Source code for irfpy.util.sprel

''' Formulae of special relativity.

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

.. autosummary::

from irfpy.util import constant as k
from irfpy.util import lorentztrans as lt
from irfpy.util import unitq as u

[docs]def time_dilation(t0, v): r''' Calculate the time dilation :param t0: Time in the rest frame (moving with the object) in ``s``. :param v: Velocity of the object in ``m/s``. :returns: ``t1``, time observed by an observer moving with relative to the object (``s``). .. math:: t_1 = \gamma t_0 >>> print('%.3f' % time_dilation(1, 42300000.)) 1.010 Unitful version, too. >>> u.pprint(time_dilation_u(1 * u.s, 42300000. * u.m / u.s), fmt='%.8f') 1.01010541 s ''' return t0 * lt.gamma(v)
time_dilation_u = u.make_unitful_function(time_dilation, [u.s, u.m / u.s], u.s) ''' Unitful version of :func:`time_dilation` '''
[docs]def length_contraction(l0, v): r''' Calculate the length contraction (Lorentz contraction) :param l0: The proper length (length of the object in the rest frame) in ``m``. :param v: Velocity of the object relative to the observer (``m/s``). :returns: ``l1``, length observed by an observer moving relative to the object (``m``). .. math:: l_1 = \frac{l_0}{\gamma} >>> print('%.4f' % length_contraction(1, 13400000.)) 0.9990 >>> print('%.4f' % length_contraction(1, 42300000.)) 0.9900 Unitful version, too. >>> u.pprint(length_contraction_u(1 *, 42300 * / u.s).rescale(, fmt='%.9f') 0.989995689 km ''' return l0 / lt.gamma(v)
length_contraction_u = u.make_unitful_function(length_contraction, [u.m, u.m / u.s], u.m) ''' Unitful version of :func:`length_contraction`. '''
[docs]def energy(m): r''' Return the total energy :param m: Mass of the object in ``kg``. :returns: The rest energy, **E**, in ``J``. .. math:: E = m c^2 >>> me = 9.11e-31 # Electron mass >>> print('%.3e' % energy(me)) 8.188e-14 >>> ene_u = energy_u(me * >>> print('%.3f keV' % ene_u.r(u.keV)) 511.034 keV >>> print('%.3f MeV' % energy_u(u.k.proton_mass).r(u.MeV)) 938.272 MeV ''' return m * k.c ** 2
energy_u = u.make_unitful_function(energy, [], u.J) ''' Unitful version of :func:`energy`. ''' import unittest import doctest
[docs]def doctests(): return unittest.TestSuite(( doctest.DocTestSuite(), ))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='doctests')