''' A simple sample to plot MHD data in 2D
Plot of the velocity vector above density.
.. image:: ../../../src/scripts/apps120807_mhddata/mhddata_meridian.png
import bisect
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Arrow
from pyana.pep import mhddata
def main(pp=None):
if pp == None:
pp = mhddata.PlasmaParameter1205()
x = pp.xlist()
y = pp.ylist()
z = pp.zlist()
n = pp.nlist()
lnn = np.log10(n)
lnn[np.isinf(lnn)] = np.nan
vx = pp.vxlist()
vy = pp.vylist()
vz = pp.vzlist()
t = pp.tlist()
# 1-D coordinate value
xc = x[:, 0, 0]
yc = y[0, :, 0]
zc = z[0, 0, :]
# y=0 index
y0idx = bisect.bisect(yc, 0) - 1
# Slice
x_y0 = x[:, y0idx, :] # 200, 200
y_y0 = y[:, y0idx, :] # 200, 200
z_y0 = z[:, y0idx, :] # 200, 200
n_y0 = n[:, y0idx, :]
lnn_y0 = lnn[:, y0idx, :]
vx_y0 = vx[:, y0idx, :]
vy_y0 = vy[:, y0idx, :]
vz_y0 = vz[:, y0idx, :]
t_y0 = t[:, y0idx, :]
# Plot density/velocity vector
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.contourf(xc, zc, lnn_y0.T, 8)
tmax= t_y0.max() * 0.2
scale = 1e-2 # 100 km/s corresponds to 0.1 Rg
nstep = 2 # every nstep data points.
for xx, yy, uu, vv, tt in zip(x_y0[::nstep, ::nstep].flatten(), z_y0[::nstep, ::nstep].flatten(), vx_y0[::nstep, ::nstep].flatten(), vz_y0[::nstep, ::nstep].flatten(), t_y0[::nstep, ::nstep].flatten()):
if xx < 1.3 and xx > -1.3 and yy < 1.3 and yy > -1.3:
arr = Arrow(xx, yy, uu * scale, vv * scale, width=np.clip(tt / tmax, 0.1, 1))
ax.set_xlim(-1.3, 1.3)
ax.set_ylim(-1.3, 1.3)
# Circle
gany = Circle((0, 0), 1., facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
for rcirc in (1.1, 1.2, 1.3):
ax.add_patch(Circle((0, 0), rcirc, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray'))
return pp
if __name__ == "__main__":
retval = main()