
Flux and count rate simulator.

For preparatory, flux simulator is very useful.

class irfpy.jdc.fluxsimulator.SimpleSimulator[source]

Bases: object

Simulator class. Only single species support.

A simple simulator of the flux. No optimization, therefore, very slow, indeed.

Anyway, you can use as follows:

>>> sim = SimpleSimulator()
>>> sim.set_species(32., 2.)

The above statement set the mass=32 charge=2 for the target atom. If you do not specify, oxygen singly charged ion (m=16, q=1) is used by default.

Then you should specify the distribution function, otherwise nan is returned.

Here, a simplest method is using set_plasmaparameter(). This will create Maxwell distribution from the given parameter.

>>> sim.set_plasmaparameter(1e6, 0, 0, 5e3, 10e3)

More flexible way is to prepare an arbitorary function, that get (3,) shape array (velocity) returning the scalar (velocity distribution function), and use set_velocitydistribution().

Either the above, after setting the velocity distribution function, you can choose the energy, elevation and azimuthal index. (Index is defined in irfpy.jdc.fov0 and irfpy.jdc.energy0.)

>>> print('%.2f' % sim.get_dflux(18, 5, 12))
>>> print('%.4f' % sim.get_countrate(18, 5, 12))

It returns the differential flux in #/cm2 sr eV s and count rate in #/s for the energy step 18, elevation index 5 and azimuthal index 12.


set_species(m, q)[source]

Set the mass and charge for the species.

set_plasmaparameter(n, vx, vy, vz, vth)[source]

A special functin to set the single species Maxwellian.

  • n – Density in /m3

  • vx,vy,vz – Velocity in m/s

  • vth – Thermal velocity in m/s

set_spacecraft_pvat(pos, vel)[source]

Spacecraft position and velocity is used to calculate the nadir pointing spacecraft.

get_dflux(iene, iel, iaz)[source]

Return the differential flux at the given bin.

get_countrate(iene, iel, iaz)[source]

Return the count rate
