Source code for irfpy.util.ringcache

''' The module provide ring cache.

Ring cache provides a cache to any objects, but with
limitation of the maximum number of the object.

Using this instead of the usual ``dictionary`` as cache,
developer may control the maximum use of the memory.

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana
import sys
import collections
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RingCache: """ A ring cache >>> rcache = RingCache(5, name="mycache") >>> print(rcache) <Ring cache (mycache): Size=0 / Max=5> >>> rcache.add(30, 'thirty') >>> print(len(rcache)) 1 >>> rcache.add(20, None) >>> rcache.add(10, None) >>> print(len(rcache)) 3 >>> print(rcache.get(10)) None >>> rcache.add(11, 'Eleven') >>> rcache.add(12, 'tolv') >>> rcache.add(13, '13') >>> rcache.add(14, '14') >>> rcache.add(15, '15') >>> print(len(rcache)) 5 >>> print(rcache.get(13)) 13 >>> print(rcache.hasKey(30)) False >>> rcache.get(30) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: >>> rcache.show_statistics(file=sys.stdout) Name=mycache Max=5 Size=5 Added=8 Popped=3 Get (total)=3 Get (success)=2 Inquired=1 >>> rcache.clearCache() >>> print(rcache) <Ring cache (mycache): Size=0 / Max=5> >>> print(15 in rcache) False >>> rcache.add(15, 'Femton') >>> print(rcache.get(15)) Femton >>> rcache.show_statistics(file=sys.stdout) Name=mycache Max=5 Size=1 Added=1 Popped=0 Get (total)=1 Get (success)=1 Inquired=1 """ def __init__(self, max_cache, name=None): ''' Instance a ring cache. :param max_cache: The maximum cache to be stored. ''' self.max = max_cache self.cache = collections.OrderedDict() self._name = name if name is None: self._name = 'RingCache:' + hex(id(self)) self._statistics = {"added": 0, "popped": 0, "get_total": 0, "get_cached": 0, "inquired": 0, } _logger.debug("Ring cache ``{}``: Created with size {}.".format(self._name, self.max))
[docs] def add(self, key, obj): """ Add the object to cache """ if len(self.cache) == self.max: self.cache.popitem(last=False) self._statistics['popped'] += 1 self.cache[key] = obj self._statistics['added'] += 1 _logger.debug("Ring cache ``{}``: Added with key ``{}``. Size {}/{}".format(self._name, key, len(self.cache), self.max))
[docs] def clearCache(self): ''' Clear the cache ''' self.cache = collections.OrderedDict() self._statistics = {"added": 0, "popped": 0, "get_total": 0, "get_cached": 0, "inquired": 0, } _logger.debug("Ring cache ``{}``: Cleared with size {}.".format(self._name, self.max))
[docs] def consistency_check(self): pass
def __len__(self): return len(self.cache)
[docs] def size(self): return len(self.cache)
[docs] def cachesize(self): return len(self.cache)
[docs] def hasKey(self, key): """ Return if the ``key`` is in cache :param key: Key of the data :return: True/False if the key-data pair is/is-not in the cache. """ self._statistics["inquired"] += 1 return (key in self.cache)
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get the value corresponding to the ``key`` :param key: Key of the data :return: The data It raises ``KeyError`` if the key-data pair is not in the cache. """ self._statistics['get_total'] += 1 try: obj = self.cache[key] _logger.debug("Ring cache ``{}``: Key {} found.".format(self._name, key)) except: _logger.debug("Ring cache ``{}``: Key {} not found.".format(self._name, key)) raise self._statistics['get_cached'] += 1 return obj
[docs] def showBuffer(self, file=sys.stderr): """ Show the buffer information :keyword file: A file object to dump. Deafult is sys.stderr. """ print("Not supported", file=file)
[docs] def show_statistics(self, file=sys.stderr): print('Name={}'.format(self._name), file=file) print('Max={}'.format(self.max), file=file) print('Size={}'.format(len(self)), file=file) print('Added={}'.format(self._statistics["added"]), file=file) print('Popped={}'.format(self._statistics["popped"]), file=file) print('Get (total)={}'.format(self._statistics["get_total"]), file=file) print('Get (success)={}'.format(self._statistics["get_cached"]), file=file) print('Inquired={}'.format(self._statistics["inquired"]), file=file)
def __contains__(self, item): return self.hasKey(item) def __str__(self): s = "<Ring cache ({}): Size={:d} / Max={:d}>".format(self._name, len(self), self.max) return s
[docs]class SimpleRingCache(): ''' A simple ring cache (dictionary-like). >>> rcache = SimpleRingCache(5) >>> rcache.add(30, 'thirty') >>> print(len(rcache)) 1 >>> rcache.add(20, None) >>> rcache.add(10, None) >>> print(len(rcache)) 3 >>> print(rcache.get(10)) None >>> rcache.add(11, 'Eleven') >>> rcache.add(12, 'tolv') >>> rcache.add(13, '13') >>> rcache.add(14, '14') >>> rcache.add(15, '15') >>> print(len(rcache)) 5 >>> print(rcache.get(13)) 13 >>> print(rcache.hasKey(30)) False '''
[docs] class UnfilledRingCache(): def __init__(self, max_cache): self.max = max_cache self.clearCache()
[docs] def clearCache(self): self.id2key = {} self.key2obj = {} self.cur = 0
[docs] def add(self, key, obj): self.consistency_check() if key in self.key2obj: raise RuntimeError('Key already in cache') self.id2key[self.cur] = key self.key2obj[key] = obj self.cur = self.cur + 1
def __len__(self): self.consistency_check() return len(self.id2key)
[docs] def size(self): return len(self)
[docs] def cachesize(self): return self.max
[docs] def consistency_check(self): if len(self.id2key) != len(self.key2obj): _logger.warning('Internal data base inconsistent.' 'Data length for id2key(%d)!=key2obj(%d)' % (len(self.id2key), len(self.key2obj))) raise RuntimeError( 'Data base not consistent by unknown reason.')
[docs] def hasKey(self, key): return key in self.key2obj
[docs] def get(self, key): return self.key2obj[key]
[docs] def showBuffer(self, file=sys.stderr): print('UnfilledBuffer with max size %d' % self.max, file=file) print('Current size %d' % len(self), file=file) print('Current position %d' % self.cur, file=file) print('id2key: \n%s' % self.id2key, file=file) print('key2obj: \n%s' % self.key2obj, file=file)
[docs] class FilledRingCache(): def __init__(self, unfilledRingCache): self.max = unfilledRingCache.max self.id2key = unfilledRingCache.id2key self.key2obj = unfilledRingCache.key2obj self.cur = 0
[docs] def size(self): return len(self)
[docs] def cachesize(self): return self.max
[docs] def hasKey(self, key): return key in self.key2obj
[docs] def get(self, key): return self.key2obj[key]
[docs] def add(self, key, obj): self.consistency_check() if key in self.key2obj: raise RuntimeError('Key already in cache') # Removing old key-value. oldkey = self.id2key[self.cur] self.key2obj.pop(oldkey) # Update self.key2obj[key] = obj self.id2key[self.cur] = key # Increment self.cur = (self.cur + 1) % self.max
def __len__(self): self.consistency_check() return len(self.id2key)
[docs] def consistency_check(self): if len(self.id2key) != self.max: _logger.warning('Internal data base inconsistent.' 'Data length (%d) must equal to the maximum buffer (%d)' % (len(self.id2key), self.max)) raise RuntimeError( 'Data base not consistent by unknown reason.') if len(self.id2key) != len(self.key2obj): _logger.warning('Internal data base inconsistent.' 'Data length for id2key(%d)!=key2obj(%d)' % (len(self.id2key), len(self.key2obj))) raise RuntimeError( 'Data base not consistent by unknown reason.')
[docs] def showBuffer(self, file=sys.stderr): print('FilledBuffer with max size %d' % self.max, file=file) print('Current size %d' % len(self), file=file) print('Current position %d' % self.cur, file=file) print('id2key: \n%s' % self.id2key, file=file) print('key2obj: \n%s' % self.key2obj, file=file)
def __init__(self, max_cache): ''' Instance a ring cache. @param max_cache The maximum cache to be stored. ''' self.max = max_cache self.cache = self.UnfilledRingCache(self.max)
[docs] def add(self, key, obj): # If this addition will fill the buffer if len(self.cache) == self.max - 1: self.cache.add(key, obj) self.cache = self.FilledRingCache(self.cache) else: self.cache.add(key, obj)
[docs] def clearCache(self): ''' Clear the cache ''' self.cache = self.UnfilledRingCache(self.max)
[docs] def consistency_check(self): self.cache.consistency_check()
def __len__(self): return len(self.cache)
[docs] def size(self): return self.cache.size()
[docs] def cachesize(self): return self.cache.cachesize()
[docs] def hasKey(self, key): """ Return if the ``key`` is in cache :param key: Key of the data :return: True/False if the key-data pair is/is-not in the cache. """ return self.cache.hasKey(key)
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get the value corresponding to the ``key`` :param key: Key of the data :return: The data It raises ``KeyError`` if the key-data pair is not in the cache. """ return self.cache.get(key)
[docs] def showBuffer(self, file=sys.stderr): """ Show the buffer information :keyword file: A file object to dump. Deafult is sys.stderr. """ self.cache.showBuffer(file=file)
def __contains__(self, item): return self.hasKey(item)