A very simple calculation of JDC energy spectra expected
A small concern about multiple charged particle, particularly where j to c conversion. (Does the conversion same as the singly charged? Where E/q plays into game? j(E) or j(E/q)?)
''' A very simple calculation of JDC energy spectra expected
A small concern about multiple charged particle,
particularly where j to c conversion.
(Does the conversion same as the singly charged?
Where E/q plays into game?
j(E) or j(E/q)?)
import os
import sys
import logging
import datetime
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
def j(ene, n0=1., temp=100, m=1, q=1, vcr=150):
ene to be energy in eV
n0 is density in cm^-3
temp is temperature in eV
m is the mass in amu
q is the charge in the unit of 1.6e-19
k = 1.38e-23 # J/K
mp = 1.67e-27 # kg
qe = 1.6e-19
m = m * mp
q = q * qe
vcr = vcr * 1e3 # in m/s
ene = ene * qe # in Joule
n0 = n0 * 1e6 # in m^-3
temp = temp * 1.16e4 # in K
vth = np.sqrt(k * temp / m)
j0 = 2 * ene / m / m * n0
j1 = (0.5 / np.pi / (vth ** 2)) ** 1.5
j2 = (np.sqrt(2 * ene / m) - vcr) ** 2
j3 = 2 * (vth ** 2)
jj = j0 * j1 * np.exp(-j2 / j3) # in # / m2 J sr s
jj = jj / 1e4 # in /cm2 J sr s
jj = jj * qe # in /cm2 eV sr s
return jj
def main():
'''Main script'''
# Take a simple energy table.
etbl = np.logspace(1, 4, 512)
# For Ganymede
# nlist = [.31, .12, .1, .1, .43, .1, .084]
vcr = 150.
# For Europa
nlist = [3.20, 3.00, 2.60, 2.60, 11.00, 2.60, 2.10]
vcr = 90.
lablist = ['H+', 'O+', 'O++', 'S+', 'S++', 'S+++', 'Na+']
mlist = [1, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32, 23]
qlist = [1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1]
for n, lab, m, q in zip(nlist, lablist, mlist, qlist):
jp = np.zeros_like(etbl)
for i, e in enumerate(etbl):
jp[i] = j(e, n0=n, temp=100, m=m, q=q, vcr=vcr)
# plt.plot(etbl / q, jp, '-', label=lab)
### Count rate. J * G * E
c = jp * 5e-4 * etbl
plt.plot(etbl / q, c, '-', label=lab)
print('#', lab)
for cc, ee in zip(c, etbl):
print(ee / q, cc)
plt.ylim(1e+0, 1e6)
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV/q]')
# plt.ylabel('Diff flux [#/cm2 eV sr s]')
plt.ylabel('Count rate [cps]')
if __name__ == "__main__":