Source code for irfpy.util.emission

r""" Emission functions.

An emission function, :math:`p_\Omega(\theta, \phi)`, are
determined as a probability function
in terms of the solid angle (steradian, :math:`\Omega`).

.. math::

    \int p_\Omega(\theta, \phi) d\Omega = 1

It is *not* interms of :math`\theta, \phi`.

In this module, the surface-emission is considered, so that the angle
:math:`\theta` (polar angle) shall be 0 to 90 degrees. Beyond 90 degrees, the emission should be zero.

The angle :math:`\theta` is defined from the local zenith (normal vector of surface).  The angle :math:`\phi` is measured from the opposite direction of the reference vector.  (Forward scattering shall be defined as zero phi). Increasing phi corresponds to the anti-clockwize looking from zenith.

- For the uniform (isotropic) case, the emission function is :math:`1/2\pi`.

- For the cosine-normal case, the emission function is :math:`(\gamma+1)/2\pi cos^\gamma \theta`.

- For the forward-specular model, the cosine-normal function is tilted by the given angle.

- For the backward-specular model, the cosine-nomal function is tilted (backward) by the given angle.
import numpy as np

# bfb34c1

[docs]def emission_uniform(theta, phi): """ Isotropic emission function. :param theta: The polar angle in deg. [0, 180]. (>90, the returned value is nan). :param phi: The azimuth angle in deg. (-180, 180] >>> print(emission_uniform([30, 90, 120], [50, 50, 50])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0.15915494 0.15915494 nan] """ emfunc = np.broadcast_to(1 / (2 * np.pi), np.array(theta).shape) emfunc = np.where(np.array(theta) <= 90, emfunc, np.nan) return emfunc
[docs]def emission_cosnorm(theta, phi, gamma=1): """ Cosine-normal emission function. :param theta: The polar angle in deg. [0, 180]. (>90, the returned value is nan). :param phi: The azimuth angle in deg. (-180, 180] >>> theta = [30, 50, 120] >>> phi = [50, 20, -30] >>> print(emission_uniform(theta, phi)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0.15915494 0.15915494 nan] """ u = np.power(np.cos(np.radians(theta)), gamma) emfunc = u / 2 / np.pi * (1 + gamma) emfunc = np.where(np.array(theta) <= 90, emfunc, np.nan) return emfunc
[docs]class POMSP: _CACHED_POMSP = {}
[docs] @classmethod def getObject(cls, tilt_angle, gamma, normalize_accuracy=360): key = (tilt_angle, gamma, normalize_accuracy) if not key in cls._CACHED_POMSP: cls._CACHED_POMSP[key] = _POMSP(tilt_angle, gamma, normalize_accuracy) return cls._CACHED_POMSP[key]
[docs] @classmethod def clear_cache(cls): cls._CACHED_POMSP = {}
[docs]def clear_cache(): POMSP.clear_cache()
class _POMSP: # I forgot what the name stand for. Specular class def __init__(self, incom_deg, gamma, normalize_accuracy=360): self.theta0 = np.radians(incom_deg) self.gamma = gamma theta = np.linspace(0, 90, normalize_accuracy) phi = np.linspace(-180, 180, normalize_accuracy * 4) dtheta = theta[1] - theta[0] dphi = phi[1] - phi[0] theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi, indexing='ij') p = self.getP(theta, phi, normalize=False) steradian = np.sin(np.radians(theta)) * np.radians(dtheta) * np.radians(dphi) self.normalize_factor = (p * steradian).sum() def getP(self, theta, phi, normalize=True): theta_0 = self.theta0 t = np.radians(theta) p = np.radians(phi) u = np.sin(theta_0) * np.sin(t) * np.cos(p) + np.cos(theta_0) * np.cos(t) u = np.where(u > 0, u, 0) u = np.power(u, self.gamma) if normalize: u = u / self.normalize_factor return u
[docs]def emission_specular(theta, phi, tilt_angle=0, gamma=1, normalize_accuracy=360): """ Specular reflection :param theta: The polar angle in deg. [0, 180]. (>90, the returned value is nan). :param phi: The azimuth angle in deg. (-180, 180] :keyword tilt_angle: The tilt angle for specular reflection for the forward scattering. [0, 90] Usually, the angle is the same as the incoming angle of the projectile. If you set it as 0 (default), the result is the same as cosing_normal. :keyword gamma: The gamma paramter for the cosine normal function. :keyword normalize_accuracy: To normalize the results, this function integrate numerically over the half-sphere. This parameter defines how accurate the normalization should be. >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(30, 0, tilt_angle=0, gamma=1))) 0.275 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(30, 0, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.341 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(30, 20, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.336 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(30, -20, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.336 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(30, -30, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.329 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(80, 20, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) 0.682 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(80, -20, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) 0.682 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_specular(100, -20, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) nan """ pom = POMSP.getObject(tilt_angle, gamma, normalize_accuracy=normalize_accuracy) emfunc = pom.getP(theta, phi) emfunc = np.where(np.array(theta) <= 90, emfunc, np.nan) return emfunc
[docs]def emission_backward(theta, phi, tilt_angle=0, gamma=1, normalize_accuracy=360): """ Emission function of backscattering :param theta: The polar angle in deg. [0, 180]. (>90, the returned value is nan). :param phi: The azimuth angle in deg. (-180, 180] :keyword tilt_angle: The tilt angle for specular reflection for the backward scattering. [0, 90] Usually, the angle is the same as the incoming angle of the projectile. If you set it as 0 (default), the result is the same as cosing_normal. :keyword gamma: The gamma paramter for the cosine normal function. :keyword normalize_accuracy: To normalize the results, this function integrate numerically over the half-sphere. This parameter defines how accurate the normalization should be. >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(30, 180, tilt_angle=0, gamma=1))) 0.275 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(30, 180, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.341 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(30, 160, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.336 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(30, -160, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.336 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(30, -150, tilt_angle=30, gamma=1))) 0.329 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(80, 160, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) 0.682 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(80, -160, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) 0.682 >>> print('{:.3g}'.format(emission_backward(100, -160, tilt_angle=70, gamma=3))) nan """ phibs = np.where(phi < 0, -phi - 180, -phi + 180) return emission_specular(theta, phibs, tilt_angle=tilt_angle, gamma=gamma, normalize_accuracy=normalize_accuracy)