
Produce a bunch of mass spectra from an output file (DataFileV1 format).

irfpy.cy1orb.plot.axis_cy1_me.axis_cy1_me_at(times, fmt='+', **args)[source]

Make a map of the Moon overlaying the positions of the spacecraft at the specified times.

  • times (Array-like of datetime.datetime) – List of the time to be plotted.

  • fmt – Format specifier for matplotlib.pyplot.plot function.

  • **args – Argument to be given to axis_cy1_me().

This is a simple example of plotting ME position at a specified time

Prepare the time, for 1 hour with 1 min resolution.

import datetime
tlist = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 25, 3) + arange(60) * datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)

Plot them.



If you connect data points by “line”, fake lines may be plotted at the poles. Because this is not a priority issues (not so simple to refine), I have no plan to fix them so far.

Idea to remove is to plot data points as points (as in the default value for fmt keyword) or plot by line first, save them by vector format like eps file, and remove the segment manually.

irfpy.cy1orb.plot.axis_cy1_me.axis_cy1_me(lons, lats, fmt='-', rect=None, terminator=None, **args)[source]

Make a map of the Moon together with plotting the positions of the spacecraft.

  • lons – List of longitude. Longitude should be in a range of (-180, 180)

  • lats – List of latitude.

  • fmt – Format specifier for matplotlib.pyplot.plot function.

  • rectrect keyword to be given to axes() method. [left, bottom, width, height].

  • terminator – None or datetime for calculating terminator and the subsolar point.

  • **args – Argument to be given to matplotlib.pyplot.plot function.

Sample code is here:

from irfpy.cy1orb.plot import axis_cy1_me
axis_cy1_me.axis_cy1_me([-120, -80, 0, 80, 120], [45, -20, -35, -5, 60], fmt='-*')
irfpy.cy1orb.plot.axis_cy1_me.axis_map_me(rect=None, terminator=None)[source]

Make a map of the Moon and return as axis and image instances.

  • rectrect keyword to given to axes() method. [left, bottom, width, height].

  • terminator (datetime.datetime) – Specify the time for calculating terminator and the subsolar point.


Axis and image instance.

A sample:

from irfpy.cy1orb.plot import axis_cy1_me
ax, im = axis_cy1_me.axis_map_me()

will show a moon map.

To plot a position of the spacecraft, do like:

ax.plot([-100, -50, 0, 50, 100], [-50, -40, 0, 40, 50])

The x coordinate is longitude and y coordinate is latitude. Longitude ranges from -180 and 180.