Source code for irfpy.swim.region
''' Region where the Moon is located.
Estimation by SWIM data.
Time is estimated from eye, and hard coded.
import sympy
from irfpy.util import version as _v
# This module recommends sympy 1.5.1 or later
_v.recommends("1.5.1", sympy.__version__, "sympy")
def _get_empty_set():
e = sympy.EmptySet()
except TypeError:
e = sympy.EmptySet
return e
[docs]def interval_solarwind():
''' Return the orbit interval of the solar wind.
The period is defined by eye. It rejects when the s/c is umbiguous region.
So this is rather solid solar wind region.
:return: The intervals of the solar wind observation.
:rtype: ``interval.IntervalSet``
>>> insw = interval_solarwind()
>>> 938 in insw
>>> 1111 in insw
>>> 3000 in insw
>>> 3800 in insw
intset = _get_empty_set()
orb0 = [938, 1176, 1542, 1895, 2261, 2595, 2928]
orb1 = [1066, 1426, 1786, 2144, 2485, 2822, 3136]
for o0, o1 in zip(orb0, orb1):
intvl = sympy.Interval(o0, o1)
intset += intvl
return intset