Source code for irfpy.venus.bowshock
""" Collection of bow shock model
Martinecz et al. (2008): "Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries
at Venus--initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4" PSS 56, 780-784.
.. codeauthor:: Moa Persson
import numpy as _np
[docs]def xr_martinecz08(scale=1.0):
r""" Return the (x,r) coordinates of Martinecz 08 model.
:returns: A tuple, (x, r), where x is the array of x coordinates
and r is the array of :math:`\sqrt{y^2+z^2}`. The unit is Rv.
The parameter is :math:`L = 1.303, \epsilon=1.056, x_0=0.788`.
Then, :math:`r=L/(1+\epsilon\cos\theta)`, where :math:`(r, \theta)` are
measured at :math:`(x_0, 0, 0)`.
>>> from irfpy.venus import bowshock
>>> x, r = bowshock.xr_martinecz08()
>>> print(x.shape, r.shape)
(161,) (161,)
You can plot the boundary as
.. code-block:: python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(x, r, 'r')
l = 1.303 * scale
e = 1.056
x0 = 0.788
angle = _np.arange(0, 180, 1)*_np.pi/180
BS_radius = l/(1 + e*_np.cos(angle))
BS_x = BS_radius*_np.cos(angle) + x0
BS_y = BS_radius*_np.sin(angle)
return BS_x[BS_x < BS_radius+x0], BS_y[BS_x < BS_radius+x0]
[docs]def inside_martinecz08(x, y, z, scale=1.0):
""" Return True if the given position is inside Martinecz shock model.
:param x, y, z: Position. The unit should be Rv.
:returns: True if the given position is inside the Martinecz model.
>>> inside_martinecz08(1, 0, 0)
>>> inside_martinecz08(2, 0, 0)
>>> inside_martinecz08(1, 1, 0)
>>> inside_martinecz08(1, 1, 1)
l = 1.303 * scale
e = 1.056
x0 = 0.788
xx = x - x0
yy = _np.sqrt(y ** 2 + z ** 2)
theta = _np.arctan2(yy, xx)
rr2 = xx ** 2 + yy ** 2
rb = l / (1 + e * _np.cos(theta))
rb2 = rb ** 2
return rr2 < rb2