How to read operation file

A part of reading operation file is supported in irfpy.vexop.itlparser and irfpy.vexop.itlfile modules.

Class irfpy.vexop.itlfile.ItlFile supports the itl file reading and filtering. As the itl file is a sequence of command, the ItlFile class is sort of a collection of commands.

>>> from irfpy.vexop.itlfile import ItlFile
>>> itl = ItlFile('AS_CP0211___1486_1492__A_VS0PI1.itl')
>>> commands = itl.get_commandlines()

The sample above reads all the line from the itl file and reformat the command in “1-command 1-line” format. commands here is indeed a list of string.

Each line is just a string, which corresponds 1 command. Functions in irfpy.vexop.itlparser module helps to parse the command. Supported are getting orbit, time w.r.t. pericenter time, and getting command code (starting with “AASF”). Reading parameter is also supported. You can use irfpy.vexop.itlparser.get_param function to obtain the corresponding parameter. A sample is show below.

>>> from irfpy.vexop.itlparser import *
>>> cmd = 'VPER (COUNT = 1492)      03:23:05 ASPERA   HK   AASF093A ( VAS52200 = 40 [RAW] POWER_PROFILE = 00:00:00   23.4 [Watts] DATA_RATE_PROFILE = 00:00:00   6000 [bits/sec])'
>>> print get_command(cmd)
>>> print get_orb(cmd)
>>> print get_vpertime(cmd)
>>> print str_vpertime(get_vpertime(cmd))
>>> print get_param(cmd, 'VAS52200')