Source code for irfpy.util.version

import warnings as _warnings

from packaging.version import Version as _version

from irfpy.util import exception as _ex

[docs]class VersionException(_ex.IrfpyException): def __init__(self, *args, **argv): _ex.IrfpyException.__init__(self, *args, **argv)
[docs]def requires(required_version, installed_version, package_name="unknown", error_message=None): """ Raises VersionException if installed version does not match. :param required_version: Required package version. :type required_version: String :param installed_version: Installed package version. :type installed_version: String :param package_name: Package name. Used for error message. :param error_message: Error message to show. For typical use in library or your script: >>> from irfpy.util import __version__ >>> requires('4.0.0', __version__, package_name='irfpy.util') # One should use irfpy.util >4.0.0 If the version does not match: >>> installed_version = "4.0" >>> required_version = "5.0" >>> requires(required_version, installed_version, package_name="testpackage") # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): irfpy.util.version.VersionException: ... """ ins = _version(installed_version) req = _version(required_version) if error_message is None: error_message = "Package {}: Version {} is required, but installed {}".format(package_name, required_version, installed_version) if ins < req: raise VersionException(error_message)
[docs]def recommends(recommended_version, installed_version, package_name="unknown", error_message=None): """ Warning message is shown if installed version does not match. :param recommended_version: Recommended package version, inclusive. :type recommended_version: String :param installed_version: Installed package version. :type installed_version: String :param package_name: Package name. (Used for error message.) :param error_message: Error message to show. For typical use in library or your script: >>> import scipy >>> recommends('1.4.1', scipy.__version__, package_name='irfpy.util') # scipy v1.4.1 or higher is recommended. If the version does not match: >>> installed_version = "4.0" >>> recommended_version = "5.0" >>> recommends(recommended_version, installed_version, package_name="testpackage") """ ins = _version(installed_version) req = _version(recommended_version) if error_message is None: error_message = "Package {}: Version {} is recommended, but installed {}".format(package_name, recommended_version, installed_version) if ins < req: _warnings.warn(error_message)