===================== Docker Support (Beta) ===================== Docker support is experimentarily implemented. Here the basic knowledge about docker is assumed. Dockerfile ========== The Dockerfile is under ``bin``. Create an image =============== Stable version -------------- To create an image, you can use .. code-block:: sh docker build -t irfpy/sara -f bin/Dockerfile . Create a development image -------------------------- .. code-block:: sh docker build -t irfpy/sara-dev -f bin/Dockerfile.dev . Start jupyter ============= Jupyter notebook can be started as .. code-block:: sh docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 \ -v /Volumes/scidata256/data:/Volumes/scidata/data \ -v $(pwd):/data irfpy/sara \ bash -c "/opt/conda/bin/jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/data --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root" Here, the ``-p`` option maps the port, and the first part (before the colon) can be set as you like. The ``-v`` option mount the data folder and the working folder. The first part depends on the local setting. Change ``irfpy/sara`` to ``irfpy/sara-dev`` for development image. The prompt shows the token as follows. Connect to the server now. :: Token is changed everytime. Unit test ========= For the development image, the unittest can be run. .. code-block:: sh docker run --rm -it -v /Volumes/scidata/data:/Volumes/scidata/data irfpy/sara-dev \ bash -c "cd /tmp && /opt/conda/bin/nosetests -c .nose.cfg"