Source code for irfpy.util.vdf

""" Represents velocity distribution function.

Implementation of the velocity distribution function.
A similar functionality (differential flux, count rate) is implemented
in :mod:`irfpy.util.energyspectrum` module.
:mod:`irfpy.util.fluxtools` provides the conversion in between.

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

.. autosummary::
import numpy as np

from irfpy.util.polarframe import RegularGridVolumeContainer
from irfpy.util import maxwell

[docs]class VelocityDistributionGrid(RegularGridVolumeContainer): """Represents the velocity distribution function on grids in polar frame This object represents the velocity distribution function on grids in the polar frame (velocity-theta-phi). Therefore, it is useful to represents a data from electrostatic analyzer. This can be converted to the object of :class:`irfpy.energyspectrum.DifferentialFluxGrid` and :class:`irfpy.energyspectrum.CountRateGrid` using functionality in :mod:`irfpy.fluxtools`. """ UNIT = "s^3 / m^6" """ Unit of the VDF """ def __init__(self, vdf, velocity_grid, theta_grid, phi_grid, velocity_grid_size='log', theta_grid_size='linear', phi_grid_size='linear', mass=1.67262178e-27,): """ Initilizer of velocity distribution function.. :param vdf: Velocity distribution function. Unit should be MKSA (s^3/m^6). Should be a shape of (ne, nt, np). :param velocity_grid: Velocity grid in MKSA (m/s). Ascending order. :param theta_grid: Theta (polar angle) angle array in radians. Ascending order. 0 to pi. :param phi_grid: Phi (azimuth) angle array in radians. Ascending order. :keyword mass: Mass in kg. :keyword velocity_grid_size: Specify the velocity grid size. Use 'linear', 'log', or np.array with the same shape as *velocity_grid*. """ RegularGridVolumeContainer.__init__(self,, velocity_grid, theta_grid, phi_grid, rgridsize=velocity_grid_size, tgridsize=theta_grid_size, pgridsize=phi_grid_size) self.mass = mass
[docs]def maxwellVelocityDistributionGrid(n, vb, vth, vlist, tlist, plist): """ Create :class:`VelocityDistributionGrid` object with Maxwell distribution. :param n: Density in m^-3 :param vb: Bulk velocity in m/s. (3,) shaped list. :param vth: Thermal velocity in m/s. Scalar. :param vlist: List of velocity grid to be passed to :class:`VelocityDistributionGrid` :param tlist: List of theta grid to be passed to :class:`VelocityDistributionGrid` :param plist: List of phi grid to be passed to :class:`VelocityDistributionGrid` :return: :class:`VelocityDistributionGrid` object """ fmaxwell = maxwell.mkfunc(n, vb, vth) ve, t, p = np.meshgrid(vlist, tlist, plist, indexing='ij') vx = ve * np.sin(t) * np.cos(p) # (Ne, Nt, Np) shape vy = ve * np.sin(t) * np.sin(p) vz = ve * np.cos(t) v = np.array([vx, vy, vz]) # (3, Ne, Nt, Np) shape. fval = fmaxwell(v) f = VelocityDistributionGrid(fval, vlist, tlist, plist) return f