
Galileo orbital information based on PDS.

The data is downloaded from


Note that this file contains a browse data, thus, the orbit information may have worse time resolution especially during the flyby.

In such a case you should use spice data with galileo_spice module.

Then the downloaded files are manually merged and processed.


Data file in the data repositry.

Raw data contains 12 columns.

Column 1 | UT Column 2 | R in Rj (71492 km) Column 3 | Latitude in System III Column 4 | Longitude in System III Column 5 | JSE_X Column 6 | JSE_Y Column 7 | JSE_Z Column 8 | JSM_X Column 9 | JSM_Y Column 10 | JSM_Z Column 11 | Local hour Column 12 | Local magnetic hour

We only need the column 1, 5-7.

% cat /Users/futaana/Downloads/GOMW_5001/SURVEY/*.TAB > galileo_orbit_raw.txt
% awk '{print $1, $5, $6, $7}' < galileo_orbit_raw.txt > galileo_orbit_sample.txt
% gzip galileo_orbit_sample.txt
% vi .irfpyrc
galileo_orbit_browse = <path_to:galileo_orbit_sample.txt.gz>
class irfpy.pep.galileo_orbit.GalileoOrbit(filename=None)[source]

Bases: object

Galileo orbit from discretely sampled points

You may get the default instance by

go = GalileoOrbit.get_default_instance()

Reading and parsing takes time.

>>> go = GalileoOrbit.get_default_instance()
>>> print(go.t0(), go.t1())    # Data coverage   
1995-10-09 00:00:00 1997-05-03 23:50:00
>>> import datetime
>>> print(go.get_position(datetime.datetime(1995, 10, 25, 0, 0, 0)))
[   8.769 -394.688  -36.523]
classmethod get_default_instance()[source]
classmethod get_reduced_instance()[source]

Get the position of Galileo spacecraft at the time of t.

Interpolation by each component (x, y, z) is used to calculate. The position is in the unit of Rj.


Same as get_position but t can be an array.


Display orbit info.
