=========== Version log =========== v4.0.3 ------------------- - [Added] Docker support - [Fixed] liblinlog decompression error fixed. - [Fixed] CENA data center returns reference, not copy. - [Fixed] libsadppac contained bugs when compiled by GCC-8. v4.0.2 (2019-10-07) ------------------- - [Added] New data accessor for CENA. :class:`irfpy.cena.cena_data.DataCenterCenaPacket` and :class:`irfpy.cena.cena_data.DataCenterCenaMassMatrix` - [Added] FOV checker. :func:`irfpy.cena.fov.infov` - [Added] FOV checker. :func:`irfpy.cena.intersection.in_cena_fov` - [Added] Angular distriubtion from Audrey's papers :func:`irfpy.cena.empirical.AngularAS11` and :func:`irfpy.cena.empirical.AngularAV13`. - [Fixed] Delegate lunar map drawing to :mod:`planets:irfpy.moon.plot.moon_map` module. - [Fixed] Some error for testing - [Fixed] Error handling added for :mod:`irfpy.cena.intersection` module. - [Refactored] Code base - [Refactored] Logger names for some of the modules. - [Added] Document how to draw lunar map v4.0.1 (2017-08-04) ------------------- - [Fixed] Rice compression (``irfpy-deps/libsadppac-mirror/libsadppac/vendor/librice/current/saradecomp.h``) routine had a fatal bug, appearing in newer Linux system. - [Added] Document on ``libsadppac`` - [Added] Simple default information getter for :mod:`orbit number ` - [Added] Various document on ``Getting started``. v4.0.0 (2017-07-31) ------------------- - Python 3 support. - irfpy support. - Coherent support of SARA module. v3.0.0 (2014-06-03) ----------------------- - Python3 support. - New buildout system. - Submodule for pyana-deps - Clear LICENSE (Apache software license) - Too many library update (cannot follow...) - Add CENA FoV shape generator. v1.16 (2012-02-28) ------------------ - Energy resolution implementation. G-factor matrix approach. - Calibration report updated to issue 1 revision 2. v1.15 (2012-01-04) ------------------ - :mod:`pyana.cena.intersection` module to provide the intersection between CENA FoV and the lunar surface. - :func:`pyana.cy1orb.pvat2.getscvec` function to provide LSE to SC conversion. - Add automatic instance conversion (julday or vector3d) in some modules. - Refactor :mod:`pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbNr` for improving performance. - :mod:`pyana.cy1orb` testing framework is now nosetests compatible. v1.14 (2011-10-27) ------------------ - :mod:`pyana.cena.empirical` supports to get maxwell function from n0 and T. - New script to plot CENA time line (flux) for SV table 2. - Update interface for SARA orbit plotter (sara_oplot.py). - WIND averaging module will return nan if given very short time. - Add new method to get equator crossing time. - SWIM mass analysis. v1.13.1 (2011-10-06) -------------------- - Empirical flux calculation contained a serious bug. Fixed. v1.13 (2011-10-06) ------------------ - Empirical energy spectrum model. First introduced by Futaana et al. in Preparation. - Empirical angular spectrum model. First introduced by Schaufelberger et al. submitted. - Average spectra for CENA. - WIND support for the solar wind key parameters at Moon. v1.12 (2011-09-08) ------------------ - SV table retriever from ``Sadppac``. :meth:`pyana.cena.cena_mass2.getSvTable`. - Add several scripts for energy spectra. v1.11 (2011-08-01) ------------------ - Delta-E getter for CENA. - :mod:`pyana.cena.cena_mass2` module makes caches only when needed. - :mod:`pyana.cena.cena_flux` support a very simple flux to count rate conversion. - FoV plotting routine for document. - New script to fit CENA energy spectra by two different way :mod:`cena_energy_spectra_fit2`. - Script to plot the CY1 on ME :mod:`axis_cy1_me` and associated modules. - :mod:`pyana.cy1orb.subsolar` module to support subsolar point. - Error handling during the conversion of LSE/ME. - Documentation sysmte (Sphinx) update. v1.10 (2011-03-07) ------------------ - Add a generator of the eclipse time of CY-1. - Add SWIM monthly plot routine. - Add CENA plotting packages (pyana.cena.plot) and modules (pyana.cena.plot.axisXXX) - Add CENA data validation routines and the way of validating data. - Add CENA H-ENA flux getter. - One more energy getter for CENA. v1.9 (2011-02-24) ----------------- - Fix CENA test cases failures. Related to the orbit number file changes. v1.8.1 (2011-02-23) ------------------- - Support error handling related to data base existence. v1.8 (2011-02-22) ----------------- - In the script of `cena_energy_spectra.py`, bi-power law fitting is supported. v1.7.1 (2011-02-09) ------------------- - Quick fix of `cy1_orbnum_check` to run by system python, and add check of correctness of the bmuobase for cena and swim. v1.7 (2011-02-07) ----------------- - Support a new orbit number file (v2). If you load old file, exception is thrown. See :ref:`ref-orbitnr` and :mod:`pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbitNr` for details. - Refactor the :class:`pyana.cy1orb.Cy1OrbitNr.Cy1OrbitNr` class. - Suppress debug print in SwimSciCnt class. v1.6 (2011-02-04) ----------------- - Add a new script ``lsbmu.py`` to show the contents of the bmu file. - Debug in ``diffbmu.py`` for bugs to crash when files with big differences are specified. v1.5.2 (2011-01-23) ------------------- - Add new script ``diffbmu.py`` to check the diff for different bmu files. v1.5.1 (2011-01-20) ------------------- - Hot fix of cena_energy_spectra script, mainly failed error handling. v1.5 (2011-01-20) ----------------- - cena_energy_spectra script support more features * Errorbar support * One count level flux support * File saving v1.4.1 (2011-01-16) ------------------- - Add executable attribute for cena_energy_spectra.py script. v1.4 (2011-01-13) ----------------- - G-factor implementation, while the implementation would be re-written. - Count to flux conversion, using the above G-factor modules. - CENA time related class is implemented. - Implemented energy spectra plotting script. v1.3 (2011-01-05) ----------------- - New document support, using ``Sphinx``. - New strategy of developing, using ``git-flow``. For developer ------------- A good resource of change log writing can be found at http://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/ Try to use either of [Added] [Changed] [Deprecated] [Removed] [Fixed] [Security].