
A module to convert between lse and me frames.

Conversion between LSE frame and ME frame. For frame conversions, also refer to How to convert between frames. This is based on a pre-calculated conversion file, specified in [cy1orb] convlse2me entry. Contact Futaana for the datefile.

The simple use is just calling lse2me() and me2lse().

class irfpy.cy1orb.lseme.ConversionMatrixInFile(rcfile=None)[source]

Bases: object


Read a data from file spcified in cy1orb/convlse2me field of irfpyrc.

getVectorMeNeighbor(jd, vecLse)[source]

Get a ME frame vector correspoinding to the LSE vector.

The conversion from LSE to ME is done. The time resolution of the conversion matrix is 1 hour, so, the error of the order of 1 degrees should be admitted. (~ 360 deg / 30 day / 24 hr) Because the JdSeries.getNeighbor() method is used, the execution time is not quite fast.


Get LSE->ME conversion matrix

getVectorLseNeighbor(jd, vecMe)[source]

Get a LSE frame vector correspoinding to the ME vector.

The conversion from ME to LSE is done. The time resolution of the conversion matrix is 1 hour, so, the error of the order of 1 degrees should be admitted. (~ 360 deg / 30 day / 24 hr) Because the JdSeries.getNeighbor() method is used, the execution time is not quite fast.


Interface to get a matrix of LSE2ME conversion

irfpy.cy1orb.lseme.lse2me(jd, vec_lse)[source]

Convert LSE to ME for the given time.

  • jd (datetime.datetime instance is recommended. irfpy.util.julday.Julday is also supported.) – Time.

  • vec_me (numpy.array is recommended, while irfpy.util.vector3d.Vector3d is supported.) – Vector in LSE frame.


A corresponding vector in ME frame.

Return type


irfpy.cy1orb.lseme.me2lse(jd, vec_me)[source]

Convert ME to LSE for the given time.

  • jd (datetime.datetime instance is recommended. irfpy.util.julday.Julday is also supported.) – Time.

  • vec_me (numpy.array is recommended, while irfpy.util.vector3d.Vector3d is supported.) – Vector in ME frame.


A corresponding vector in LSE frame.

Return type
