Source code for irfpy.swim.flux

''' A collection of generic functions to convert from count rate to flux.

from numpy import array
import irfpy.util.maxwell as maxwell
import math
import logging


[docs]def simple_c2j(count_, dutytime_s, gfactor_cm2sreV_eV, efficiency_, energy_eV): ''' A simple converter from counts observed to differential flux. Proton is assumed. :param count_: Observed count [particles/sample]. It can be a count rate [particles/sec], in this case dutytime_s should be set to 1. :param dutytime_s: Duty time of the observation [sec/sample] :param gfactor_cm2sreV_eV: G-factor [cm^2 sr eV/eV]. Efficiency can be multipled in this variable, in this case *efficiency_* should be set to 1. :param efficiency_: Efficiency [unitless]. G-factor can include efficiency (multiply). In that case, specify one for *efficiency_*. :param energy_eV: Energy of the particles [eV]. :returns: Differential flux [particles / cm^2 sr eV s] ''' J = count_ / dutytime_s / gfactor_cm2sreV_eV / efficiency_ / energy_eV return J
[docs]def simple_j2f(J__cm2sreVs, energy_eV): ''' A simple converter from the differential flux [#/cm^2 sr eV s] to the velocity distribution functions [s^3 / m^6]. Proton is assumed. :param J__cm2sreVs: Differential flux [#/cm^2 sr eV s] :param energy_eV: Energy [eV] :return: Velocity distribution function [s^3 / m^6] ''' m_kg = MP_KG energy_J = energy_eV * EV2JOULE J__m2srJs = J__cm2sreVs / 1e-4 / EV2JOULE f = m_kg**2 / 2 / energy_J * J__m2srJs return f
[docs]def simple_moment(velocitytbl_km_s, fslice_s3_m6): ''' From a velocity distribution function, the density [/m^3]is simply calculated. Distribution function of Maxwell distribution is expressed by f(v) = n0 ( 1 / 2 pi vth^2 ) ^ 3/2 exp [ - (v-v0)^2 / 2 vth^2 ]. If you can know max(f(v)) and vth, the density is calculated as ''' vtable_m_s = array(velocitytbl_km_s).copy()*1e3 logging.debug('V=%s'%str(vtable_m_s)) ## Now fitting. (a,b,c), s = maxwell.fit1d(vtable_m_s, fslice_s3_m6) logging.debug('a,b,c=%g,%g,%g'%(a,b,c)) # The result is a * exp ( - (v-b)^2 / 2c^2) nsw = a * (2 * math.pi * c**2)**(1.5) vsw = b/1e3 vth = c/1e3 return nsw, vsw, vth