
Create some common kernel files.

For some case, one may need to reproduce the kernel files.

irfpy.spice.localize.make_localized_meta_kernel(original_mk_contents: str, path_values: str) str[source]

Return the contents with PATH_VALUES replaced.

  • original_mk_contents – Original meta kernel file contents.

  • path_values – The actual value for PATH_VALUES.


The contents of the meta_kernel

irfpy.spice.localize.localize_mkfile(metakernel, local_dir=False, output=None, kernel_path=None)[source]

Localize the MK (meta kernel) file, with PATH_VALUE replaced.

Background: The MK file, ending with ‘.tm’, contains the actual kernels to be loaded for a specific project. It frequently contains a “hard-coded” path, “PATH_VALUES”, that points to the parent path (‘..’), while this refers to the parent path of the current directory. Therefore, the PATH_VALUES should be modified manually to load the actual kernels to load.

This function creates a new mk file based on the given metakernel, with PATH_VALUE replaced.

You can use the CLI irfpy-spice-localize-mk command.

  • metakernel – The meta kernel (input)

  • local_dir – If set True, the output file is in the same directory as the given meta kernel, with “_local” added. The output is ignored if this is set True.

  • output – The output file name. If None given, stdout is used.

  • kernel_path – The actual path name where the kernel is stored. If None given (default), the kernel path is deduced from the metakernel file.


Let us localize /path/to/kernels/mk/

Localize and output to stdout

>>> from irfpy.spice import localize
>>> localize_mkfile('/path/to/kernels/mk/')    

Localize and output to a specific file

>>> localize_mkfile('/path/to/kernels/mk/', output="./")   

Localize and output to the original path (/path/to/kernels/mk/ is created.)

>>> localize_mkfile('/path/to/kernels/mk/', local_dir=True)   

Localize but with specific path name (but this option is not recommended to use)

>>> localize_mkfile('/path/to/kernels/mk/', kernel_path='..')   

Create naif0010.tls for furnsh


Create naif0012.tls


Furnsh a leapseconds kernel.

>>> from irfpy.spice.localize import furnsh_tls
>>> furnsh_tls()    # Silent furnsh leapsec file.