How to read operation file ============================ A part of reading operation file is supported in :mod:`irfpy.vexop.itlparser` and :mod:`irfpy.vexop.itlfile` modules. Class :class:`irfpy.vexop.itlfile.ItlFile` supports the itl file reading and filtering. As the itl file is a sequence of command, the ItlFile class is sort of a collection of commands. .. code-block:: py >>> from irfpy.vexop.itlfile import ItlFile >>> itl = ItlFile('AS_CP0211___1486_1492__A_VS0PI1.itl') >>> commands = itl.get_commandlines() The sample above reads all the line from the itl file and reformat the command in "1-command 1-line" format. ``commands`` here is indeed a list of string. Each line is just a string, which corresponds 1 command. Functions in :mod:`irfpy.vexop.itlparser` module helps to parse the command. Supported are getting orbit, time w.r.t. pericenter time, and getting command code (starting with "AASF"). Reading parameter is also supported. You can use :mod:`irfpy.vexop.itlparser.get_param` function to obtain the corresponding parameter. A sample is show below. .. code-block:: py >>> from irfpy.vexop.itlparser import * >>> cmd = 'VPER (COUNT = 1492) 03:23:05 ASPERA HK AASF093A ( VAS52200 = 40 [RAW] POWER_PROFILE = 00:00:00 23.4 [Watts] DATA_RATE_PROFILE = 00:00:00 6000 [bits/sec])' >>> print get_command(cmd) AASF093A >>> print get_orb(cmd) 1492 >>> print get_vpertime(cmd) 12185 >>> print str_vpertime(get_vpertime(cmd)) +03:23:05 >>> print get_param(cmd, 'VAS52200') 40