Change of orbit number file by project

Orbit number is the way of organizing the time for the specific spacecraft. Chandrayaan-1 also has orbit number. The orbit number in pyana.sara library is in pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbitNr module.

The orbit number file is based on SPICE kernel, but the file contents changed some time during the mission, probably. This was noticed by IRF only on Fecruary 2011, so we needed to re-organize our internal database.

This is how the reorganization was done.

Orbit number file

The original file is located in However, this is outdated. For compatibility, we left the file as is, and made a new directory orbnum. Thus, the IRF-official orbit number file is in

The “default” orbit file number file (or url in general) can be accessed by pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbitNr.setFromDefaultUri() method. The ~/.pyanarc configuration file can set the default URI in the entry of [cy1orb] section orbnruri entry.

Old file

If old file is called, the pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbitNr.OldOrbnumFileError is thrown.


Orbit number is always referred in pyana script. Thus, it is important to know whether your database has been made by the correct version of orbnum file, and the database is correctly specified by the setting file (.pyanarc). You can use script/ to check your library and setup file (.pyanarc).