Source code for irfpy.vels.dnf
""" Access to differential number flux data of VEX/ELS.
Data access by "data center" approach.
import logging as _logging
import numpy as _np
from irfpy.vels import rawdata as _rawdata
from irfpy.vels import scidata as _scidata
from import flux as _bible_flux
from irfpy.vels import energy as _energy
[docs]class DataCenterFlux128(_rawdata.DataCenterEls):
""" Data center for the E128 energy mode.
>>> import datetime
>>> import irfpy.vels.dnf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> dc = irfpy.vels.dnf.DataCenterFlux128()
>>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 2, 23, 10)
>>> d0 = dc.nearest(t0)
>>> print(d0[0])
2011-11-02 23:09:59.122000
>>> print('{:.2e}'.format(np.nanmax(d0[1])))
[docs] def read_file(self, filename):
_logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
tlist, clist = _rawdata.DataCenterEls.read_file(self, filename)
tlist2 = []
clist2 = []
for t, cc in zip(tlist, clist):
if not isinstance(cc, _scidata.ElsCountDataE128):
_logger.debug("Data for {} is not in E128 mode.".format(t))
_logger.debug("data for {} is under processing".format(t))
# Counts is
# _logger.debug(cc)
c = cc.get_count()
ne, nd = c.shape
etbl = _energy.get_default_table_128()
dlist = _np.arange(nd)
dnf = _bible_flux.raw2dnf_np(c, etbl, dlist)
return tlist2, clist2