''' Regenerate the precipitation flux
Different algorithm can provide different precipitation flux.
There are indeed several ways, which I examined.
Precipitation map considering the thermal velocity.
Integral over pitch angle >90. The plasma parameter
at 1.2 Rm is mapped along the B field to the surface.
A data file is produced as "MHD_PrecipitationFlux_YF_footprint.dat".
Precipitation map using the net flux, i.e. N x V, along B.
This is the one Xianzhe calculated first.
A data file is NOT produces, since it will give the same
(or similar) results of "MHD_PrecipitationFlux_Jia.dat".
Precipitation map considering the thermal velocity.
Integral over pitch angle >90. The plasma parameter
at 1.2 Rm is mapped to the nadir.
A data file is produced as "MHD_PrecipitationFlux_YF_nadir.dat".
If those produced files are placed to the path specified in
the path specified in ``[pep]`` section's ``mhddatapath`` entry,
they can be read from the :mod:`pyana.pep.mhddata` module.
from pyana.pep import mhddata
from . import precipitation
from . import precipitation_notrace
def mk_footprint(mf, pp):
retval = precipitation.main(mf=mf, pp=pp, dlat=1., dlon=1.)
lons = retval[2]
lats = retval[3]
flx = retval[4] # Flux shape of (lon, lat)
fp = open('MHD_PrecipitationFlux_YF_footprint.dat', 'w')
print('VARIABLES="longitude(deg)", "latitude(deg)", "ParticleFlux(/cm2/s)"', file=fp)
for ilon in range(len(lons)):
for ilat in range(len(lats)):
print(lons[ilon], lats[ilat], flx[ilon, ilat], file=fp)
def mk_nadir(mf, pp):
retval = precipitation_notrace.main(mf=mf, pp=pp, dlat=1., dlon=1.)
lons = retval[2]
lats = retval[3]
flx = retval[4] # Flux shape of (lon, lat)
fp = open('MHD_PrecipitationFlux_YF_nadir.dat', 'w')
print('VARIABLES="longitude(deg)", "latitude(deg)", "ParticleFlux(/cm2/s)"', file=fp)
for ilon in range(len(lons)):
for ilat in range(len(lats)):
print(lons[ilon], lats[ilat], flx[ilon, ilat], file=fp)
def main():
mf = mhddata.MagneticField1201()
pp = mhddata.PlasmaParameter1205()
mk_footprint(mf, pp)
mk_nadir(mf, pp)
if __name__ == "__main__":