interactive use, ``unitq`` module will be a significant help. >>> j_u = 1e5 /**2 / u.eV / / u.s >>> m_u = 1 * u.amu >>> e_u = 500 * u.eV >>> vdf_u = dflux_2_vdf_u(j_u, m_u, e_u) >>> u.pprint(vdf_u, fmt='%.2e') 1.07e-10 s**3/m**6 ''' f = (mass ** 2) / (2 * energy) * j return f
dflux_2_vdf_u = u.make_unitful_function(dflux_2_vdf, [u.m**-2 / u.J / / u.s,, u.J], u.s**3 / u.m**6) j2f = dflux_2_vdf ''' Alias to :func:`dflux_2_vdf` ''' j2f_u = dflux_2_vdf_u
[docs]def dflux_2_vdf_pl(j, mass, energy): r''' Differnetial flux with plasma-frequently-used units This provides the alias but different unit system to :func:`dflux_2_vdf`. The input unit is ``j`` as [/cm2 eV sr s], mass for [amu], and energy for [eV]. The returned vdf is [s**3 / m**6]. ''' jmksa = j * 1e4 / k.qe massmksa = mass * k.amu energymksa = energy * k.qe return dflux_2_vdf(jmksa, massmksa, energymksa)
j2f_pl = dflux_2_vdf_pl ''' Alias to :func:`dflux_2_vdf_pl` '''
[docs]def vdf_2_dflux(f, mass, velocity): r''' J from f. (MKSA) .. math:: J = \frac{v^2}{m} f >>> f = 1.07e-10 # [s^3 / m^6] >>> j = vdf_2_dflux(f, 1.66e-27, 300e3) >>> print('%.2e' % j) # [/m^2 J sr s] 5.80e+27 The dflux should be converted back to the origical vdf. >>> f2 = dflux_2_vdf(j, 1.66e-27, kinetic_energy(1.66e-27, 300e3)) >>> print('%.2e' % f2) 1.07e-10 The unitful version: >>> f_u = 1.07e-10 * u.s ** 3 / u.m ** 6 >>> j_u = vdf_2_dflux_u(f_u, 1 * u.amu, 300 * >>> u.pprint(j_u, fmt='%.2e') 5.80e+27 1/(m**2*s*sr*J) >>> j_u.units = u.cu_diffflux >>> u.pprint(j_u, fmt='%.2e') 9.29e+04 (1/cm**2 /sr /eV / s) ''' return f * velocity ** 2 / mass
vdf_2_dflux_u = u.make_unitful_function(vdf_2_dflux, [u.s**3 / u.m**6,, u.m/u.s], 1 / u.m**2 / u.J / / u.s) f2j = vdf_2_dflux f2j_u = vdf_2_dflux_u
[docs]def kinetic_energy(mass, velocity): r''' Return the kinetic energy. .. math:: KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 >>> print(kinetic_energy(4, 15)) # Kinetic energy for 4kg mass point with 15m/s speed. 450J. 450.0 >>> print(kinetic_energy(u.nit('4 kg'), u.nit('15 m/s')).rescale(u.J)) 450.0 J ''' return mass * velocity ** 2 / 2.
kinetic_energy_u = u.make_unitful_function(kinetic_energy, [, u.m/u.s], u.J) ''' Unitful version of :func:`kinetic_energy` '''
[docs]def kinetic_energy_proton(velocity_in_km_s): """ Return the proton energy. :param velocity_in_m_s: Velocity in km/s. :return: The kinetic energy in eV. Simple formulation: 1 eV energy proton is about 13.8 km/s >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(kinetic_energy_proton(13.8))) 0.994 Solar wind (4e5 m/s) proton has energy of 835 eV. The call below is the unitful version of the formulation. >>> energy = kinetic_energy_proton_u(400000 * u.m / u.s) >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(float( 0.835 """ e_in_J = kinetic_energy(k.proton_mass, velocity_in_km_s * 1000.) # in J return e_in_J / k.e
kinetic_energy_proton_u = u.make_unitful_function(kinetic_energy_proton, [ / u.s], u.eV)
[docs]def kinetic_energy_electron(velocity_in_km_s): """ Return the electron energy :param velocity_in_km_s: Velocity in km/s :return: The kinetic energy in eV Simple formulation: 1 eV energy electron is about 600 km/s >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(kinetic_energy_electron(600))) 1.023 or one can use unitful version. >>> energy = kinetic_energy_electron_u(600000 * u.m / u.s) >>> print('{:.3e}'.format(float( 1.640e-19 """ e_in_J = kinetic_energy(k.electron_mass, velocity_in_km_s * 1000.) # In J return e_in_J / k.e
kinetic_energy_electron_u = u.make_unitful_function(kinetic_energy_electron, [ / u.s], u.eV)
[docs]def energy_2_velocity(mass, energy): r''' Return the velocity from the kinetic energy Return the velocity from the kinetic energy. This is the inversion function of :func:`kinetic_energy`. >>> print(energy_2_velocity(4, 450.)) # 4kg mass with 450 J => v=15 m/s 15.0 You may also use unitful version. >>> print(energy_2_velocity_u(u.nit('4 kg'), u.nit('450 J'))) 15.0 m/s ''' return _np.sqrt(2 * energy / mass)
energy_2_velocity_u = u.make_unitful_function(energy_2_velocity, [, u.J], u.m / u.s)
[docs]def energy_2_velocity_proton(energy_eV): """ Return the velocity (in km/s) of the proton with the given energy (eV) :param energy_eV: Energy of proton in eV. :return: Speed of proton in km/s. >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(energy_2_velocity_proton(1))) # 1 eV proton has 13.8 km/s 13.84 or use unit-version. >>> speed = energy_2_velocity_proton_u(1 * u.eV) >>> u.pprint(speed) 13.841 km/s """ energy_J = energy_eV * k.e speed_m_s = energy_2_velocity(k.proton_mass, energy_J) return speed_m_s / 1000.
energy_2_velocity_proton_u = u.make_unitful_function(energy_2_velocity_proton, [u.eV], / u.s)
[docs]def energy_2_velocity_electron(energy_eV): """ Return the velocity (in km/s) of the electron with the given energy (eV) :param energy_eV: Energy of electron in eV. :return: Speed of electron in km/s. >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(energy_2_velocity_electron(1))) # 1 eV proton has 593 km/s 593.10 or use unit-version. >>> speed = energy_2_velocity_electron_u(1 * u.eV) >>> u.pprint(speed) 593.097 km/s """ energy_J = energy_eV * k.e speed_m_s = energy_2_velocity(k.electron_mass, energy_J) return speed_m_s / 1000.
energy_2_velocity_electron_u = u.make_unitful_function(energy_2_velocity_electron, [u.eV], / u.s)
[docs]def temperature_2_thermal_velocity(mass, temperature): r''' Return the thermal velocity from temperature .. math:: v_{th} = \sqrt{\frac{kT}{m}} Thermal velocity is calculated from the temperature. Roughly the proton with 1eV temperature has 9.8 km/s thermal velocity. >>> print('%.3f' % temperature_2_thermal_velocity(1.67e-27, 11600)) 9792.924 Unitful version also supported. >>> print('%.3f' % temperature_2_thermal_velocity_u(k.mp_u, ... 1 * u.eVT).nr(u.nit('km/s'))) 9.787 ''' return _np.sqrt(k.kB * temperature / mass)
temperature_2_thermal_velocity_u = u.make_unitful_function( temperature_2_thermal_velocity, [, u.K], u.m / u.s) ''' Unitful version of :func:`temperature_2_thermal_velocity`. ''' vth = temperature_2_thermal_velocity vth_u = temperature_2_thermal_velocity_u
[docs]def gyrofrequency(mass, charge, magnetic_flux_density): r''' Gyro frequency, :math:`\omega_{g}`. .. math:: \omega_g = \frac{qB}{m} >>> omega = gyrofrequency_u(k.mp_u, k.e_u, 10 * u.nT) >>> u.pprint(omega, fmt='%.4f') 0.9579 rad/s ''' return charge * magnetic_flux_density / mass
gyrofrequency_u = u.make_unitful_function( gyrofrequency, [, u.C, u.T], u.rad / u.s) _functools.update_wrapper(gyrofrequency_u, gyrofrequency) wg = gyrofrequency wg_u = gyrofrequency_u wgp = _functools.partial(gyrofrequency, k.proton_mass, k.qe) _functools.update_wrapper(wgp, gyrofrequency) wgp_u = u.make_unitful_function(wgp, [u.T], u.rad / u.s) #""" Return the proton gyro frequency # #:param bfield: Magnetic flux density (Tesla) #:return: Proton gyro frequency in rad/s. # #>>> u.pprint(wgp_u(u.nit('1 nT')), fmt='%.2f') #0.10 rad/s #""" wge = _functools.partial(wg, k.electron_mass, k.qe) _functools.update_wrapper(wge, wg) wge_u = u.make_unitful_function(wge, [u.T], u.rad / u.s) #""" # #>>> u.pprint(wge_u(u.nit('10 nT')), fmt='%.1f') #1758.8 rad/s #""" #wge_u = u.make_unitful_function(wge, [u.T], u.rad / u.s)
[docs]def gyrotime(mass, charge, magnetic_flux_density): r""" Gyro time Return the gyration time. :math:`2\pi/\omega_g`. """ return 2 * _np.pi / wg(mass, charge, magnetic_flux_density)
gyrotime_u = u.make_unitful_function(gyrotime, [, u.C, u.T], u.s)
[docs]def gyroradius(mass, charge, bfield, vel): r""" Gyroradius. .. math:: r_g = \frac{v}{\omega_g} = \frac{mv}{qB} """ w = wg(mass, charge, bfield) return vel / w
gyroradius_u = u.make_unitful_function(gyroradius, [, u.C, u.T, u.m / u.s], u.m) rg = gyroradius rg_u = gyroradius_u rgp = _functools.partial(rg, k.proton_mass, k.qe) _functools.update_wrapper(rgp, rg) rgp_u = u.make_unitful_function(rgp, [u.T, u.m / u.s], u.m) _functools.update_wrapper(rgp_u, rgp) #r"""Proton gyro radius. # #:param b: magnetic field #:param v: velocity #""" rge = _functools.partial(rg, k.electron_mass, k.qe) rge_u = u.make_unitful_function(rge, [u.T, u.m / u.s], u.m)
[docs]def plasmafrequency(mass, charge, density): r''' Plasma frequency, :math:`\omega_{p}` .. math:: \omega_p = \sqrt{\frac{ne^2}{m\epsilon_0}} Return the plasma frequency. Unitless version is MKSA; you may also use the alias version ``wp``. >>> print('{:.1f}'.format(plasmafrequency(1.67e-27, 1.60e-19, 10e6))) 4160.9 >>> print('{:.1f}'.format(wp(1.67e-27, 1.60e-19, 10e6))) 4160.9 ''' return _np.sqrt(density * (charge ** 2) / (mass * k.eps0))
plasmafrequency_u = u.make_unitful_function(plasmafrequency, [, u.C, u.m ** -3], u.rad / u.s) wp = plasmafrequency wp_u = plasmafrequency_u wpp = _functools.partial(wp, k.proton_mass, k.qe) wpp_u = u.make_unitful_function(wpp, [u.m ** -3], u.rad / u.s) wpe = _functools.partial(wp,, k.qe) wpe_u = u.make_unitful_function(wpe, [u.m ** -3], u.rad / u.s)
[docs]def plasmafrequency_ordinary(mass, charge, density): r""" Plasma ordinary frequency, :math:`f_p` .. math:: f_p = \frac{\omega_p}{2\pi} For example, the electron ordinary plasma frequency is .. math:: f_{pe} \sim 8980 \sqrt{n_e} \mathrm{Hz} >>> n_e = 100 / ( ** 3) >>> f_pe =plasmafrequency_ordinary_u(k.me_u, k.qe_u, n_e).nr(u.kHz) >>> print('{:.1f}'.format(float(f_pe))) 89.8 """ return plasmafrequency(mass, charge, density) / (2 * _np.pi)
plasmafrequency_ordinary_u = u.make_unitful_function(plasmafrequency_ordinary, [, u.C, u.m ** -3], 1 / u.s) fp = plasmafrequency_ordinary fp_u = plasmafrequency_ordinary_u fpp = _functools.partial(fp,, k.qe) fpp_u = u.make_unitful_function(fpp, [u.m ** -3], 1 / u.s) fpe = _functools.partial(fp,, k.qe) fpe_u = u.make_unitful_function(fpe, [u.m ** -3], 1 / u.s)
[docs]def inertial_length(mass, charge, density): """ >>> d = inertial_length(1.67e-27, 1.60e-19, 10e6) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(d)) 72049.89 """ c = k.speed_of_light return c / wp(mass, charge, density)
inertial_length_u = u.make_unitful_function(inertial_length, [, u.C, u.m ** -3], u.m)
[docs]def skin_depth(density): return inertial_length(k.m_e, k.qe, density)
skin_depth_u = u.make_unitful_function(skin_depth, [u.m ** -3], u.m)
[docs]def alfven_speed(mass, density, mag): r""" Return Alfven speed .. math:: v_a = \frac{B}{\sqrt{\mu0nm}} """ u0 = k.mu_0 dn = _np.sqrt(u0 * density * mass) return mag / dn
alfven_speed_u = u.make_unitful_function(alfven_speed, [, u.m ** -3, u.T], u.m / u.s)
[docs]def ion_acoustic_speed(mass, temp_i, temp_e, gamma_i, gamma_e): r"""Ion acoustic speed .. math:: v_c = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma_ekT_e+\gamma_ikT_i}{m_i}} :math:`\gamma_e=1` is frequently used. """ kb = k.kB vc = _np.sqrt((kb * temp_e * gamma_e + kb * temp_i * gamma_i) / mass) return vc
ion_acoustic_speed_u = u.make_unitful_function(ion_acoustic_speed, [, u.K, u.K, u.dimensionless, u.dimensionless], u.m / u.s)
[docs]def debye_length(ne, temp_e, charge): r""" debye length. .. math:: \lambda_D = \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon_0 k T_e}{n_e q_e^2}} """ eps0 = k.eps0 kB = k.kB inside = eps0 * kB * temp_e / ne return _np.sqrt(inside) / charge
debye_length_u = u.make_unitful_function(debye_length, [u.m ** -3, u.K, u.C], u.m)
[docs]def escape_speed(mass_kg, radius_km): r""" Return the escape speed in km/s. .. math:: v_\mathrm{esc} = \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}} For the Earth: >>> me = 5.972e24 # Mass of Earth in kg >>> re = 6371. # Radius of Earth in km >>> esc_e = escape_speed(me, re) # Escape speed of Earth >>> print('{:.1f}'.format(esc_e)) 11.2 For the Sun: >>> ms = 1.989e30 * >>> rs = 695700 * >>> esc_s = escape_speed_u(ms, rs) >>> print('%.1f' % / u.s)) 617.8 """ gravcon = float('m**3/kg/s**2'))) r = radius_km * 1e3 return _np.sqrt(2 * gravcon * mass_kg / r) * 1e-3
escape_speed_u = u.make_unitful_function(escape_speed, [,], / u.s)
[docs]def mean_free_path(density_cm3, crosssection_cm2): r""" Return the mean free path in cm. A simple theory (scattering theory) gives the mean free path of .. math:: \lambda = \frac{1}{n\sigma} where :math:`n` is the number density and :math:`\sigma` is the crosssection. This is based on the scattering theory. :param density_cm3: Density in cm^-3 :param crosssection_cm2: Cross section in cm^-2 :returns: Mean free path in the unit of ``cm``. >>> n = 2.5e19 # Approximate molecule number density at Earth surface. >>> sigma = 1e-15 # Typical collision cross-section >>> mfp = mean_free_path(n, sigma) >>> print('{:.3e}'.format(mfp)) 4.000e-05 Or derive with unit support. >>> from irfpy.util import unitq as u >>> n = 2.5e25 * u.nit('m^-3') # 2.5 x 10^25 m^-3 >>> sigma = 1e-15 * u.nit('cm^2') # 1 x 10^25 cm^2 >>> mfp = mean_free_path_u(n, sigma) >>> mfp = mfp.r(u.m) # The unit is rescaled to meter. >>> print('{:.2e}'.format(mfp)) # The mean free path value as the unit of meter. 4.00e-07 m """ return 1 / (density_cm3 * 1e6) / (crosssection_cm2 * 1e-4) * 100
mean_free_path_u = u.make_unitful_function(mean_free_path, [ ** -3, ** 2],
[docs]def mean_free_path_kin(density_cm3, crosssection_cm2): r""" Return the mean free path in cm. Kinetic theory (including temperature) suggests a correction by a factor of :math:`\sqrt{2}` compared to :func:`mean_free_path`. .. math:: \lambda = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}n\sigma} where :math:`n` is the number density and :math:`\sigma` is the crosssection. :param density_cm3: Density in cm^-3 :param crosssection_cm2: Cross section in cm^-2 :returns: Mean free path in the unit of ``cm``. >>> n = 2.5e19 # Approximate molecule number density at Earth surface. >>> sigma = 1e-15 # Typical collision cross-section >>> mfp = mean_free_path_kin(n, sigma) >>> print('{:.2e}'.format(mfp)) # Returned value is in cm. 2.83e-05 Or derive with unit support. >>> from irfpy.util import unitq as u >>> n = 2.5e25 * u.nit('m^-3') # 2.5 x 10^25 m^-3 >>> sigma = 1e-15 * u.nit('cm^2') # 1 x 10^25 cm^2 >>> mfp = mean_free_path_kin_u(n, sigma) >>> mfp = mfp.r(u.m) # The unit is rescaled to meter. >>> print('{:.2e}'.format(mfp)) # The mean free path value as the unit of meter. 2.83e-07 m """ return mean_free_path(density_cm3, crosssection_cm2) / _np.sqrt(2)
mean_free_path_kin_u = u.make_unitful_function(mean_free_path_kin, [ ** -3, ** 2],
[docs]def mean_free_path_vis(mu_Pa_s, p_Pa, T_K, m_amu): r""" Based on kinetic theory, the m.f.p is calcuated from viscosity. .. math:: l = \frac{\mu}{p}\sqrt{\frac{\pi k_B T}{2m}} Here, :math:`\mu` is the viscosity, ``p`` is the pressure, :math:`k_B` is the Boltzmann constant, ``T`` is the temperature, and ``m`` is the mass of the gas. It is not easy to get the viscosity for specific gas. For example of the air at 20 degreeC, the viscosity is ~1.8x10^-5 Pa s. :param mu_Pa_s: Viscosity in the unit of ``Pa s``. Just a note ``1 Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP``. :param p_Pa: Pressure in the unit of ``Pa``. :param T: Temperuter in Kelvin. :param m_amu: Mass in atomic mass unit. :returns: Mean free path in the unit of ``cm``. >>> mu = 1.8e-5 # Pa s >>> p = 101100 # Pascal >>> T = 20 + 273.15 # Kelvin >>> m = 28 # amu >>> l = mean_free_path_vis(mu, p, T, m) >>> print('{:.2e}'.format(l)) 6.58e-06 Unitful version: >>> mu = 0.018 * u.nit('centipoise') # Air viscosity >>> p = 1013 * u.nit('hPa') # Air pressure >>> T = (20 + 273.15) * u.nit('K') # Unit does not support the conversion of degC <-> degK !! >>> m = 28 * u.amu >>> l = mean_free_path_vis_u(mu, p, T, m) # Calculate the mean free path >>> l = l.r(u.angstrom) # Rescale to the unit of Ångström >>> print('{:.2e}'.format(l)) 6.57e+02 angstrom """ mu = mu_Pa_s p = p_Pa pi = _np.pi kb = k.kB # Boltzman constant T = T_K m = m_amu * k.amu l_m = (mu / p) * _np.sqrt(pi * kb * T / 2 / m) return l_m * 100 # Return in cm
mean_free_path_vis_u = u.make_unitful_function(mean_free_path_vis, [u.Pa * u.s, u.Pa, u.Kelvin, u.amu],
[docs]def orbital_semimajor_axis(period, mass): r""" Calculate the semi-major axis from the period of satellite. :param period: Period in [s] :param mass: Mass of the central body in [kg] :returns: Semi-jmajor axis (the radius for a circular orbit) in [km] Using the Kepler's law: .. math:: \frac{T^2}{a^3} = \frac{4\pi^2}{GM} # Lunar orbiter with period of 7000s. The semi-major axis is ~1825 km (100 km alt). >>> from irfpy.util import planets as pla >>> a = orbital_semimajor_axis(7000, pla.moon['mass']) >>> print(f'{a:.1f}') 1825.8 # Moon around the earth. 27.5 day period give the distance of ~60 Rm (384000 km) >>> a_u = orbital_semimajor_axis_u(27.4 *, ...['mass'] * >>> a = # Represented by days in float. >>> print(f'{a:.1f}') 383946.1 """ gravity_constant = k.G # Gravity constant in MKSA gm = gravity_constant * mass t2 = period * period pi2 = _np.pi ** 2 a = _np.power(t2 * gm / 4 / pi2, 1/3.0) a = a / 1000 # Convert to km. return a
orbital_semimajor_axis_u = u.make_unitful_function(orbital_semimajor_axis, [u.s,],
[docs]def orbital_period(a, m): r""" Calculate the orbital period. :param a: Semi-jmajor axis (the radius for a circular orbit) in [km] :param m: Mass of the central body in [kg] :returns: Period in [s] Using the Kepler's law: .. math:: \frac{T^2}{a^3} = \frac{4\pi^2}{GM} # Lunar orbiter at 100 km. It is about 2 hours (~7050s) >>> from irfpy.util import planets as pla >>> p = orbital_period(1834, pla.moon['mass']) >>> print(f'{p:.1f}') 7046.9 # Moon around the earth. ~27 days >>> p_u = orbital_period_u(pla.moon['semi-major-axis'] *, ...['mass'] * >>> p = # Represented by days in float. >>> print(f'{p:.1f}') 27.4 """ gravity_constant = k.G # Gravity constant in MKSA pi = _np.pi a_m = a * 1000 # In meter period = 2 * pi * a_m * _np.sqrt(a_m / gravity_constant / m) return period
orbital_period_u = u.make_unitful_function(orbital_period, [,], u.s)