
fov module is for Chap 3. in the CENA FM calibration report.

The CENA calibration report issue 1 rev 1 is implemented here. The module treats Chapter 3: Sensor properties.

A simple use of the module can be found as a script of cena_visualize_fov.

Conversion between \(\theta\) \(\phi\) system to a vector is implemented in irfpy.cena.frame module. See also How to convert between frames.

Definition of \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) is as follows. Primary axis is -z axis. \(\theta\) is measured from xy plane and positive in -z axis. In other word, this is a co-latitude measured from -z axis. \(\phi\) is measured from y axis (strictly speaking yz plane) and positive toward x axis. See Figure 1.1 in CENA calibration report.

irfpy.cena.fov.shape_of_response(n, theta, phi)[source]

Return the shape of response.

\(\theta\) is elevation angle and \(\phi\) is the azimuthal angle in degrees. \(\theta\) should be -90 to 90, and \(\phi\) should be -180 to 180. n is the channel ID from 0 to 6.

irfpy.cena.fov.pixel_shape(n, elevresolution=0, azimresolution=0, resolution=None, fill=False)[source]

Return an array of the pixel edge angle of its FWHM.

  • n – Channel number. 0 to 6.

  • azimresolution – Azimuthal resolution. Number of division in azimuthal direction.

  • elevresolution – Elevation resolution. Number of division in elevation direction.

  • resolution – Resolution. Overwrite azimresolution and elevresolution.

  • fill – If true, the first point is added to the end.


A tuple of 2 numpy array. Array of \(\theta\) and array of \(\phi\).

The number of elements is 4+2*azimresolution+2*elevresolution. If fill is True, one more element is added. However, it is recommend to check the number after you get the array.

>>> pix0 = pixel_shape(0, azimresolution=50, elevresolution=3)
>>> print(len(pix0[0]), len(pix0[1]))
110 110

Returns the azimuth (\(\phi\)) center in degrees for the pixel n.

Implements equation (3.2), -19.06*n + 57.19


Returns the FWHM of the azimuthal directions (\(\phi\)) in degrees.

Implements equation (3.3). Indeed it does not depend on n, 45.0 degrees.


Returns the elevation center (\(\theta\)) in degrees for the pixel n.

Implements equation (3.4). It does not indeed depend on n: -6.05 degrees.


Returns the FWHM of the elevation (\(\theta\)) directions in degrees.

Implements equation (3.5). Independent of n, 6.44 is returned.


Returns the approximate soliad angle.

Equation (3.8) gives the definition.

\[\Delta\Omega_n \approx FWHM_{\phi,n} \cdot FWHM_{\theta,n}\]
>>> print('%.3f' % solid_angle(0))
irfpy.cena.fov.infov(theta, phi)[source]

A simple FOV envelope checker.

  • theta – The \(\theta\) angle(s), from -90 to 90 in degrees. Looking direction.

  • phi – The \(\phi\) angle(s), from -180 to 180 in degrees. Looking direction.

>>> infov(0, 0)
>>> infov(5, 0)    # Theta=5, False
>>> infov(-5, 0)
>>> infov([-6, -6, -6, -6, -6], [-180, -90, 0, 90, 180])
array([False, False,  True, False, False])