
''' From the S/C, backtrace the particle.  Vsc from spice assumed.

As a model data, 2031-08-20 to 08-21 was used.
It is at the ganymede orbit with inclination of -23.5 deg.
17.5 Rj.

import datetime

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from matplotlib import rc
#rc('text', usetex=True)
#rc('font', family='serif')

from pyana.juice import jspice as js
import pyana.util.keplernumeric as kepler

def main():
    '''Main script'''

    # Initialize spice.

    # Define parameters related to time.
    dts = 600
    dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dts)
    t0 = datetime.datetime(2031, 8, 21, 15, 0, 0)

    rj = 71500

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
    axxy = fig.add_subplot(121)
    axxz = fig.add_subplot(122)

    ### Plot of the s/c moon positions
    for it in range(48):   # 8 hour. = 10 min * 48

        # Time to backtrace.
        t = t0 - it * dt

        # First, Moons position and SC position calculated in JEqS frame.
        io = js.get_position(t, frame='JEQS', target='IO') / rj
#        eu = js.get_position(t, frame='JEQS', target='EUROPA') / rj
#        ga = js.get_position(t, frame='JEQS', target='GANYMEDE') / rj
#        ca = js.get_position(t, frame='JEQS', target='CALLISTO') / rj

        # Then, s/c position is calculated in JEqS frame
        sc = js.get_position(t, frame='JEQS') / rj

        if t == t0:
            l = 'o'
            axxy.text(io[0], io[1], 'I')
#            axxy.text(eu[0], eu[1], 'E')
#            axxy.text(ga[0], ga[1], 'G')
#            axxy.text(ca[0], ca[1], 'C')
            axxz.text(io[0], io[2], 'I')
#            axxz.text(eu[0], eu[2], 'E')
#            axxz.text(ga[0], ga[2], 'G')
#            axxz.text(ca[0], ca[2], 'C')
            l = '.'

        axxy.plot(io[0], io[1], 'b' + l)
#        axxy.plot(eu[0], eu[1], 'b' + l)
#        axxy.plot(ga[0], ga[1], 'b' + l)
#        axxy.plot(ca[0], ca[1], 'b' + l)
        axxy.plot(sc[0], sc[1], 'r' + l)

        axxz.plot(io[0], io[2], 'b' + l)
#        axxz.plot(eu[0], eu[2], 'b' + l)
#        axxz.plot(ga[0], ga[2], 'b' + l)
#        axxz.plot(ca[0], ca[2], 'b' + l)
        axxz.plot(sc[0], sc[2], 'r' + l)

    # Plot of Jupiter body
    axxy.plot(1.0 * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 120)),
                1.0 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 120)), 'k')

    # Plot of Io orbit
    axxy.plot(5.9 * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 120)),
                5.9 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 120)), 'k:')

    ### Looking vector with velocity of 74 km/s
    scpos_t0 = js.get_position(t0, frame='JEQS') / rj
    sc2io = js.get_position(t0, frame='JEQS', target='IO', origin='JGO')
    enavel_insc = -sc2io / np.sqrt((sc2io * sc2io).sum()) * 74.   # in km/s

    scvel_t0 = js.get_velocity(t0, frame='JEQS')
    enavel = enavel_insc - scvel_t0
    print('VEL', enavel, enavel_insc, scvel_t0)

    axxy.plot(scpos_t0[0] + [0, enavel[0] / 10.], scpos_t0[1] + [0, enavel[1] / 10.], 'k')
    axxy.plot(scpos_t0[0] + [0, enavel_insc[0] / 10.], scpos_t0[1] + [0, enavel_insc[1] / 10.], 'k')
    axxy.plot(scpos_t0[0] + [0, scvel_t0[0] / 10.], scpos_t0[1] + [0, scvel_t0[1] / 10.], 'k')

    enavel = enavel / rj
    enavel_insc = enavel_insc / rj

    for it in range(48):
        time = -it * dts
        print(time, time*enavel)
        enapos = scpos_t0 + time * enavel
        axxy.plot(enapos[0], enapos[1], 'g.')
        axxz.plot(enapos[0], enapos[2], 'g.')

        enapos = scpos_t0 + time * enavel_insc
        axxy.plot(enapos[0], enapos[1], 'g+')
        axxz.plot(enapos[0], enapos[2], 'g+')

    ### Kepler motion. in MKSA
    mj = 1.89813e27
    scpos_t0 = js.get_position(t0, frame='JEQS') * 1e3  # in m
    sc2io = js.get_position(t0, frame='JEQS', target='IO', origin='JGO') * 1e3  # in m
#    enavel = -sc2io / np.sqrt((sc2io * sc2io).sum()) * 74e3  # in m/s
    enavel = enavel * rj * 1e3
    kep = kepler.Kepler2RungeKutta(mj, 1., scpos_t0, enavel)
    tlist = np.arange(0, -600 * 48 - 1, -600)
    pos = kep.get_pos(tlist) / 1e3 / rj
    axxy.plot(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], 'c.')
    axxz.plot(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 2], 'c.')

    axxy.set_xlim(-25, 10)
    axxy.set_ylim(-10, 15)


if __name__ == "__main__":