'''Simulator class
.. todo::
Io phase setting method.
.. todo::
Future, but plasma model not in the JEqS frame.
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate
from . import neutralmodel
from . import plasmamodel
from . import xsect
from . import trajectory
from . import jupiter
from . import moon_io
from . import f2j
import pyana.pep.iotorus
class SimulatorCore:
logger = logging.getLogger('SimulatorCore')
def __init__(self):
self.observer = None
self.trajectory = None
self.tlist = None
self.enamass = 16.
tpm = pyana.pep.iotorus.TwoPeakModel()
self.nmodel = neutralmodel.NeutralModelTwoPeak2(moon_io.Io())
# self.pmodel = plasmamodel.SimpleCorotationalFlow2(m_amu=self.enamass)
self.pmodel = plasmamodel.CorotationalFlowMJconv(m_amu=self.enamass)
self.xsectmodel = xsect.CrossSectionSimplest()
def set_iophase(self, iophase):
''' Set the io phase.
self.nmodel = neutralmodel.NeutralModelTwoPeak2(moon_io.Io(initial_phase_degree=iophase))
def set_jupiterphase(self, jupiter_phase):
self.pmodel = plasmamodel.CorotationalFlowMJconv(m_amu=self.enamass, jupiter_phase=jupiter.JupiterPhase(jupiter_phase))
def set_observer(self, observer):
''' Set the observer.
self.observer = observer
self.trajectory = trajectory.Trajectory(self.observer)
def set_tlist(self, tlist):
''' Set the calculation time list
self.tlist = tlist
def run(self, mpl=False, debug=False, mpl_prefix=None):
''' Run the calculation.
if self.observer == None:
raise ValueError('!!! Observer not defined.\n'
' Use set_observer method\n'
' to set the observer.\n')
if self.tlist == None:
raise ValueError('!!! Time list not defined.\n'
' Use set_tlist method\n'
' to set the Time list.\n')
nt = len(self.tlist)
# First, trajectory is calculated.
dist_along, traj_coord = self.trajectory.get_length(self.tlist) # (3, N), km
velvecs = traj_coord[3:, :]
traj_coord = traj_coord[:3, :]
# Then, calculate the neutral density there.
# Then, also calculate the plasma distribution function there.
neutral_alongtraj = self.nmodel.get_density(traj_coord[0, :],
traj_coord[1, :], traj_coord[2, :], tarr=self.tlist)
plasma_distfunc = self.pmodel.get_distribution_function(
traj_coord[0, :], traj_coord[1, :],
traj_coord[2, :],
velvecs[0, :], velvecs[1, :], velvecs[2, :], tarr=self.tlist)
crosssection = np.zeros([nt])
for i_t in range(nt):
# For generic purpose, argument should be |vp-vn|
crosssection[i_t] = self.xsectmodel.get_crosssection()
### ENA distribution function, df/dl, in MKSA. s3/m6 * /m3 * m2
denaflux = plasma_distfunc * (neutral_alongtraj * 1e6) * (crosssection / 1e4)
### Integral over L. f.
dist_along_meter = dist_along * 1e3 # in m
### Integral
f_ENA = scipy.integrate.trapz(denaflux, x=dist_along_meter)
if debug: # Too power hungry. Only for debugging.
self.logger.debug('xyz [km] = %g %g %g' % str(traj_coord))
self.logger.debug('vxyz [km/s] = %g %g %g' % str(velvecs))
self.logger.debug('l [m] = %g %g %g' % str(dist_along_meter))
self.logger.debug('nn [/cm3] = %g %g %g' % str(neutral_alongtraj))
self.logger.debug('fp [s6/m3] = %g %g %g' % str(plasma_distfunc))
self.logger.debug('sig [cm2] = %g %g %g' % str(crosssection))
# Conversion to differential flux
vel_t0 = self.observer.sensor.get_velocity_vector() # Velocity vector in spacecraft frame.in km/s
vel = np.sqrt((vel_t0 ** 2).sum())
ene = f2j.ene(vel, self.enamass)
j_ENA = f2j.f2j(f_ENA, ene, self.enamass)
if mpl:
rj = 71492.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(self.tlist, traj_coord[0, :] / rj)
ax.plot(self.tlist, traj_coord[1, :] / rj)
ax.plot(self.tlist, traj_coord[2, :] / rj)
ax.set_title('Timeline of ENA trajectory (inertia)')
if mpl_prefix != None:
fig.savefig('%s-00.png' % mpl_prefix)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(traj_coord[0, :] / rj, traj_coord[1, :] / rj)
ax.plot([0], [0], 'ro')
ax.set_title('XY of ENA trajectory (inertia)')
if mpl_prefix != None:
fig.savefig('%s-01.png' % mpl_prefix)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(dist_along / rj, neutral_alongtraj, label='Nn /cm3')
ax.plot(dist_along / rj, plasma_distfunc, label='fp s3/m6')
ax.plot(dist_along / rj, denaflux, label='fena s3/m6 /m')
if mpl_prefix != None:
fig.savefig('%s-02.png' % mpl_prefix)
return f_ENA, j_ENA
class Visualizer:
def __init__(self, core):
raise NotImplementedError('')