
import os
import sys
import logging
import datetime
import math
from optparse import OptionParser

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

import pyana.util.datafile
from pyana.util import dipole

from . import parameters as p
from . import observer
from . import jupiter
from . import frames

def main_versionized(filename, output='figure4b.png', vel=50):
    rj = p.rj
    fp = open(filename)

    effective_crosssection = 1.88   # Reference Xsection 1e-15. For O, 18.8e-16.
    plasma_fraction = 0.41   # Density fraction of O+ and O++

    efficiency = effective_crosssection * plasma_fraction

    dfile = pyana.util.datafile.Datafile()
    dfile.readheader(fp)  # Only header is used. Data part is in the following
    drfile = pyana.util.datafile.DatafileReader(dfile, missing_return="Unknown")

    scpos_km = np.array(drfile.get_header('SCPOS').split()[-3:], dtype=np.float)
    scpos = scpos_km / rj

    scvel = np.array(drfile.get_header('SCVEL').split()[-3:], dtype=np.float)

    ll = drfile.get_header('MASS, ENAVEL(SCf)').split()
    velena = float(ll[-1])
        mass = float(ll[-2])
        mass = 16.
    print(velena, mass)

    ll = np.array(drfile.get_header('SUN_SYS3, IO').split(), dtype=np.float)
    iopos = ll[-3:] / rj
        sunsys3lon = ll[-4]
        sunsys3lon = np.nan
    print(sunsys3lon, iopos)
    pax = np.array(drfile.get_header('PAX').split()[-3:], dtype=np.float)
    sax = np.array(drfile.get_header('SAX').split()[-3:], dtype=np.float)
    tax = np.array(drfile.get_header('TAX').split()[-3:], dtype=np.float)
    print(pax, sax, tax)

    maxangle = float(drfile.get_header('MAXANGLE').split()[-1])

    sc = observer.VirtualSpacecraft(scpos, scvel, primary_axis=pax, secondary_axis=sax)

    vals = np.loadtxt(fp)   # (N, 9) array

    xcoords = np.unique(vals[:, 0]).tolist()
    ycoords = np.unique(vals[:, 1]).tolist()

    grid = np.zeros([len(xcoords), len(ycoords)])
    xval = np.zeros_like(grid)
    yval = np.zeros_like(grid)
    fval = np.zeros_like(grid)
    jval = np.zeros_like(grid)
    for i in range(len(vals[:, 0])):
        ximg, yimg, theta, phi, nx, ny, nz, f, j = vals[i, :]

        idxx = xcoords.index(ximg)
        idxy = ycoords.index(yimg)
#        print idxx, idxy
        xval[idxx, idxy] = ximg
        yval[idxx, idxy] = yimg
        fval[idxx, idxy] = f
        jval[idxx, idxy] = j

    jval = jval * efficiency

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

    # A orbit information
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

    ax1.plot([0], [0], 'k+')  # Jupiter
    ax1.text(0, 0, 'J')  # Jupiter
    ax1.plot([scpos[0]], [scpos[1]], 'k*')
    ax1.text(scpos[0], scpos[1], 'SC')
    ax1.plot([iopos[0]], [iopos[1]], 'k+')
    ax1.text(iopos[0], iopos[1], 'Io')
    ax1.set_xlabel('X [Rj]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Y [Rj]')
    ax1.set_xlim(-30, 30)
    ax1.set_ylim(-30, 30)

    ax = fig2.add_subplot(111)

    # Convert "on-grid" value to "center of grids" value for pcolor.

    xcoords = np.array(xcoords)
    ycoords = np.array(ycoords)

    xc = (xcoords[:-1] + xcoords[1:]) / 2.  # Center of grids.
    yc = (ycoords[:-1] + ycoords[1:]) / 2.  # Center of grids.

    img = ax.pcolor(xc, yc, np.log10(jval[1:-1, 1:-1]).T, vmin=0, vmax=6)
    cb = fig2.colorbar(img)
    cb.set_label('Log10 differential flux [/cm2 eV sr s]')

    ### Io position in x-y screen
    iorelpos = iopos - scpos
    th, ph = sc.get_angles(iorelpos)
    th = np.rad2deg(th)
    ximg = th * np.cos(ph)
    yimg = th * np.sin(ph)

    ax.plot([ximg], [yimg], 'ow')

    r = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin( / p.rj / np.linalg.norm(iorelpos)))
    print('Radius = ', r)
    ax.plot(r * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 45)),
            r * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 45)), 'w')   # Wrong!!! To be revised!!! It provides plot in the center!  Add ximg and yimg?  Distortion also need to be considered!

    ### Jupiter position in x-y screen
    juppos = - scpos_km
    th, ph = sc.get_angles(juppos)
    th = np.rad2deg(th)
    ximg = th * np.cos(ph)
    yimg = th * np.sin(ph)
#    ax.plot([ximg], [yimg], '+w')

    rjup = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(p.rj / np.linalg.norm(juppos)))
    print('Radius = ', rjup)
    ax.plot(rjup * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 45)),
            rjup * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 45)), 'w')

    ### Io orbit in x-y screen
    ximg = []
    yimg = []
    for ang in np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, 50):
        iorelpos = 5.9 * rj * np.array([np.cos(ang), np.sin(ang), 0]) - scpos_km
        th, ph = sc.get_angles(iorelpos)
        th = np.rad2deg(th)
        ximg.append(th * np.cos(ph))
        yimg.append(th * np.sin(ph))
    ax.plot(ximg, yimg, ':w')

    ### Magnetic field
    if np.isfinite(sunsys3lon):
        ### System3 to Jeqs
        dips3 = frames.magnetic_dipole_in_system3()
        s3tojeqs = frames.system3_to_jeqs(sunsys3lon)
        dipjeqs =
        print(dips3, dipjeqs)

        dipedge = dipjeqs * 1.5 * p.rj - scpos_km
        th, ph = sc.get_angles(dipedge)
        th = np.rad2deg(th)
        print(th, np.rad2deg(ph))
        ximg = th * np.cos(ph)
        yimg = th * np.sin(ph)
####        ax.plot([-ximg, ximg], [-yimg, yimg], '0.5')

        ### Fieldline to plot
        ll = [10, ]
        maglons = [0, 90, 180, 270]

        magtojeqs = frames.jeqs_to_magnetic(sunsys3lon).T

        for l in ll:
            for maglon in maglons:
                maglonr = np.deg2rad(maglon)
                pointmag = l * np.array([np.cos(maglonr), np.sin(maglonr), 0]) * p.rj

                pointjeqs =
                fl = dipole.fieldline(pointjeqs, ndiv=80, dipole_vector=dipjeqs)  # [3,:]
                ximg = []
                yimg = []
                for i in range(fl.shape[1]):
                    th, ph = sc.get_angles(fl[:, i] - scpos_km)
                    th = np.rad2deg(th)
                    ximg.append(th * np.cos(ph))
                    yimg.append(th * np.sin(ph))

                r = (fl ** 2).sum(0)                
                ximg =, r < rj * rj)
                yimg =, r < rj * rj)

                behind = ((ximg * ximg + yimg * yimg < rjup * rjup) &
                                ( < 0))
                ximg =, ximg)
                yimg =, yimg)

                ax.plot(ximg, yimg, '0.7', alpha=0.5)
        # Same for Io field
        pointjeqs = iopos * p.rj
        fl = dipole.fieldline(pointjeqs, ndiv=80, dipole_vector=dipjeqs)
        ximg = []
        yimg = []
        for i in range(fl.shape[1]):
            th, ph = sc.get_angles(fl[:, i] - scpos_km)
            th = np.rad2deg(th)
            ximg.append(th * np.cos(ph))
            yimg.append(th * np.sin(ph))
        r = (fl ** 2).sum(0) 
        ximg =, r < rj * rj)
        yimg =, r < rj * rj)
        behind = ((ximg * ximg + yimg * yimg < rjup * rjup) &
                        ( < 0))
        ximg =, ximg)
        yimg =, yimg)
        ax.plot(ximg, yimg, '0.7')


    ax.set_xlim(xval.min(), xval.max())
    ax.set_ylim(yval.min(), yval.max())

    ax.set_xlabel('Angle (Azimuth)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Angle (Elevation)')

#    ax.set_title('Pos: %.1f %.1f %.1f' % (scpos[0], scpos[1], scpos[2]))
#    ax.set_title('%s' % os.path.basename(filename))
    ene = (vel / 13.8) ** 2 * 16
    ax.set_title('Oxygen ENA: %.1f eV' % ene)

### here you may add rectrangle used for Figure 5.

    ax.plot([0, -30, -30, 0, 0], [3, 3, -3, -3, 3], 'gray', linestyle='dotted')

#    fig.savefig('figure4a.eps')
#    fig2.savefig('figure4b.png')

if __name__ == "__main__":
#    usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg"
#    parser = OptionParser(usage)
#    # Not used.
#    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
#        help="read data from FILENAME")
#    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
#            action="store_true", dest="verbose")
#    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
#        action="store_false", dest="verbose")
#    parser.add_option('-o', '--output',
#        action='store', dest='output', default=None)
#    parser.add_option('--use-classic-format',
#        action='store_true', dest='use_classic_format', default=False)
#    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
#    if len(args) != 1:
#        parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
#    if options.use_classic_format:
#        main(args[0], output=options.output)
#    else:
        main_versionized('main_image_singlepoint_juice_orbit_O_energy/2031-05-18T18:00:00_25.txt', output='fig4a.png', vel=25)
        main_versionized('main_image_singlepoint_juice_orbit_O_energy/2031-05-18T18:00:00_50.txt', output='fig4b.png', vel=50)
        main_versionized('main_image_singlepoint_juice_orbit_O_energy/2031-05-18T18:00:00_75.txt', output='fig4c.png', vel=75)
        main_versionized('main_image_singlepoint_juice_orbit_O_energy/2031-05-18T18:00:00_100.txt', output='fig4d.png', vel=100)
        main_versionized('main_image_singlepoint_juice_orbit_O_energy/2031-05-18T18:00:00_125.txt', output='fig4e.png', vel=125)