Source code for irfpy.util.lorentztrans

''' Functions for Lorenz transformation

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

.. todo::

    Consider importing to physics module
import numpy as np

from irfpy.util import constant as k
from irfpy.util import unitq as u

c = k.c
c_u = u.c.simplified

[docs]def beta(v): r''' Return :math:`\beta`. Return the parameter :math:`\beta`. .. math:: \beta = \frac{v}{c} where :math:`v` is the velocity of the object and :math:`c` is the velocity of light. :param v: Velocity (in meter) of the object. :type v: float or np.array. >>> print('%.5f' % beta(3e7)) # About 0.1 0.10007 ''' return v / c
beta_u = u.make_unitful_function(beta, [u.m], 1) ''' Unitful version of :func:`beta`. '''
[docs]def gamma(v): r''' Return :math:`\gamma`. Return the parameter :math:`\gamma`. .. math:: \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \bigl(\frac{v}{c}\bigl)^2}} where :math:`v` is the velocity of the object and :math:`c` is the velocity of light. :param v: Velocity of the object. :type v: float or np.array. >>> print('%.6f' % gamma(3e7)) 1.005045 ''' p = 1 + v / c m = 1 - v / c return 1 / np.sqrt(p * m)
gamma_u = u.make_unitful_function(gamma, [u.m], 1) ''' Unitful version of :func:`gamma`. '''
[docs]def gamma2vel(gamma): r''' Inverse function of :func:`gamma`. :param gamma: The parameter :math:`\gamma`. :returns: :math:`v` in ``m/s``. The relation is .. math:: \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \bigl(\frac{v}{c}\bigl)^2}} so that .. math:: v = c \sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{\gamma^2}} >>> print('%.3e' % gamma2vel(1.01)) 4.208e+07 You may use unitful version: >>> print('%.3e' % gamma2vel_u(1.01).rescale( / u.s)) 4.208e+04 ''' return np.sqrt(1 - 1 / (gamma ** 2)) * c
gamma2vel_u = u.make_unitful_function(gamma2vel, [], u.m / u.s, offset=1)
[docs]def transformx(x, t, v): r""" Lorenz transform along x. An inertia frame, *K(x, y, z)*, is Lorentz-transformed to *K'(x', y', z')*, another inertia frame. *K'* is moving relative to *K* with velocity *v* along *x* axis. The formulation is .. math:: x' &= \gamma(x-vt) \\ t' &= \gamma(t-\frac{v}{c^2}x) :param x: The *x* coordinate in K frame. :param t: The *t* in K frame. :param v: The velocity of K' relative to K. :return: A tuple, (x', t'). A simple example for x=3e8, t=10, v=2e8. If you consider Galileo transform, the time does **not** change (t=10) and the position is :math:`x-vt=3e8 - 10\times 2e8=-17e9`. However, if you use the Lorentz transform, these values differ. >>> x1, t1 = transformx(3e8, 10, 2e8) >>> print('%.3e' % x1) -2.282e+09 >>> print('%.3f' % t1) 12.528 Unitful version is also supported. Numpy array argument is also supported. >>> x1u, t1u = transformx_u(np.array([3e8, 3e8]) * u.m, np.array([5, 10]) * u.s, np.array([2e8, 2e8]) * u.m/u.s) >>> print(x1u) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [-9.39669291e+08 -2.28205399e+09] m >>> print(t1u) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [ 5.81576086 12.52768436] s If velocity is very small, (almost) identical solution to Galilei transform can be obtained. Example is x=5, t=10, v=3. In this case time does **not** change (t=10). The position is :math:`5 - 3 \times 10 = -25`. >>> x2, t2 = transformx(5, 10, 3) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(x2)) -25.00 >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(t2)) 10.00 """ gm = gamma(v) x1 = gm * (x - v * t) t1 = gm * (t - (v / c) * (x / c)) return (x1, t1)
transformx_u = u.make_unitful_function2(transformx, [u.m, u.s, u.m/u.s], [u.m, u.s]) ''' Unitful version of :func:`transformx` ''' import unittest import doctest
[docs]def doctests(): return unittest.TestSuite(( doctest.DocTestSuite(), ))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='doctests')