
''' Step by step version of ENA spectra calculation

import os
import sys
import logging
import datetime
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate

import pyana.pep.iotorus

def get_density(iotorus, x, y, z):
    ''' An adapater of the torus density getter.

    As iotorus.get_density will get Rj distance returning value with unit of per cm3, so
    this wraps to the MKSA system.
    xrj = x / (7.15e4 * 1e3)
    yrj = y / (7.15e4 * 1e3)
    zrj = z / (7.15e4 * 1e3)

    dens_per_cm3 = iotorus.get_density(xrj, yrj, zrj)
    return dens_per_cm3 * 1e6    # Return the density in the unit of per m3.

def get_corotational_density(r):
    ''' Corotational plasma density model.

    r to be m.  Returned to be m^-3
    Electron density is used to represent the "single fluid".
    r_rj = np.array([2, 4, 5., 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25]) * (7.15e4 * 1e3)   # in m
    n_cp_rj = np.log10(np.array([1e2/17/17/17, 1e2 / 17, 1e2, 1.7e3, 7.2e2, 4.3e1, 9.9, 3.9, 1.7, .23, .13])) + 6  # in m^-3

    n_cp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(r_rj, n_cp_rj)
    return 10 ** n_cp(r)

rj2m = 7.15e4 * 1e3
m2rj = 1 / 7.15e4 / 1e3

def getenaflux(sc=[5.9, 13, 0], los=[0, -1, 0], ene0=100, ene1=200, dl_rj=0.01, rj1=50, iotorus_model=None):
    logger = logging.getLogger('getenaflux')

    # Energy range.  100--200 eV, oxygen assumed.
    v0 = 13.8 * np.sqrt(ene0) / 4. * 1e3
    v1 = 13.8 * np.sqrt(ene1) / 4. * 1e3
    vc = (v0 + v1) / 2.

    # First, the neutral torus is instanced, if needed.
    if iotorus_model == None:
        iotorus = pyana.pep.iotorus.TwoPeakModel()
        iotorus = iotorus_model

    # Then, the spacecraft position is given.
    # The frame used is the io fixed frame.
    # This means that the Jupiter is at the center
    # and the Io is at (5.9Rj, 0, 0).

    # Let's use MKSA system internally always.

#    scpos = np.array([15.3, 0, 0])   # At ganymede orbit.
    scpos = np.array(sc)   # Around ganymede, direct looking Io along -y.
    scpos = scpos * 7.15e4 * 1e3     # in meter.

    logger.debug('scpos: %s' % str(scpos))

    # Looking direction

#    lookdir = np.array([-1, 0, 0])   # Should be unit vector
    lookdir = np.array(los)   # Should be unit vector
    lookdir = lookdir / np.sqrt((lookdir ** 2).sum())

    logger.debug('lookdir %s' % str(lookdir))

    # Density along the looking direction.

    dl = dl_rj * rj2m

    ls_rj = np.arange(0, rj1, dl_rj)   #ls_rj is the distance from the spacecraft in Rj, (N, )
    ls = ls_rj * (7.15e4 * 1e3)   #ls is the distance from the spacecraft in m, (N, )
    n_los = np.zeros_like(ls)  # n_los stores the density at the ls along los., (N, )
    n_corpla = np.zeros_like(ls)  # n_corpla is the density of the plasma

    enaflux = 0.

    # For each segment along the LOS
    for il, l in enumerate(ls):
        lpos = scpos + lookdir * l    # lpos is the vector of the LOS=l.
        n_at_l = get_density(iotorus, lpos[0], lpos[1], lpos[2])
        n_los[il] = n_at_l

        lpos_r = np.sqrt((lpos ** 2).sum())   # Radius in m, from Jupietr

        if lpos_r < 1 * rj2m: break

        # Corotational plasma density depending on the radius
        if lpos_r < 2 * rj2m or lpos_r > 25 * rj2m:
            # Too close to Jupiter or too away.
            n_corpla[il] = 0.
            n_corpla[il] = get_corotational_density(lpos_r)

        # Corotational plasma velocity
        sys3per = 9.9250 * 3600  # sec
        sys3omega = 2 * np.pi / sys3per
        vspeed = sys3omega * np.sqrt(lpos[0] * lpos[0] + lpos[1] * lpos[1])
        v_corpla = np.array([-lpos[1], lpos[0], 0])
        v_corpla = v_corpla / np.sqrt((v_corpla ** 2).sum()) * vspeed

        # Angle between corotational plasma flow and sensor direction
        tosensor = -lookdir
        corpla_norm = v_corpla / vspeed
        theta = np.arccos(np.clip((tosensor * corpla_norm).sum(), -1, 1))

        # Corotational plasma temperature (100eV assumed)
        vth = np.sqrt(100. * 1.6e-19 / 1.67e-27 / 16.)

        # Maxwell distribution (polar coordinate)
        maxwell = lambda v: n_at_l * ((2 * np.pi * (vth**2)) ** -1.5) * v * v * np.exp(- v * v * (np.sin(theta) ** 2) / (vth **2)) * np.exp(-((v * np.cos(theta) - vspeed) / vth) ** 2)

        fmaxwell = maxwell(vc) * (v1 - v0)  # This is "equivalent" to energy integral from E0 to E1.
        dflux = fmaxwell * vc    # Now the differential flux contribution of this segment

        xsect = 1e-15 * 1e-4   # in m^2
        dflux_ena = dflux * n_at_l * xsect * dl
        enaflux += dflux_ena

#        print >> sys.stderr, lpos[0], lpos[1], lpos[2], l, '(', l * m2rj, 'Rj)', n_at_l, n_corpla[il], v_corpla, vth, np.rad2deg(theta), fmaxwell, dflux, dflux_ena

    # ENA flux is in the unit of #/m2 sr s.
    logger.debug('%e' % (enaflux * 1e-4))

#    plt.plot(ls_rj, n_los)
#    plt.plot(ls_rj, n_corpla)

    return enaflux * 1e-4

def main():
    scpos = [0, 15.9 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(20)), 15.9 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(20))]

    print('POS', scpos[0], scpos[1], scpos[2])

    thetalist = list(range(0, 91, 3))
    philist = list(range(0, 360, 3))
    nall = len(thetalist) * len(philist)
    ndone = 0
    logger = logging.getLogger('')

    import time
    t0 = time.time()

    for theta in thetalist:
        for phi in philist:

            t = np.deg2rad(theta)
            p = np.deg2rad(phi)
            lookdir = [np.sin(t) * np.cos(p), -np.cos(t), np.sin(t) * np.sin(p)]

            flx = getenaflux(scpos, lookdir)

            print(theta, phi, lookdir[0], lookdir[1], lookdir[2], flx)

            ndone += 1.0

            t1 = time.time()

  '%d/%d, %ds.  Exp %ds' % (
                ndone, nall, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / ndone * (nall - ndone)))

if __name__ == "__main__":