Source code for irfpy.util.bipower

r''' A module for functions of two component power law.

.. codeauthor:: Yoshifumi Futaana

The function form is

.. math::

    J(E) = \left\{
        k_0 E^{\gamma_0} & (0<E<E_0)\\
        k_1 E^{\gamma_1} & (E>E_0)\\


.. math::

    E_0 = \left(\frac{k_1}{k_0}\right)^{\frac{1}{\gamma_0-\gamma_1}}

The parameter should satisfy

.. math::

    k_0 > 0 \\
    k_1 > 0 \\
    \gamma_1 < 0

>>> cls = BiPower(100, -0.5, 1000, -1)
>>> func = cls.mkfunc()

>>> func(1)

>>> func(10) == 100 / math.sqrt(10)

>>> func(100)

>>> func(1000)

import math
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.integrate

[docs]class BiPower: ''' ''' def __init__(self, k0, r0, k1, r1): ''' ''' if k0 <= 0: msg = 'k0 should be positive (%g)' % k0 _logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if k1 <= 0: msg = 'k1 should be positive (%g)' % k1 _logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) self.k0 = k0 self.r0 = r0 self.k1 = k1 self.r1 = r1 self.E0 = (k1 / k0) ** (1. / (r0 - r1))
[docs] def mkfunc(self): ''' Return the function: J(E) ''' def func(E): if E <= 0: raise RuntimeError("Domain error. E should be positive.") f0 = self.k0 * E ** (self.r0) f1 = self.k1 * E ** (self.r1) return min([f0, f1]) return func
[docs] def get_knee(self): ''' Return the knee (*E0*). Return the knee point. For example, >>> k0 = 1000 >>> r0 = -1 >>> k1 = 10000 >>> r1 = -2 will make the knee at 10. >>> bip = BiPower(k0, r0, k1, r1) >>> print('%.1f' % bip.get_knee()) 10.0 ''' return self.E0
[docs] def getRandom(self, n=10000): ''' ''' raise NotImplementedError('BiPower.getRandom')
[docs] def integral(self, x0, x1): ''' Return the integral over [x0, x1]. Returned is a tuple, with the first element holding the estimated value of the integral and the second element holding an upper bound on the error. This method just calls ``scipy.integrate.quad``. Use scipy.integrate.Inf and -scipy.integrate.Inf for infinity. ''' if x0 < 0 or x1 < 0: raise ValueError( 'Invalid integral range. x0=%g x1=%g (>=0)' % (x0, x1)) if x0 > x1: raise ValueError( 'Invalid integral range. x0=%g x1=%g (x0 < x1)' % (x0, x1)) f = self.mkfunc() return scipy.integrate.quad(f, x0, x1)
[docs]def mkfunc(k0, r0, k1, r1): ''' ''' kls = BiPower(k0, r0, k1, r1) return kls.mkfunc()
[docs]def mklnfunc(log10k0, r0, log10k1, r1): ''' Creating a function from with parameters in log space. Parameter is log10(k0), r0, log10(k1) and r1. Input/Output for the generated functions is in linear space. A bipwer function, f0, is made with linear parameters. >>> f0 = mkfunc(100, -1, 1000, -2) >>> y0 = np.array([f0(x) for x in (0.1, 1, 10, 100)]) A bipwer function, f1, is made with log parameres. Parameter k0 (=100) and k1 (=1000) is in log space, i.e. 2 and 3, respectively. >>> f1 = mklnfunc(2, -1, 3, -2) Note that the generated function, f1, will take the argument (x) in the linear space, thus, the argument should be the same for f0 and f1. >>> y1 = np.array([f1(x) for x in (0.1, 1, 10, 100)]) f0 and f1 should be the same. >>> (y0 == y1).all() True ''' kls = BiPower(10 ** log10k0, r0, 10 ** log10k1, r1) return kls.mkfunc()
[docs]def get_knee(k0, r0, k1, r1): ''' Return the knee (`E0`). See also :func:`BiPower.get_knee`. >>> print('%.1f' % get_knee(1000, -1, 10000, -2)) 10.0 ''' kls = BiPower(k0, r0, k1, r1) return kls.get_knee()
[docs]def integral(k0, r0, k1, r1, x0, x1): ''' Return the integral over [x0, x1]. See also :func:`BiPower.integral`. ''' kls = BiPower(k0, r0, k1, r1) return kls.integral(x0, x1)
[docs]def getRandom(E0, r0, E1, r1, n=10000): ''' ''' kls = BiPower(k0, r0, k1, r1) return kls.getRandom(n=n)
[docs]def fitting(x_array, y_array, initprm=None): r''' Return fitted parameters of k0, k1, r0, and r1. As a sample, we try to fit the data that follows exactly the bi-linear. .. math:: f(x) = 1000 \times x^{-1} ~~~\mathrm{for}~x < 10 \\ f(x) = 10000 \times x^{-2} ~~~\mathrm{for}~x >= 10 >>> x_array = [0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000] >>> y_array = [10000, 1000, 100, 1, 0.01] >>> prm = fitting(x_array, y_array, initprm=(3, -1, 4, -2)) >>> prm = fitting(x_array, y_array) :param x_array: Array of x. :type x_array: ``numpy.array`` type. **Not MaskedArray**. You have to use compressed() method to make new array from ``MaskedArray``. :param y_array: Array of y. :type y_array: ``numpy.array`` type. **Not MaskedArray**. You have to use compressed() method to make new array from ``MaskedArray``. :keyword initprm: You can specify the initial values for iteration. The parameter is passed to ``scipy.optimize.leastsq`` function. *initprm* should be a tuple of (log10k0, r0, log10k1, r1) or ``None``. :return: (k0, r0, k1, r1), success_code ''' x_array0 = np.array(x_array).copy() y_array0 = np.array(y_array).copy() # x_array and y_array should not be masked array klsma =[]).__class__ if klsma == x_array.__class__ or klsma == y_array.__class__: raise ValueError( 'Type of x_array or y_array should not be masked array.') # All y should be positive. if y_array0.min() <= 0: raise ValueError( 'All y_array elements should be positive. (min=%g)' % y_array0.min()) # Number of element should be the same nx = x_array0.size ny = y_array0.size if nx != ny: raise ValueError('x_array size (%d) != y_array size (%d)' % (nx, ny)) if nx < 4: raise ValueError('array size (%d) must be >= 4' % (nx)) _logger.debug('x_array0 = %s' % repr(x_array0)) _logger.debug('y_array0 = %s' % repr(y_array0)) ln_x = ln_y = _logger.debug('ln_x = %s' % repr(ln_x)) _logger.debug('ln_y = %s' % repr(ln_y)) # Now the part of fitting. # Fitting should be done in log-space. def fitfunc(p, x): # p[0] is ln(k0), p[1] is r0, p[2] is ln(k1) and p[3] is r1 func = mklnfunc(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]) # This should not be used. y = np.array([func(xi) for xi in x]) return np.log10(y) def errfunc(p, x, y): val = fitfunc(p, x) - np.log10(y) return fitfunc(p, x) - np.log10(y) if initprm is None: # Estimate the initial values. # initprm = (3, -1, 4, -2) # Simplest way is using (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) r0 = (ln_y[0] - ln_y[1]) / (ln_x[0] - ln_x[1]) r1 = (ln_y[-2] - ln_y[-1]) / (ln_x[-2] - ln_x[-1])'Estimated r0 = %g' % r0)'Estimated r1 = %g' % r1) lnk0 = (ln_y[0] - ln_x[0] * r0) lnk1 = (ln_y[-1] - ln_x[-1] * r1)'Estimated log10k0 = %g' % lnk0)'Estimated log10k1 = %g' % lnk1) initprm = (lnk0, r0, lnk1, r1) # Estimate of the initial values p1, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, initprm, args=(x_array0, y_array0)) return (10 ** p1[0], p1[1], 10 ** p1[2], p1[3]), success
import unittest import doctest
[docs]def doctests(): return unittest.TestSuite(( doctest.DocTestSuite(), ))
if __name__ == '__main__': # Sample program for plotting. import numpy as np bipower = mkfunc(100, -0.5, 1000, -1) # f(E) = 100 * E^-0.5 or 1000* E^-1 x = np.arange(-3, 6.001, 0.1) x = 10. ** x y = np.array([bipower(E) for E in x]) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_yscale('log') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.plot(x, y) ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_yscale('log') fig.savefig('bipower.png') # For unit test. unittest.main(defaultTest='doctests')