Source code for irfpy.util.options

''' Misc function related to option handling.

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

[docs]def str2range(str): ''' String conversion to a range list :param str: String expression of range. "-" or "," separation allowed. :returns: List of the range. See example below. For example, if str="1-3", the returned is [1,2,3]. If str="1-3,7,9-12", the returned is [1,2,3,7,9,10,11,12]. Negative value, float value not supported. >>> print(str2range("1-3")) [1, 2, 3] >>> print(str2range("0-3,7-8,13")) [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 13] ''' token = [t.strip() for t in str.split(',')] rangelist = [] for t in token: if t.startswith('-'): raise ValueError( 'Invalid format. Negative value not supported (%s)' % t) rngidx = t.find('-') if rngidx == -1: rangelist.append(int(t)) else: r0 = int(t[:rngidx]) r1 = int(t[rngidx+1:]) rangelist = rangelist + list(range(r0, r1 + 1)) return rangelist
import unittest import doctest
[docs]def doctests(): return unittest.TestSuite(( doctest.DocTestSuite(), ))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='doctests')