Source code for irfpy.cy1orb.MoonPos

''' Module for getting moon position w.r.t Earth.  Database is from Par-Ola's work.

Default database is from .irfpyrc.  Specify [cy1orb] moongsebaseuri entry.



import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
import numpy
import logging
import datetime
from irfpy.util.julday import Julday
from irfpy.util.utc import convert
from irfpy.util.irfpyrc import Rc

[docs]class MoonGse: ''' Class of Moon position in GSE coordinate system. ''' def __init__(self, baseurl=None): ''' Constructor @param[in] baseurl Set default URL base which contains the data. Default is in .irfpyrc [cy1orb] moongsebaseuri. ''' if baseurl is None: rc = Rc() baseurl = rc.get('cy1orb', 'moongsebaseuri') self._baseurl=baseurl
[docs] def setFromDefaultUri(self): ''' Data will be loaded from the default URI. ''' datafiles=['2008/2008-12.dat', '2009/2009-01.dat', '2009/2009-02.dat', '2009/2009-03.dat', '2009/2009-04.dat', '2009/2009-05.dat', '2009/2009-06.dat', '2009/2009-07.dat', '2009/2009-08.dat'] self._darr=None for di in datafiles: url=self._baseurl+'/'+di; logging.debug('Load data from: %s'%url) f=urllib.request.urlretrieve(url) logging.debug('Load data from local file: %s'%f[0]) d=numpy.loadtxt(f[0]) # Nx4 logging.debug('Data shape %s'%str(d.shape)) if self._darr is None: self._darr=d else: self._darr=numpy.concatenate([self._darr, d]) logging.debug('Merged data shpe %s'%str(self._darr.shape)) self._darr=self._darr.transpose() logging.debug('Merged data shpe %s'%str(self._darr.shape)) self._datetime=[] for i in range(len(self._darr[0,:])): jd=self._darr[0,i]+0.5*Julday.SECOND jd=Julday(jd) dt=jd.getDatetime() dt=datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, 0) # Round millisecs self._datetime.append(dt)
### self._darr is 4xN elements float: jd,x,y,z ### self._datetime is N elements datetime instance. Index corrensponding to _darr
[docs] def setFromUri(self, baseurl=None): if baseurl is None: rc = Rc() baseurl = rc.get('cy1orb', 'moongsebaseuri') self._baseurl=baseurl setFromDefaultUri()
[docs] def getPosition(self, start=datetime.datetime.min, stop=datetime.datetime.max): ''' Returns array of the position (Nx4 array) of the Moon in GSE system. @param[in] start Start time of the data retrieval. Instance of datetime.datetime @param[in] stop Stop time of the data retrieval. Instance of datetime.datetime @retval Nx4 array of the position of the Moon in the GSE coordinates. N is the number of data, 4 is [jd,x,y,z] ''' val=[] for i in range(len(self._datetime)): if self._datetime[i] >= start and self._datetime[i] <= stop: val.append(self._darr[:,i]) return numpy.array(val).transpose().copy()
[docs] def getGse(self, t): ''' Get a position of the Moon in the GSE coordinates at the specfied t. @param t Time of the inquiry. Time resolution is only 1 hr. ''' t_dt = convert(t, datetime.datetime) # Convert to datetime obj logging.debug('getGse: t=%s'%t_dt) onehr=datetime.timedelta(0, 4000) t0 = t_dt-onehr # Data inquire for the datebase before 1 hr t1 = t_dt+onehr # Data inquire for the datebase after 1 hr pos = self.getPosition(start=t0, stop=t1) # Position list logging.debug(pos.shape) if(len(pos)==0): # Postion not obtained raise RuntimeError('Failed to load lunar GSE data for time %s.'%t_dt) ndat=len(pos[0,:]) # Number of data available logging.debug('Ndata = %d'%ndat) delta=[abs(convert(Julday(juld), datetime.datetime)-t_dt) for juld in pos[0,:]] # Time difference between the database and the specified. f_delta=numpy.array([delta[i].days*86400+delta[i].seconds+delta[i].microseconds*1e-6 for i in range(len(delta))]) # Time difference in seconds between the database and the specified. pos=pos[1:4, f_delta.argmin()] # Get the nearest point to the specified. logging.debug(pos) return (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
if __name__=='__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) m=MoonGse() # m=MoonGse() m.setFromDefaultUri(); dat=m.getPosition() print(dat.shape) dat=m.getPosition(start=datetime.datetime(2009,3,10), stop=datetime.datetime(2009,3,11)) print(dat.shape) # Only 25 data is fetched. print(m.getGse(datetime.datetime(2009,1,25,9,59))) print(m.getGse(datetime.datetime(2009,1,25,10))) print(m.getGse(datetime.datetime(2009,1,25,10,1)))