Source code for irfpy.jna.fov1

r''' JNA FoV module

Conversion between |theta| |phi| system to a vector is implemented in :mod:`frame` module.
See also :ref:`frame_conversion`.

Definition of |theta| and |phi| is as follows.
Primary axis is -*z* axis.
|theta| is measured from *xy* plane and positive in -*z* axis.
In other word, this is a co-latitude measured from -*z* axis.
|phi| is measured from *y* axis (strictly speaking *yz* plane) and
positive toward *x* axis.
See Figure 1.1 in :ref:`cenacalrep`.

.. |theta| replace:: :math:`\theta`
.. |phi| replace:: :math:`\phi`
import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def shape_of_response(n, theta, phi): r''' Return the shape of response. :param n: Channel ID from 0 to 10. :param theta: Elevation angle (|theta|) in degrees. Should be -90 to 90. :param phi: Azimuthal angle (|phi|) in degrees. Should be -180 to 180. ''' if n < 0 or n > 10: raise IndexError('*n* should be between 0 and 10') if theta < -90 or theta > 90: raise IndexError('*theta* should be between -90 and 90') if phi < -180 or phi > 180: raise IndexError('*phi* should be between -180 and 180') sig = azim_pix_fwhm(n) / 2.35 yet = elev_pix_fwhm(n) / 2.35 phi_c = azim_pix_center(n) theta_c = elev_pix_center(n) coeff = - (((phi - phi_c) ** 2) / (2 * sig * sig) + ((theta - theta_c) ** 2) / (2 * yet * yet)) return math.exp(coeff)
[docs]def pixel_shape(n, elevresolution=0, azimresolution=0, resolution=None, fill=False): r''' Return an array of the pixel edge angle of its FWHM. :param n: Channel number. 0 to 10. :param azimresolution: Azimuthal resolution. Number of division in azimuthal direction. :param elevresolution: Elevation resolution. Number of division in elevation direction. :param resolution: Resolution. Overwrite ``azimresolution`` and ``elevresolution``. :param fill: If true, the first point is added to the end. :returns: A tuple of 2 numpy array. Array of :math:`\theta` and array of :math:`\phi`. The number of elements is ``4+2*azimresolution+2*elevresolution``. If fill is True, one more element is added. However, it is recommend to check the number after you get the array. >>> pix0 = pixel_shape(0, azimresolution=50, elevresolution=3) >>> print(len(pix0[0]), len(pix0[1])) 110 110 ''' if resolution != None: azimresolution = resolution elevresolution = resolution azimc = azim_pix_center(n) elevc = elev_pix_center(n) azimw = azim_pix_fwhm(n) elevw = elev_pix_fwhm(n) azim0 = azimc - azimw / 2. elev0 = elevc - elevw / 2. azim1 = azimc + azimw / 2. elev1 = elevc + elevw / 2. azndiv = azimresolution + 1 dazim = azimw / azndiv elndiv = elevresolution + 1 delev = elevw / elndiv az_list = [] el_list = [] for idiv in range(elndiv): az_list.append(azim1) el_list.append(elev0 + idiv * delev) for idiv in range(azndiv): az_list.append(azim1 - idiv * dazim) el_list.append(elev1) for idiv in range(elndiv): az_list.append(azim0) el_list.append(elev1 - idiv * delev) for idiv in range(azndiv): az_list.append(azim0 + idiv * dazim) el_list.append(elev0) if fill: az_list.append(az_list[0]) el_list.append(el_list[0]) return np.array(el_list), np.array(az_list)
[docs]def azim_pix_center(n): ''' Returns the azimuth (|phi|) center in degrees for the pixel *n*. ''' if n < 0 or n > 10: raise IndexError('*n* should be between 0 and 10') return 13.63 * (n-5)
[docs]def azim_pix_fwhm(n): ''' Returns the FWHM of the azimuthal directions (|phi|) in degrees. Assuming it does not depend on *n*. 15.0 degrees. ''' return 15.0
[docs]def elev_pix_center(n): ''' Returns the elevation center (|theta|) in degrees for the pixel *n*. It does not indeed depend on *n*: Preliminary value -10.00 assumed, as of 2015-05, to be updated. ''' return -10.00
[docs]def elev_pix_fwhm(n): ''' Returns the FWHM of the elevation (|theta|) directions in degrees. Independent of *n* Preliminaly value 8.00 assumed, as of 2015-05, to be updated. ''' return 8.00
[docs]def solid_angle(n): r''' Returns the approximate soliad angle. Equation (3.8) gives the definition. .. math:: \Delta\Omega_n \approx FWHM_{\phi,n} \cdot FWHM_{\theta,n} >>> print('%.3f' % solid_angle(0)) 0.037 ''' elev = elev_pix_fwhm(n) * math.pi / 180. azim = azim_pix_fwhm(n) * math.pi / 180. return elev * azim