Source code for irfpy.util.ballistic

"""Ballistic trajectory related module

Associated link:

    - :mod:`irfpy.util.keplernumeric`
import numpy as np

[docs]class Trajectory: def __init__(self, r0, th0, vr0, om0, mass, g=6.674e-11, m=1): r""" Initialize the trajectory. :param r0: Initial position, :math:`r_0`. :param th0: Initial phase, :math:`\theta_0`. Radians. :param vr0: Initial radial velocity, :math:`v_0=dr/dt(t=0)`. :param om0: Initial angular veloicty, :math:`\omega_0=d\theta/dt(t=0)`. :param mass: Mass of the central body (or effective mass of the center of gravity). :keyword g: Gravity of constant, :math:`G`. Default value is for MKSA unit value. :keyword m: Mass of the moving object. It DOES NOT concern the trajectory, but some physical quantities do. *Theory*: From the initial conditions, the trajectory is expressed in the parametric equation :math:`r = LL / (1 + e \cos (\theta + \Phi)`. Here, r is the distance from the central body, e is eccentricity, Phi represents the phase shift. """ # From the initial condition, the trajectory is expressed in the parametric # elipse equation: r = LL / (1 + e cos (_theta + Phi) ). # LL, e, and Phi are calculated analytically below. self._r0 = r0 self._th0 = th0 self._vr0 = vr0 self._om0 = om0 self._M = mass self._GM = mass * g self._m = m self._L = m * r0 * r0 * om0 # Angular moment. Constant over the trajectory. self._LL = ((self._L / self._m) ** 2) / self._GM # Parametric ellipse equation: LL/(1+e cos theta) # The phase at the initial time self._Phi = np.arctan2(self._vr0 * self._LL / (self._r0 ** 2) / self._om0, self._LL / self._r0 - 1) - self._th0 phi0 = self._Phi + self._th0 sin = np.sin(phi0) cos = np.cos(phi0) self._es = self._vr0 * self._LL / (self._r0 * self._r0 * self._om0 * sin) self._ec = ((self._LL / self._r0) - 1) / cos if np.abs(sin) > np.abs(cos): ### Use sin conterpart of formulation self._e = self._es else: ### Use cos conterpart of formulation self._e = self._ec
[docs] def print_values(self): print('r0:', self._r0) print('th0:', self._th0) print('v0:', self._vr0) print('om0:', self._om0) print('M:', self._M) print('GM:', self._GM) print('m:', self._m) print('L:', self._L) print('LL:', self._LL) print('Phi:', self._Phi) print('es:', self._es) print('ec:', self._ec) print('e:', self._e)
[docs] def angular_momentum(self): r""" Return the angular momentum. The angular momentum is constant. It is defined by the initial condition: L=m r0^2 omega0. .. math:: L = m r_0^2 \omega_0 """ return self._L
[docs] def eccentricity(self): return self._e
[docs] def r(self, th): r""" Return the distance ``r`` as a function of ``th`` :param th: The phase angle in radians. :returns: The radius, r. *Theory*: From LL, e, and Phi, the radial distance is :math:`LL / (1 + e \cos(\theta+\Phi))`. """ r = self._LL / (1 + self._e * np.cos(th + self._Phi)) return r
[docs] def omega(self, th): r""" Return :math:`omega` as a function of `th`. :param th: The phase angle in radians. :returns: The angular speed, omega. *Theory*: The angular momentum (L see :meth:`angular_momentum`) is conserved, so that the angular speed omega can be retrieved via the equation .. math:: L = m r(\theta)^2 \omega(\theta). The distance r is retrieved from :meth:`r` """ r = self.r(th) L = self._L m = self._m return L / m / r / r
[docs] def v(self, th): """ Return the radial velocity as a function of ``th``. Deprecated. Use :meth:`vr`. """ return self.vr(th)
[docs] def vr(self, th): r""" Return the radial velocity as a function of ``th`` :param th: The phase angle in radians. :returns: The radial speed. *Theory:* We derived the vr as follows. .. math:: r = \frac{LL}{1+e\cos(\theta+\Phi)}. By taking time derivative, we obtain .. math:: v_r = \frac{dr}{dt} = e \sin(\theta+\Phi)\frac{LL}{(1+e\cos(\theta+\Phi))^2}\frac{d\theta}{dt} By simplifying the equation, we obtain .. math:: v_r = \frac{e l}{m LL}\sin{\theta + \Phi}. """ L = self._L m = self._m e = self._e LL = self._LL phi = self._Phi v = L / m * e * np.sin(th + phi) / LL return v
[docs] def integ_distance_num(self, end_phase, ndiv=36000): r""" Integrate the distance flown from initial phase until the given end_phase. The distance along the trajectory is integrated along the orbit. Simple daikei-kousiki (?what is the English?) is used. :param end_phase: The end of the phase (:math:`\theta_1`). Radians. :param ndiv: Division used for the separation. :return: The distance. *Sample* Let's see a lunar orbiter. The 100 km circular orbit (distance of 1838 km) is considered. It is easier to use the helper function :func:`speed_from_distances` to get the velocity for such orbiter. >>> vper, vapo = speeds_from_distances(1838e3, 1838e3, 7.342e22) >>> print('{:.1f} m/s'.format(vper)) 1632.8 m/s Create the :class:`Trajectory` object. >>> orbiter = Trajectory(1838e3, 0, 0, 1632.8 / 1838e3, 7.342e22) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(orbiter._e)) # Eccentrycity. This is (almost) circle. 0.00 Calculate the full length of the trajectory. It is :math:`2\pi R` where ``R`` is the radius of the orbiter (1838 km). Thus, 11548.5 km. >>> trajectory_length = orbiter.integ_distance_num(2 * np.pi) >>> print('{:.3e} m'.format(trajectory_length)) 1.155e+07 m """ # separate the phase angle by the division thetalist = np.linspace(self._th0, end_phase, ndiv) thetalist_c = (thetalist[1:] + thetalist[:-1]) / 2. d_thetalist = thetalist[1:] - thetalist[:-1] rlist = self.r(thetalist_c) # r(th) distance_list = rlist * d_thetalist # r dth distance = distance_list.sum() return distance
[docs] def integ_time_num(self, end_phase, ndiv=36000): r""" Calcuate the time from the initial time to the end at the ``end_phase``. The calculation uses numerical calculation .. math:: t = \int_{\theta_0}^{\theta_1} \frac{d\theta}{\omega} :param end_phase: The end of the phase (:math:`\theta_1`). Radians. :param ndiv: Division used for the separation. :return: The distance. *Sample* Let's see a lunar orbiter. The 100 km circular orbit (distance of 1838 km) is considered. Create the :class:`Trajectory` object, in the same manner as :meth:`integ_distance_num`. >>> orbiter = Trajectory(1838e3, 0, 0, 1632.8 / 1838e3, 7.342e22) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(orbiter._e)) # Eccentrycity. This is (almost) circle. 0.00 Calculate the circular period. In this case, the total distance flying over is 11548.5 km (see :meth:`integ_distance_num`). The speed of the orbiter is 1632.8 m/s. This resuts in 7072.8 s. >>> period = orbiter.integ_time_num(2 * np.pi) >>> print('{:.0f} s'.format(period)) 7073 s """ # separate the phase angle by the division thetalist = np.linspace(self._th0, end_phase, ndiv) thetalist_c = (thetalist[1:] + thetalist[:-1]) / 2. d_thetalist = thetalist[1:] - thetalist[:-1] wlist = # omega(th) dt_list = d_thetalist / wlist t = dt_list.sum() return t
[docs]def speeds_from_distances(dperi, dapo, mass, g=6.674e-11): r""" Calculate the speeds at peri- and apo-centers from the distances It is common request to calulate the trajectory for, say, spacecraft with specification of the heights. :param dperi: Pericenter distance from the center :param dapo: Apocenter distance from the center :param mass: Mass of the central body :keyword g: Constant of gravity, :math:`G` :returns: (vper, vapo), where vper is the pericenter spped and vapo for apocenter. The formulation is simple: Using the energy and angular momentum conversations. Derivation is based on MKSA system. .. math:: v_p = \frac{1}{d_p}\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{\frac{1}{d_a}+\frac{1}{d_p}}} \\ v_a = \frac{1}{d_a}\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{\frac{1}{d_a}+\frac{1}{d_p}}} \\ Example below is an orbiter around the Moon. The pericenter altitude 30 km and apocenter altitude of 270 km are considered. Moon radius of 1738 km is taken. >>> dp = (30 + 1738) * 1000 # in meter >>> da = (270 + 1738) * 1000 # in meter >>> from irfpy.util.planets import moon >>> v_p, v_a = speeds_from_distances(dp, da, moon['mass']) >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(v_p)) 1717.547 >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(v_a)) 1512.262 The results say the pericenter velocity of 1.718 km/s and apocenter velocity of 1.512 km/s """ sq = np.sqrt(2 * g * mass / (1 / dapo + 1 / dperi)) return sq / dperi, sq / dapo
[docs]class Trajectory3D: r""" 3-D trajectory of ballistic motion. *Theory* The class represents the ballistic motion of a mass *m* under a huge gravity star of mass *M*. (*M >> m* is assumed, but theoretically, if you use "equivalent mass" then one can extend this to more generic problems) Consider the mass *M* at origin, and stationary. The mass *m* moves around under Kepler motion. Let's take the initial position :math:`\vec{r_0}` with the velocity :math:`\vec{v_0}`. :math:`r_0 = |\vec{r_0}|` and :math:`v_0 = |\vec{v_0}|` should not be zero. Also they should not be parallel, i.e. :math:`\vec{r_0}\times\vec{v_0}\ne 0`. This is a 2-D problem, which can be represented by :class:`Trajectory`. This, a conversion between the 3-D coordinates to the 2-D in :class:`Trajectory` is the key to solve. Conversion: Let's take the new axis as follows. - :math:`\hat{s}`: Along the positon vector, i.e., :math:`\hat{s} = \frac{\vec{r_0}}{r_0}`. - :math:`\hat{t}`: :math:`\hat{s}-\hat{t}` plane to include the velocity vector, with :math:`v_t>0`. This means that :math:`\hat{t} // (\vec{r_0}\times\vec{v_0})\times\vec{r_0}`. *Usage* Let's try the following example. - An orbiter around the Moon (mass=7.342e22 kg). In inertia frame - The position of orbiter at t=0 is 1850 km at the equator, longitude at 45. >>> r0 = 1850e3 * np.array([np.cos(np.pi / 4), np.sin(np.pi / 4), 0]) >>> print(r0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [1308147.54519511 1308147.54519511 0. ] - The initial velocity of the orbiter at t=0 is (0, 0.01, 1.65) km/s. >>> v0 = 1000 * np.array([0, 0.01, 1.65]) >>> print(v0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [ 0. 10. 1650.] Now it is time to make the Trajectory3D object. >>> traj = Trajectory3D(r0, v0, 7.342e22) >>> print(traj) Trajectory3D: s=(0.707,0.707,0) t=(-0.00303,0.00303,1) r0=1.85e+06 vs0=7.07 w0=0.000892 The initial position, r0, should be converted to the original position in xyz. >>> print(traj.st2xyz(traj.s(0), traj.t(0))) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [1308147.54519511 1308147.54519511 0. ] The initial velocity, v0, should be converted to the original velocity in xyz. >>> v0recal = traj.st2xyz(traj.vs(0), traj.vt(0)) >>> print('{v[0]:.3f} {v[1]:.3f} {v[2]:.3f}'.format(v=v0recal)) 0.000 10.000 1650.000 Later, the velocity can be retrieved by vxyz method. >>> vxyz1 = traj.vxyz(1) # Velocity at phase = 1 radian >>> print('{v[0]:.3f} {v[1]:.3f} {v[2]:.3f}'.format(v=vxyz1)) # It is in m/s -952.900 -947.372 912.080 >>> traj.print_values() # doctest: +SKIP --- 2d --- r0: 1850000.0 th0: 0.0 v0: 7.07106781187 om0: 0.00086487331077 ... The period of such orbit is ~7450 sec. >>> print('{:.3f}'.format(traj.integ_time_num(np.pi * 2))) 7452.076 *Notes* All the quantities are derived via the parameter :math:`\theta`. This is frequently a difficulty, because it is more natural to use the time *t* as a parameter. However, the theory of two-body collision is built such that. I do not want to dig into more in details now. Of course practically, it could be worthwhile to get a function such like :math:`\theta=\theta(t)` by inverting :math:`t=t(\theta)`. """ def __init__(self, r0vec, v0vec, mass, g=6.674e-11, m=1): r""" Initialize the trajectory. :param r0vec: Initial position, :math:`\vec{r_0}`. :param v0vec: Initial radial velocity, :math:`\vec{v_0}`. :param mass: Mass of the central body (or effective mass of the center of gravity). :keyword g: Gravity of constant, :math:`G`. Default value is for MKSA unit value. :keyword m: Mass of the moving object. It DOES NOT concern the trajectory, but some deriving physical quantities do. """ ### New axis self.r0vec = np.array(r0vec) self.r0 = np.sqrt((self.r0vec ** 2).sum()) if self.r0vec.shape != (3,) or self.r0 == 0: raise ValueError('Position should be non-zero 3-D vector, but `{}`'.format(str(self.r0vec))) self.v0vec = np.array(v0vec) self.v0 = np.linalg.norm(self.v0vec) if self.v0vec.shape != (3,) or self.v0 == 0: raise ValueError('Velocity should be non-zero 3-D vector, but `{}`'.format(str(self.v0vec))) self.hats = self.r0vec / self.r0 self.hatt = np.cross(self.r0vec, self.v0vec) if (self.hatt == 0).all(): raise ValueError('Position and Velocity should note be paralell, but {} and {}.'.format(str(self.r0vec), str(self.v0vec))) self.hatt = np.cross(self.hatt, self.r0vec) self.hatt = self.hatt / np.linalg.norm(self.hatt) self.th0 = 0. # Initial phase is always zero in s-t plane. cosalpha = np.clip(, self.v0vec) / self.r0 / self.v0, -1, 1) self.alpha = np.arccos(cosalpha) sinalpha = np.sqrt(1 - cosalpha ** 2) self.vs0 = self.v0 * cosalpha self.om0 = self.v0 * sinalpha / self.r0 self._2dtraj = Trajectory(self.r0, self.th0, self.vs0, self.om0, mass, g=g, m=m)
[docs] def st2xyz(self, s, t): """ """ return s * self.hats + t * self.hatt
[docs] def r(self, th): """ Return r from the phase angle as a parameter. """ return self._2dtraj.r(th)
[docs] def omega(self, th): """ Return the tangential angular velocity """ return
[docs] def s(self, th): """ Return the s value """ return self.r(th) * np.cos(th)
[docs] def t(self, th): """ Return the t value """ return self.r(th) * np.sin(th)
[docs] def v(self, th): """ Return the radial velocity """ return self._2dtraj.v(th)
[docs] def vr(self, th): """ Return the radial velociyt. Same as :meth:`v` """ return self.v(th)
[docs] def vth(self, th): """ Return the phase velocity.""" return * self.r(th)
[docs] def vs(self, th): """ Return the s-direction velocity """ return self.v(th) * np.cos(th) - self.vth(th) * np.sin(th)
[docs] def vt(self, th): """ Return the tangential velocity """ return self.v(th) * np.sin(th) + self.vth(th) * np.cos(th)
[docs] def xyz(self, th): """ Return the (x, y, z) coordinates """ s = self.s(th) t = self.t(th) return self.st2xyz(s, t)
[docs] def longitude(self, th): """Return the longitude in degrees at the phase angle |theta|. :param th: Phase angle |theta| :return: The longitude in degrees. """ xyz = lon = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0])) return lon
[docs] def latitude(self, th): """ Return the Latitude in degrees at the phase angle |theta|. :param th: The phase angle |theta| :return: The latitude in degrees """ r = self.r(th) z =[2] cos = np.clip(z / r, -1, 1) return 90 - np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos))
[docs] def vxyz(self, th): """ Return (vx, vy, vz) """ vs = self.vs(th) vt = self.vt(th) return self.st2xyz(vs, vt)
[docs] def integ_time_num(self, end_phase, ndiv=36000): return self._2dtraj.integ_time_num(end_phase, ndiv=ndiv)
[docs] def integ_distance_num(self, end_phase, ndiv=36000): return self._2dtraj.integ_distance_num(end_phase, ndiv=ndiv)
[docs] def print_values(self): print('--- 2d ---') print('r0:', self._2dtraj._r0) print('th0:', self._2dtraj._th0) print('v0:', self._2dtraj._vr0) print('om0:', self._2dtraj._om0) print('M:', self._2dtraj._M) print('GM:', self._2dtraj._GM) print('m:', self._2dtraj._m) print('L:', self._2dtraj._L) print('LL:', self._2dtraj._LL) print('Phi:', self._2dtraj._Phi) print('es:', self._2dtraj._es) print('ec:', self._2dtraj._ec) print('e:', self._2dtraj._e)
def __str__(self): s = 'Trajectory3D: s=({s[0]:.3g},{s[1]:.3g},{s[2]:.3g}) t=({t[0]:.3g},{t[1]:.3g},{t[2]:.3g}) '.format(s=self.hats, t=self.hatt) s = s + 'r0={:.3g} vs0={:.3g} w0={:.3g}'.format( self.r0, self.vs0, self.om0) return s