Source code for irfpy.swim.SwimFov

'''SWIM field of view module
import os
import sys
import logging
from irfpy.util.vector3d import Vector3d
from numpy import *

[docs]class SwimFov: ''' SwimFov class is for SWIM field of view class. This is an abstract class, and therefore, you have to instance as follows. SwimFov.getInstance(8, 'SWIM') # SWIM with nD=8 with SWIM coordinate system. SwimFov.getInstance(coords='SC') # SWIM with nD=16(default) with spacecraft coordinate system. @todo I do not like this implementation. So I want to re-implement. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): '''Constructor with specification of number of deflector. @param Number of directions ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def getInstance(self, nDef=16, coords='SWIM', version=2): '''Create an instance of derived class. @param[in] nDef Number of deflection bins. @param[in] coords Coordinate system. 'SC' or 'SWIM' @param[in] version FoV table version. ''' c=coords.lower();'# SWIM FoV table version %d is used'%(version)) if c in ('swim'): logging.debug("SWIM in SWIM instanced.") if version == 0: return SwimFovSwimV0(nDef) elif version == 1: return SwimFovSwimV1(nDef) elif version == 2: return SwimFovSwimV2(nDef) else: raise RuntimeError('SwimFov in SWIM coords version %d is not supported.'%version) elif c in ('sc'): logging.debug("SWIM in SC instanced.") if version == 0: return SwimFovScV0(nDef) elif version == 1: return SwimFovScV1(nDef) elif version == 2: return SwimFovScV2(nDef) else: raise RuntimeError('SwimFov in SC coords version %d is not supported.'%version) else: raise RuntimeError('Coordinate system undefined (%s).'%coords)
[docs] def getDirection(self, index): '''Get a viewing vector of the specified index bin. Vector3d instance. @param[in] index Index of the bin of which one wants to know the direction. @retval Vector (irfpy.util.vector3d.Vector3d instance) The viewing vector of the corresponding bin. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
def _SwimFovTableV0(): ''' Angle of the central direction for 16 separated bins. Version 0, which is geometric center. ''' _angle_list=(arange(16)+0.5)*(180./16) _angle_list=_angle_list * pi / 180. return _angle_list def _SwimFovTableV1(): ''' Angle of the central direction for 16 separated bins. Version 1, which is from Martin's cal report. ''' _angle_list=array([-63,-53,-44,-34,-25,-15,-7,0,8,16,26,35,45,54,66,75], dtype=double) + 90 _angle_list=_angle_list * pi / 180. return _angle_list def _SwimFovTableV2(): ''' Angle of the central direction for 16 separated bins. Version 1, which is from Martin's cal report. ''' _angle_list=array([-64,-54,-44,-34,-25,-16,-8,0,8,16,25,34,44,54,64,75], dtype=double) + 90 _angle_list=_angle_list * pi / 180. return _angle_list def _Rebin(_angle_list, ndefl): if ndefl==16: alist=_angle_list elif ndefl==8: alist=[average(_angle_list[2*i:2*(i+1)]) for i in range(8)] elif ndefl==4: alist=[average(_angle_list[4*i:4*(i+1)]) for i in range(4)] elif ndefl==2: alist=[average(_angle_list[8*i:8*(i+1)]) for i in range(2)] elif ndefl==1: alist=[average(_angle_list)] else: raise RuntimeError('Number of deflection=%d is not supported.'%nD) return alist class _SwimFovSwimFromTable(SwimFov): def __init__(self, nD): self.ndefl=nD def getTable(self): raise NotImplementedError() def getDirection(self, index): if index<0 or index>=self.ndefl: raise RuntimeError('Specified index=%d is not valid.'%index) ang=self.getTable()[index]; x=sin(ang) y=cos(ang) return Vector3d(x,y,0)
[docs]class SwimFovSwimV0(_SwimFovSwimFromTable): '''SWIM FoV concrete class in SWIM coordinate system, version 0. Version 0 table is based on the geometry mapping in the document CHA-SARA-DS-0017-I1R0, but not exactly true... The SWIM has in fact 16 channels. The FoV plane (=180 deg) was assumed to be separated into the same size, i.e. 11.25 deg. Each bins are corresponding to each direction. Therefore, angle is [5.625, 16.875, ..., 174.375]. The SWIM coordinate system is defined as: Xswim=Zsc, Yswim=Xsc, Zswim=Ysc. The lower index number points toward nadir (+Xsc). This means that the index 0 bin is mostly parallel to +Yswim (=+Xsc), index 7 and 8 bins are mostly parallel to +Xswim(=+Zsc). +Zswim(=+Ysc) component is always zero. ''' def __init__(self, nD): _SwimFovSwimFromTable.__init__(self, nD) _angle_list=_SwimFovTableV0() logging.debug('Angle list=%s'%str(_angle_list)) self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD) logging.debug('Angle list down-sized=%s'%str(self.alist))
[docs] def getTable(self): return self.alist
[docs]class SwimFovSwimV1(_SwimFovSwimFromTable): '''SWIM FoV concrete class in SWIM coordinate system based on the table of version 1. Version 1 table is based on the calibration by Martin Wieser (SARA_binning_parameters.ods). Detailed description on the coordinate system is in SwimFovSwimV0. ''' def __init__(self, nD): _SwimFovSwimFromTable.__init__(self, nD) _angle_list=_SwimFovTableV1() self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD)
[docs] def getTable(self): return self.alist
[docs]class SwimFovSwimV2(_SwimFovSwimFromTable): '''SWIM FoV concrete class in SWIM coordinate system based on the table of version 2. Version 2 table is based on a draft calibration report issues in June 2009. Detailed description on the coordinate system is in SwimFovSwimV0. ''' def __init__(self, nD): _SwimFovSwimFromTable.__init__(self, nD) _angle_list=_SwimFovTableV2() self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD)
[docs] def getTable(self): return self.alist
[docs]class SwimFovScV0(SwimFov): '''SWIM FoV concrete class in Sc coordinate system, version 0. Version 0 table is based on the geometry mapping in the document CHA-SARA-DS-0017-I1R0, but not exactly true... @sa SwimFovSwimV0 class. @todo refactor. Swim coords to Sc coords conversion can be other class? ''' def __init__(self, nD): _angle_list=_SwimFovTableV0() logging.debug('Angle list=%s'%str(_angle_list)) self.ndefl=nD self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD) logging.debug('Angle list down-sized=%s'%str(self.alist))
[docs] def getDirection(self, index): if index<0 or index>=self.ndefl: raise RuntimeError('Specified index=%d is not valid.'%index) ang=self.alist[index] x=cos(ang) z=sin(ang) return Vector3d(x,0,z)
[docs]class SwimFovScV1(SwimFov): ''' Swim FoV implementation in SC coordinate system version 1. ''' def __init__(self, nD): _angle_list = _SwimFovTableV1() self.ndefl=nD self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD) logging.debug('Angle list down sized=%s'%str(self.alist))
[docs] def getDirection(self, index): if index<0 or index >= self.ndefl: raise RuntimeError('Specified index=%d is not valid.'%index) ang=self.alist[index] x=cos(ang) z=sin(ang) return Vector3d(x,0,z)
[docs]class SwimFovScV2(SwimFov): ''' Swim FoV implementation in SC coordinate system version 2. ''' def __init__(self, nD): _angle_list = _SwimFovTableV2() self.ndefl=nD self.alist=_Rebin(_angle_list, nD) logging.debug('Angle list down sized=%s'%str(self.alist))
[docs] def getDirection(self, index): if index<0 or index >= self.ndefl: raise RuntimeError('Specified index=%d is not valid.'%index) ang=self.alist[index] x=cos(ang) z=sin(ang) return Vector3d(x,0,z)