''' Plot the spacecraft position at a time range given.
This will give a map of the coverage of JUICE with
0.33 degree gridded map.
To simulate the height difference, mainly for 200 km
and 500 km altitude, a simple trick is used.
200 km height will give 0.4 degrees surface area with
FOV=5 degrees. 500 km height is 1 degree at surface.
Thus, the gridding at the sphere is settled to be 0.33 deg,
and for 200 km height I set only 1 point in the spacecraft
footprint, and for 500 km height 5 points at and four neighbor
of the spacecraft footprint.
import os
import sys
import logging
import datetime
import math
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import spice
import pyana.util.gridsphere
import pyana.pep.juice_spice
import pyana.pep.moon_image
def setup_kernel():
kernels = [os.path.join('..', 'pyana', 'pep', 'spice_juice', 'mantra.jgo_2020_001_ipc_cal_pso_res_e40_562_200.bsp')]
kernsdir = os.path.join('..', 'pyana', 'pep', 'spice_juice')
kerns = ['naif0010.tls', 'pck00009.tpc', 'de405.bsp', 'jup230.bsp', ]
for k in kerns:
kern = os.path.join(kernsdir, k)
spice.furnsh(os.path.join('..', 'pyana', 'pep', 'spice', 'jse_111130.tf'))
for k in kernels:
def main():
timemaskfunction = pyana.pep.juice_spice.is_valid_interval_mantra001
juice = pyana.pep.juice_spice.JuiceSpice()
juice_onr = pyana.pep.juice_spice.OrbitNumber001()
o0, o1 = juice_onr.orb0, juice_onr.orb1 # Full period
# o0, o1 = 1, 3
dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
gmap = pyana.pep.moon_image.get_ganymede_image()
ax.imshow(gmap, origin='bootom', extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90],
aspect='equal', cmap=matplotlib.cm.gray)
ax.imshow(gmap, origin='bootom', extent=[180, 540, -90, 90],
aspect='equal', cmap=matplotlib.cm.gray)
rg = 2634.1
grid = pyana.util.gridsphere.SimpleGridSphere(nlon=1080, nlat=540)
dlon = 1/3.
dlat = 1/3.
import time
realstart = time.time()
for oo in range(o0, o1 + 1):
current = time.time()
print(oo, '%d/%d' % (oo, o1 - o0 + 1), '%f passed.' % (current - realstart), '%f sec expected.' % ((current - realstart) * (o1 - o0 + 1)/ oo))
t0 = juice_onr.get_starttime(oo)
t1 = juice_onr.get_stoptime(oo)
t = t0
while t <= t1:
if not timemaskfunction(t):
t = t + dt
pos = juice.get_position(t, relative_to='ganymede',
h = np.linalg.norm(pos)
lat = np.arcsin(pos[2] / h)
lon = np.arctan2(pos[1], pos[0])
# print t, h, lon, lat, pos
h -= rg
lat, lon = np.rad2deg((lat, lon)) # Spacecraft position
if h >= 350: # For 500 and 5000 km altitude data
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon + dlon, lat, h)
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon, lat, h)
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon - dlon, lat, h)
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon, lat + dlat, h)
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon, lat - dlat, h)
else: # For 200 km altitude data
grid.append_value_lonlat(lon, lat, h)
t = t + dt
# draw = ax.scatter(lonlist, latlist, s=1, alpha=1, c=-np.log10(hlist), vmin=-np.log10(5000), vmax=-np.log10(200), edgecolors='none')
bgrid = grid.get_bgrid()
min_height = grid.get_min()
clr = -np.log10(min_height)
draw = ax.pcolor(bgrid[0], bgrid[1], clr, vmin=-np.log10(5000), vmax=-np.log10(200))
# clb = plt.colorbar(draw)
# clb.set_label('log(height [km])')
ax.set_xlim(0, 360)
ax.set_ylim(-90, 90)
if __name__ == '__main__':