.. _quickinstall: ============= Quick install ============= Install Anaconda python ======================= ``irfpy`` is optimally designed under Anaconda Python package running on MacOSX or Linux. .. note:: Definitivaly ``irfpy`` works with any python packages, but ``irfpy`` development team cannot support installation and setup to such packages (as long as Anaconda Python is working). .. note:: So far ``irfpy`` development team does not have resources for the full support of Windows. The development team highly appreciates any feedback (bug reports) under Windows Anaconda systeam as well. Windows users who just want to use ``irfpy`` can consider using ``VirtualBox`` (or equivalent) to install Linux system. 1. Download the Anaconda Python from https://www.continuum.io/downloads. 2. Install Anaconda Python following the instruction (e.g. http://conda.pydata.org/docs/install/quick.html). 3. It is recommended to exercise "30 minute test drive" for conda (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/test-drive.html). Install ``irfpy.util`` ================================================================ Installation is simple enough using pip, the python package manager. .. code-block:: sh % pip install --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.util Update ``irfpy.util`` ================================================================ Since ``irfpy`` is updating as frequently as possible, you may sometimes want to update the package. But don't worry, it is enough simple. Add "-U" in the end of the ``pip``. .. code-block:: sh % pip install --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.util -U Install (optional) ================== .. note:: Presently it is a test installation scheme. 1. Download the :download:`requirements.txt <../../reqs/requirements.txt>`. 2. Then use ``pip`` as follows. .. code-block:: sh % pip install -r requirements.txt 3. To update the ``irfpy.util``, use .. code-block:: sh % pip install -r requirements.txt -U Troubleshoot ============ Let's see if the installation works correctly. 1. Open a terminal 2. Then start ipython. .. code-block:: sh ipython If it is successful, a prompt ``In [1]:`` is seen. 3. Try importing several important packages, as seen examples below. .. code-block:: py import numpy as np # Numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib import irfpy.util # irfpy.util If fails, the corresponding package is not installed correctly.