Differential flux of electrons (VEX only)

Getting differential fluxes will be explained.


The functionality of the differential fluxes is yet experimental. Therefore, users should be careful to use these functions for scientific investigations.

In addition, the functions below may be outdated or changed in the future.

Also, it is very useful if you report the results using these functionality. Not only bugs, but positive results would be highly benefitial.

Problem 1

Getting the differential flux at a certain time for VEX is as follows.

>>> import irfpy.vels.scidata as velsdata
>>> import datetime
>>> t0, etbl, dnf = velsdata.get_dnf(datetime.datetime(2007, 10, 11, 23, 0, 0))

The returned values are the tuple, constituting of start time of observation, energy table (produced from the data packet), and the differential number flux with a unit of (#/cm2 s sr eV).

Again, the high-level data should be used with caution. For example, there are not processing like background subtraction.


No corresponding implementation for MEX/ELS is available as of v4.2.0 (2016-07-27).


No implementation of data center access for VEX/DNF retrieval. It will be needed.